First "I Love You"

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Ashton: ​The two of you go to a theater to watch a new film that'd said to be very romantic. You sit in the back row with a clear view. Some time later, the main characters finally get together and share their first kiss, as Ashton leans over and kisses you softly. You kiss back, sharing a smile with him and leaning your head on his shoulder as he wraps an arm around you. The ticket costs were totally worth it - the movie is amazing and you can't help but relate the characters' lives to you and Ashton's, thinking of everything you shared together. "(y/n)?" Ashton says quietly. "Yeah, babe?" You ask. "I think I love you. No, I KNOW I love you." Ashton says. "Ash... I love you too." You smile, as he grins uncontrollably and leans in to kiss you.

Calum: ​"How was I so blinded to date you? I'm leaving you, (y/n)!" Calum yells, storming out the door. ...You jolt up from bed panting, tears running down your face, swiftly grabbing your phone and calling Calum. "(y/n)?" He finally answers after four painful seconds. "Calum, do you still like me?" You ask. "What? Of course! I'd never stop!" He exclaims, "What made you think otherwise?" "I had a dream that you dumped me..." You say, deflated. "Not in a million years, princess." He assures, "And just so you know, I've wanted to say this but didn't know when to... I love you." You sigh in relief from his words, tearing up again but out of happiness, "I love you too, Cal. Please never go anywhere." "I won't. Ever. I promise." Calum says soothingly.

​Luke: You finish up the last sentence of your assignment and fly onto the couch, relieved you can rest. Your phone buzzes. Luke has sent you his location, telling you to go to him. You raise your eyebrows, but still get ready and head out. Once there, you realise it's the coffee shop where you first met. You smile softly and go in, seeing Luke and joining him: "Hey, honey!" "Hey, baby," He smiles. "What'd you call me here for?" You ask. "I just really wanted to see you..." Luke says shyly. You laugh and lace your fingers with his on the table. "I wanna tell you something and thought it'd be a good idea to do it in person. (y/n), I love you." He says. "Oh my god, Lukey," you gasp, "I love you too." He smiles, relieved, as you lean over the table to kiss him.

Michael: ​You end up staying up all night reading a book you got lost in, so now you're struggling to keep your eyes open while Michael sits with you on a park bench. "You look tired. Are you okay, sweetheart?" He asks worriedly. "I'm fine. I just lost my sleep reading a book." You yawn. "You could sleep on my shoulder. We've got the rest of the day to relax." He says. "Thanks..." You lay your head on Michael and close your eyes, finally getting some rest. You hear his lips getting close to your ear and whispering: "I love you." You're not shocked, just smile with your eyes shut and softly reply: "I love you too." You believe Michael is smiling fondly as he plants a gentle kiss on your forehead before you fall asleep, knowing he will always protect you.

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