You Share A Bed For The First Time

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Ashton: You emerge from the closet in your pajamas, ready to have a sleepover with your boyfriend of only a few weeks, Ashton. He's waiting, only a pair of boxers on. Your eyes slowly travel down his body and you can't stop your heart from slightly accelerating. "You look cute," he says softly. "So do you," you say. You spend the first half of the night just laying in bed, chatting and eating snacks, watching a romantic movie, but by the second half your eyelids are starting to droop. "Wanna go to sleep?" He asks. You nod blearily. He pulls the covers over your bodies, switching off the bedside lamp before laying to face you, both of you still quite shy sharing a bed with each other. "...Cuddle?" You ask hesitatedly. "Of course," He smiles, and shuffles closer to you, wrapping your body in his cozy arms and leaving a kiss on your forehead as your limbs tangle together, nervousness slowly melting away as the feeling of your bodies together becomes natural before you drift to sleep, smiles on your faces.

Calum: Your boyfriend Calum came over to your house, but suddenly a storm shows up outside, stopping him from leaving. As the clock ticks away to the evening, you suggest: "Do you wanna just stay here overnight? I mean, my parents are away and I don't wanna sleep alone through this storm..." "Sure, why not?" Calum nods. You manage a decent dinner out of what's left in the fridge and kill time until bedtime, then change into your pajamas as Calum takes off his jacket. "You have a really cute room," he smiles as he takes in your very girly room, walls covered with posters. "Oh my god, no," you cover your face, blushing. "It's really cute!" He insists. You shake your head and flop onto the bed, gesturing for him to follow as you tuck yourselves in. "This is colder than I thought," you shiver. "Maybe I can warm you up," Calum scoots over to you and basically wrap himself around you. "Much better..." you share a smile and close your eyes, body heat from each other soon putting you both to sleep.

Luke: "What time is it?" You ask, before checking your watch, "Shoot! It's way too late. I'll call mom to pick me up." Luke hesitates a bit before saying, "Or you could just stay here for the night. You know, we could share a bed..." You think for a moment, then nod. You enter his room together, then you realise you've got no pajamas to wear. "Here, you can wear my shirt." Your boyfriend finds a shirt and tosses it to you. You quickly get changed into a set of his (oversized) clothes and get back to him. He takes in your outfit and his cheeks turn slightly red. "You look so adorable," he smiles shyly. "Thanks..." you bite your lip, struggling to keep from smiling. "It's pretty late. Should we go to bed?" He asks. The two of you climb into bed, pulling the covers over your bodies before you fall asleep. In the middle of the night, you're awaken by someone gently stirring you. "Um... I can't sleep..." Luke mumbles, "Could you cuddle with me?" "Yeah," you let him spoon you, radiating warmth as you and Luke both drift off.

Michael: ​You wake up in the middle of the night and open your eyes to unfamiliar surroundings. You're about to panic when you suddenly remember: you fell asleep on the couch when you came over to Michael's house and vaguely remember him carrying you to his room. You flush slightly just from thinking about it. Hold on, if you're in his room, does that mean... you turn over to find your boyfriend laying next to you, sleeping peacefully. You sit up, lifting off the covers slightly, causing Michael to shuffle to your side in his sleep, looking for warmth. When he finds you, he wraps his arms around you tightly. You tap him a few times to wake him, "Mike, did I fall asleep?" He opens his eyes and just cuddles closer to you, "Don't worry about it. You're sleeping with me for the night." You nod and press your body up against his, snuggling your head into his chest as he hugs you in his arms tighter, while you breath in his comforting scent as his calm breathing and warm body puts you back into a content sleep.

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