Surprising Him On Tour

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Ashton: You rush through the arena, over the moon to see your boyfriend again. The boys are about to perform on tour and seeing how much Ashton said he missed you on Skype, you decided to surprise him. Not looking where you're going, you crash into Calum and both fall. "Whoa! (y/n)?" Luke says. "What are you doing here?" Calum asks. "Surprising Ash," you smile. "He's gonna be buzzing then," Michael grins. You arrive backstage and see a familiar head of curls and bandana. You run up and jump onto his back. "Ahh!" He yells and turns his head, "Oh my god, (y/n)!" He sets you down then picks you up again, spinning you around: "I missed you so much!" "I missed you too, Ash," You smile as he brings his lips to yours.

Calum: You wander the streets for the location the boys posted about. Your phone works but by the time you arrive your heels have killed your feet. Hopefully Calum's reaction is worth it! You enter a long hallway, navigating your way before seeing Ashton. "(y/n)! What brings you here?" He gives you a hug. "Calum did!" You smile, "Know where he is?" "I'll text him to come!" Ashton fires a text, and soon Calum barges into the room, followed by Michael and Luke. "(y/n)! Oh my god!" Calum wraps you in a bear hug, grinning from ear to ear and pressing his lips to yours. "I missed you so much," He whispers. "I missed you too." Your moment is cut off by three boys snickering and teasing, but you both laugh it off along with them.

Luke: "Good morning! I'd like to know what room Luke Hemmings is in? I'm his girlfriend." You ask politely at the reception desk. "Room 103, miss. Have fun!" The cheeky receptionist winks. You thank her, find the room, knock on the door and wait for Luke. No response. As you're about to go looking, you see him coming back with the boys, laughing. He turns to see you and his eyes go wide. "(y/n)!" He runs to you, easily sweeping you off your feet, "When did you come?" "Landed this morning. Wanted to surprise you," You smile before he kisses you passionately. "Eww!" Michael says. "Get a room!" Ashton follows. "Don't have sex in front of us please!" Calum teases. "Hey!" You give the boys a look, sending them into fits of laughter.

Michael: ​You turn right and see the familiar tour bus, sprinting towards it. You step inside and to the bedroom and finding the boys lazily relaxing on their bunks. They look up to see you smiling. "(y/n)!" Michael leaps out of bed and runs over, embracing you with all his might. "Why did you come? I know how busy you are..." he asks. "I gotta make time for my lovely boyfriend." You grin. "Thank you. You truly made my day." Michael crashes his lips onto yours as the boys come over happily. "I'll never get why you miss each other so much," Calum shrugs but smiles. "Obviously they love each other!" Luke beams. "You two are cute and all, but you're forgetting about us here!" Ashton says. "Alright, alright!" Michael lets you go greet the other boys.​

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