He Has A Nightmare You Leave Him

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Ashton: "Hello?" You feel around for your phone in the middle of the night after a call rings. Your boyfriend Ashton's voice sounds: "(y/n)! Do you still love me?" You frown in confusion, "Of course! Why would you think otherwise?" "Um," Ashton replies awkwardly, "I had a dream you said you didn't love me, and you just left... it was horrible!" His voice breaks at the end and you tear up just from his sadness, "Ashton, I love you more than anything else! I'd never leave you, you know that." "Thanks," He sighs, "I love you too. You should go back to sleep now. Sorry I bothered you." "It's fine! Good night." You hang up, going back to sleep peacefully.

Calum: You wake up at night dying of thirst and go get a glass of water. Turning back, you're shocked to find Calum in the doorway. "(y/n)!" he calls, rushing over and scooping you into his arms, squeezing you tight. "Whoa! What is it?" you ask. "I had a nightmare." He says, "I woke up and you packed up and left then I actually woke up and you were gone and I thought..." "Never," you say, "I love you, I would never leave. You're the best thing ever happened to me." He smiles, relieved, "Thanks, honey, I love you too. Can we cuddle and go back to sleep?" You nod and head back to bed with Calum, hugging each other tight as you peacefully fall back asleep.

Luke: You are sleeping over at Luke's house but is waken by someone gently shaking you. You open your eyes to find Luke close to tears, the sight making you instantly upset. "Are you okay?" You whisper. "I... I had a dream," Luke stutters, "That... you... left me." A tear slides down his face, and you sit up, wrapping your arms tightly around your boyfriend, "I'm not going anywhere. I love you so much, you know that, right?" He nods and swallows, hugging you back like he'll lose you, "I love you too, (y/n). Please don't leave me." "Never," you reassure and lay back down with him, limbs tangling as you both drift back into a comfortable sleep.

Michael: ​It was probably a bad idea to watch a sad movie before going to bed. "(y/n)," Michael, your boyfriend, calls gently. "...Hmm?" You reply blearily, just waking up. "You won't leave me, will you?" He asks worriedly. "No!" You jump up from your laying position, surprised: "Never in a million years. What are you thinking?" Michael replies: "I dreamed we were the characters in the movie we watched and we broke up..." "Well, that'll never happen," you kiss him on the cheek, "I love you too much." He smiles softly in relief, "Good to know. I love you too." You share a kiss before laying back down, drifting back to sleep, but this time dreaming of your sweet romance.

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