False Alarm

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Ashton: Another wave of nausea hits you and you rush to the toilet, throwing up. "I have the pregnancy test," he says, and exits the room. You follow the instructions on the package as he paces back and forth outside, wondering what you would do if it was positive. Finally the result appears, and then you are bursting through the door, jumping, "Negative!" Ashton sighs in relief and scoops you up, hugging you tight. "Looks like it's just the stomach bug. We're lucky. Next time remember protection!" You point at him jokingly. "I will." He laughs.

Calum: In his brain, although he's terrified, he's already planning how you will tell the boys, your parents, and the fans. What he's afraid of is their reactions. What would everyone say to the news that his girlfriend's pregnant at sixteen? He would never leave you, but he's worried how you will handle this as teenagers. "I got it," You step out, looking into Calum's eyes. "Are you pregnant?" He says, expecting the worst. "Nope! Negative!" You beam. "Yes!" He grins and you jump into his arms: "Just remember protection next time." You say. He nods rapidly.

Luke: Luke has never been this nervous, not when he asked you to be his girlfriend, not during your first time together, not before a show. He's on the couch, struggling to remain still, waiting as time passes. The doorknob turns, you step out as he jumps up: "(y/n)! What did it say?" You take a deep breath and burst into a grin: "...Negative!" He smiles in a relief and picks you up, grateful you're not pregnant at sixteen and seventeen. "Let's always use protection from now on," he grins. "Yup, I'm not quite ready for motherhood yet." you joke.

Michael: ​Stomach flu or soon-to-be mother? You're about to find out. Seconds feel like decades as the minute ticks away, the heartless pregnancy test processing its results. Michael is frowning outside the bathroom, worried it might be positive. No one will react positively for sure, at this young age. "It's done!" You bust out of the bathroom, holding the test. "And?" Michael asks worriedly. "Negative. We're safe." You grin, "Next time you better use protection." you say as he nods and wraps you in his arms, smiling in relief you can still be normal teens.

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