He Asks You Out / You Ask Him Out & First Date

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Ashton: Recently you've been debating whether you should ask Ash out on a date since he isn't making a move yet. You've settled on a yes because he DID confess he liked you. You text him to come over to your place, saying it's really important, and he agrees, so now you're waiting nervously on the couch. A knock sounds at the door and you invite Ash in, telling him to sit on the couch with you. "Ash, so, I wanted to ask you something," you say. "Go on. I wanna ask you something too. You go first." he says. "Um... Will you go on a date with me?" you ask. "...Are you kidding? Yes!" Ashton grins, "I was gonna ask the same thing!" "Looks like I beat you to it, then," you smile brightly up at him and the two of you schedule a time for your date.
You're fidgeting with the hem of your skirt nervously as Ashton lays out the blanket in the park for your picnic date. "All done! Sit."​ He smiles. You sit down and start having a picnic with Ashton, watching as other people relax in the gorgeous environment. "(y/n), you know, I wonder how lucky I am to be on a date with you," Ashton says. "What? But I'm the lucky one! You're ASHTON IRWIN and I'm, well, (y/n)." You say. "No, you're beautiful, talented, kind, funny and simply perfect. My fame doesn't count for anything." Ashton scoots closer and intertwines his fingers in yours for the first time, making your heart skip a beat. "Well, you're pretty darn handsome yourself." You smile, "Plus, you're everything that you just described me with."

Calum: "(y/n), so, I kinda wanna ask you... uh..." Calum stutters, unable to form a sentence. "You can tell me anything, Cal," you say as he takes a deep breath. "I think it might be better if I wrote it out on paper since I'll screw up if I say it." He says awkwardly. "Okay!" You smile. Calum gets up from the outdoor chair to get paper. You sit there and try to guess what he wants to ask. He seems really nervous for it... is he asking you out? Calum comes back with a note and a pen. "You can write your answer on the bottom..." He smiles nervously. You take the sticky note from him, reading "Will you go on a date with me?" while your eyes slowly widen, and furiously scribble an "of course!" before handing it back, watching as a grin appears on Calum's face.
You chuckle as Calum opens the door to the Chinese restaurant (he's not Chinese!) for you and smiles. He claims his reservation and soon you're seated​ and waiting for your orders. "I can't believe you managed to book us such a great restaurant!" You exclaim. "Anything for a beautiful girl like you, (y/n)." Calum smiles. You blush and look away, grabbing his hand from under the table, and he gives your hand a tight squeeze. After your orders arrive, you focus on using your chopsticks before you notice he's struggling a lot - he's eating with his left hand. His right hand is holding your non-dominant hand. "Cal," you laugh, "You can let go of my hand! You need to eat." "Aw, I'll just use my other hand to hold yours then." Calum smiles.

Luke: Luke once said when you were chatting, before you confessed your feelings, that he prefers to be asked out since he is terrible at asking people out especially with girls he likes so you plan a movie night to ask him out and order pepperoni pizza. He comes over and perks up when he sees it, "Thanks! You know me so well." You simply smile. You sit down and watch a romcom together, and once it ends, you decide it's time to say it. "Luke..." you hesitate, "Will you, um... go on a date with me?" Luke turns to you, surprised, then breaks into a grin, "Yes! I always wanted to ask you but was too shy..." he looks down, blushing. "There's no shame in being shy! I'm not so sociable either." You smile and he gives you a lingering hug.
You step out of the beach changing room hesitantly as you're insecure wearing a bikini for Luke, but his jaw drops. "(y/n), you look..." You blush and stare at the ground, "What?" "You look beautiful..." he blushes. "You look pretty good yourself," you check out his shirtless body. You walk down the beach barefoot, dipping your feet in the water. Suddenly, a wave crashes over your legs and nearly trips you, but Luke catches your body. "Careful! Um, maybe, you know, hold my hand... for safe measures?" He stutters awkwardly. "Sure," you lace your fingers with his, causing a blush to rise to both your cheeks. After some time, you decide to take a break and get some food. "Cold rock?" he suggests. "Sounds awesome," you smile.

Michael:​ "(y/n), come! There's something I wanna show you," Michael calls from his living room. You go and see that Michael is playing... "Minecraft?" "I built this new world I want you to see! It's really cool." He grins. "Okay..." you sit down as he hands you the controller. Selecting the world, you enter it only to find it's superflat, with only a few blocks of pink textures. "Am I missing something?" You gesture to the weird setup. "Fly high up and look straight down." Michael says. You do as he says. And... Beautiful patterns of pink colours spelling out the sentence "Go on a date with me?" in bold, bright letters. You gasp in amazement and turn to Michael, beaming: "Yes!" and jump into his arms, as he squeezes you tight in happiness.
You're normally skeptical about the idea of a bowling alley date, but you'd try anything for Mike. And it's been pretty fun! You're winning by a landslide and this time you're truly sure Michael is going easy on you. "Mikey... You don't have to let me win on purpose!" You insist. After a lot of convincing Michael finally agrees to unleash his real skills. No doubt, he leaves you in the dust very soon. The game is over and you head out for lunch. "I hope you didn't mind I won the game, (y/n)." Michael says. "Not at all! It's not really fun when you know someone is going easy on you. It's about having fun, not winning!" You say, "And I had a lot of fun." Michael grins and holds your hand tighter as you walk down the streets, "Me too, (y/n)."

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