You Have A Bad Day

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Ashton: Struggling to contain your sobs, you hear the front door's knob clicking and resort to gently splashing water to cover up your crying. You want Ashton to think you're taking a bath, not weeping over some stupid bad day. But Ashton enters the bathroom, wanting to join you. "Hey, love... wait..." he hesitates, "Have you been crying?" He saw right through it. "No..." you deny. "Come on..." he slumps, "You don't need to hide it from me. What happened? Did you have a bad day?" You nod, a second round of tears beginning to flow, but Ashton just takes off his clothes and joins you in the bathtub, listening to you rambling on about your horrible day. "Aw, I'm really sorry you're sad..." he frowns, "But you know what can make you feel better?" he pauses, "THIS!" He whips off the bubblebath from the shelf and dumps some in the bathtub, letting it rise and soon the entire tub is filled with bubbles. "See?" He grins at you. "Ash..." you bite your lip, a small smile creeping up your face. Ashton scoots over so you both are on the same side, smearing a blob of bubbles onto his nose then brushing it to yours. "You're such a dork," you chuckle, "But I love you anyway." He pouts happily, "I love you too, princess."

Calum: The whole day has been the worst of your life. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. You failed a test, got told off by a teacher, was late for class, dropped your lunch tray, and crashed into a pole because you were so distracted. When you get home, Calum's at the door ready to hug you but you push past him straight into the bedroom, flopping onto the bed and letting your tears fall. "Babe?" Calum starts knocking, "Babe? Please!" You hope he'll just give up but he comes in instead. "Oh my god, what happened? Bad day at school?" Calum asks worriedly, coming over to sit beside you. "VERY bad day at school. Sorry for ignoring you," you say dejectedly, turning away from your boyfriend. "Hey, look at me," he turns you around and puts a finger on your chin, "It's gonna be okay. You're home now and have the rest of the day to chill. I'll make sure you're happy and you feel good because that's what good boyfriends do. Now, you want anything? Food, a movie, cuddles?" You nod, "Can I pick all of them? Especially the cuddle part." "I can work with that," Calum smiles and stands up, "I love you, baby!" You break into a gracious smile and yell an "I love you too", wondering how you got so lucky.

Luke: "Thank you! See you next time!" You flash your signature school librarian smile to the teacher before walking out and going home, head hung low and tears stinging your eyes. You push open the door, hurriedly pretending to be cheerful when you see Luke on the couch. "Hey!" He says, "How are you?" "I'm... great," you lie, but his smile drops instantly. "...What happened?" He stands up, always being able to tell whether you're faking your happiness. "I... I just..." you pause when the tears threaten to flow out. "Let it out, babe," he sighs sympathetically, "Tell me about it. We could sit down." He guides you to the couch, where you spill all about your horrible day. "So it started in social studies and I..." you pause again. "I don't care. You can cry in front of me. I won't judge." He says. "I just..." you explain what happened to him, now not stopping the tears from falling down your cheeks. "Let it all out, here, you're okay, I'm with you..." Luke comforts, rubbing your back after you finish telling him about your day. You suddenly jump and wrap him in a hug, clinging to him like a drowning man. "I love you so much," you whisper against his ear. "I love you more," he hugs back, nuzzles your face and kisses you sweetly.

Michael: ​"Hey! Let me tell you about the boys today!" Michael yells as soon as you stumble into the house, exhausted. "We played this new car racing game and I chose such a cool character and totally smashed them in every round and--" "We get it, alright?" You snap, "You and your cool or whatever games and stuff!" You instantly regret it, but Michael doesn't snap back. Instead he comes, concern on his face, "Are you alright?" You look up at him with teary eyes, knowing if you said anything then your voice would be shaky but you talk anyway: "...No." You break into full on tears, struggling to wipe them off your cheeks. "Oh, baby..." He wraps his arms around you in a soothing hug, softly stroking your tangled hair. "Tell me about it," he says. "You shouldn't see me crying," you mumble. "Why?" he asks, "I just wanna be here for you." You sigh heavily, sitting on the kitchen table and telling Michael about how everyone seems to be sick of you today and how upset you got, "...But at least I have you. I love you so much. You're the best boyfriend ever." He smiles softly and kisses your forehead, "I love you too, so so much. Wanna order a pizza, we can stay in and just watch a movie together in bed?" You nod rapidly.

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