Coming Back From Tour

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Ashton: Over texts, Ashton tell you that his plane has landed and he is just getting out of the airport. Then, a few minutes later, he texts again, saying "sry. plans changed. im at my house, wanna come over?" Your fingers fly over the keyboard, replying yes before you rush out the door. The five-minute drive feels like five hours but once you reach the house it was all worth it. Ashton opens the door and is met with your arms, and hugs you back tightly, kissing you on the lips, craving that long-lost contact. "I missed you so much, Ash," "I missed you more, (y/n)," he whispers, "Every show, I've been missing your beautiful eyes in the audience, cheering me on. I can finally see you." Since no one but him is home, he takes you to his room to make up for the time you lost away from each other and the two of you easily accomplish that.

Calum: You mutter an "Oof" as you haul the heavy grocery bags up to your door, struggling to open it then trying to take the bags to the kitchen. Surprisingly, Calum, who is supposed to be on tour, is sitting on the couch, his eyes lighting up when he sees you. "Oh my god, Calum!" You gasp. "Hey, (y/n)," He grins, rushing to stand up and barreling towards you, wrapping you in his arms in a tight hug, basically radiating happiness to see you again. "I thought you were still on tour?" You ask. "Ended early. Wanted to surprise you," he replies. "I can't say I mind." You laugh, tilting up to give him a long kiss, "Let's go to my room. I've missed every part of you, physical and mental..." He nods with a mischievous smile. Let's just say that all time lost is made up in your room, grocery bags forgotten outside.

Luke: You wait anxiously at the airport, pacing back and forth, wondering if you're at the right place. Luke's plane has landed and you stand on pins and needles waiting for him to appear at the gate. Suddenly you see a familiar tall, blond figure, with his heavy packs of luggage, rushing towards you, almost falling over. "LUKE HEMMINGS!" You shout, running up and into his arms. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)! I HAVE MISSED YOU LIKE HELL!" He picks you up and spins you around, not caring about the luggage clattering to the floor. You can finally kiss and cuddle and "I love you" and stuff for the first time in months. "I've cried too many tears missing you," he laughs. "Same." "Your place?" "Deal." Back at your place, things get heated as you two passionately make up for lost time, completing the task over an entire night.

Michael: You pace around the house, doing everything you can to pass the time. Michael's plane landed an hour ago so he should be here any moment, as he promised he will come to visit you first thing. You sigh frustratedly, thinking that he's gone out with his friends and ditched his promise. Just as you're about to lose hope, you hear the doorknob being turned and someone stepping into the house. "MICHAEL!" "(Y/N)!" You run and jump into Michael's arms, who's finally back from tour. "I missed you so much," he whispers against your lips, hot breath on your face. "I missed you too," you say. "How about we go upstairs and make up for that lost time?" He hints. "I'm ready to get on all fours," you lead him up to your bedroom, where you make up for every second spent apart from each other.

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