First Kiss

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Ashton: The boys are at your house gaming on your massive TV so Ashton decides to take you out for the evening. You end up heading to a fast food place and sharing a smoothie with two straws. You have a great time, the date is over too soon, and Ashton has just droven you back to your place, the two of you standing on your doorstep talking before you have to go in and tell the boys to come as Ashton is driving them to their houses. "Ash, I had a really great time tonight. Thanks for taking me there," you smile up at him, twirling your hair. "I always have a great time when I'm with you," Ashton says, reaching out to touch your cheek. "I guess I'll go in?" You ask. "Wait," Ash says, "I need to do this," and suddenly his lips are on yours.

Your breath hitches in your throat. Ashton is so gentle, so sweet. And bending down at a twisted angle. You stand on your tip-toes. He gently takes both your hands in his and you two just stand there sharing a kiss in silence, savouring the last moment of your perfect night. It seems like nothing can ruin this second! Except three boys who are peeking out the window. "Whoa, just look at them," Calum's voice sounds, making you and Ash pull apart. "Hey! How long were you guys here?" Ashton complains. "Long enough to see you two kissing." Michael says. "I take it the night went well?" Luke teases. Ashton turns back: "Ignore them. Good night, (y/n)." He kisses you once more before you head indoors to call the boys.

Calum: Arcades and dance floors normally don't go together but this place is pretty special. You and the boys are shuffling on the dance floor. The speaker are currently playing upbeat pop songs that everyone recognises, easy to move to and come up with your own moves. But then suddenly a slow, romantic ballad comes on, and Calum asks you to dance and you agree happily. Calum places both his hands on your waist while you set both hands on his shoulder and press your body up against his. One of the great things about you two is that you are always comfortable with doing anything, like dancing close. "I kinda wanna do something," he says. "Do it," you say. You're surprised when he leans in and kisses you softly on the lips.

Nonetheless, you kiss him back gently, pressing your body into his closer instinctively. You stop dancing for a bit, standing in the crowd on the dance floor while the boys move casually around you. Both of you close your eyes, as the world around you seems to melt away as time passes for you two to keep sharing a kiss. You could stay like this for longer, but the song is coming to an end and you want to dance just a little bit more. You gently pull away, still leaning your forehead against Calum's as you share passionate eye contact. "Eww! Get a room!" Ashton's voice interrupts you. The boys are watching you with teasing smirks. "Ash, get a girlfriend first before you ask me to stop kissing mine!" Calum laughs and kisses you again.

​Luke: You and the boys are backstage before they perform Try Hard. "I'm so nervous. What if I mess this up?" Luke sighs. "Me watching makes no difference! You'll ace it." You comfort. "Alright, I'm going up." Luke pecks you on the cheek and goes up. As expected, they nail the song and the audience cheers at the top of their lungs. "You guys did amazing!" You beam. "You were my lucky charm," Luke smiles shyly, stepping closer. Your eyes briefly drift down to his lips before looking up quickly, searching for signs in his eyes. He turns pink and chews on his lipring. "Oh, come on, just kiss her already!" Calum urges, lightly pushing you into Luke's arms. You both blush, gaze at each other, then he slowly leans in, shyly connecting your lips.

Your heart flutters uncontrollably at the feeling of his lips on yours. You feel his lipring brush against your bottom lip. Luke realises you aren't kissing back, and moves to pull away but you pull him back into you, starting to move your lips against his. Your hand brushes softly against his cheek and there is no doubt he's blushing hard as you feel heat between your fingers. Not like you aren't red. Which girl WOULDN'T be blushing if they kissed Luke Hemmings? Plus, which guy WOULDN'T be blushing if they kissed you? You pull away, still looking into Luke's beautiful blue eyes and biting your lip. "Awww... couple goals!" Ashton teases. "About time." Michael grins, making you and Luke look to the boys, smiling shyly.

Michael: ​"This is so relaxing," You smile as you stand by the pool admiring the view... until Mike pushes you into the pool. You scream as the chlorine-water soaks your perfectly styled hair and outfit (luckily you're makeup-free today), "MICHAEL CLIFFORD!" He laughs uncontrollably and goes to help you out, but you prank him back by pulling him into the pool with you and now it is your turn to laugh as he surfaces, drenched. "Two can play at this game," You smirk. "Very sneaky, (y/n)." He laughs. Now both having soaked hair, you look deeply into each other's eyes, temporarily forgetting about everything around you, then something snaps inside of you and he leans forward, softly pressing his lips against yours for the first time.

You gasp at the contact. You and Mike have been on a few dates here and there, but this is your first time sharing a kiss together. You've kissed plenty of guys, but Michael feels different. It just feels... right, for some reason. From the second your lips touch you're kissing him back passionately,​ not caring both of you are soaking wet. He deepens the kiss by wrapping his arms around your waist under the water and you pull him in by his neck. Once you pull away, blood immediately rushes to your cheeks as a smirk appears on his face. "The boys are watching!" You point to Calum, Ashton and Luke watching by the recliners and snickering at you and Michael. "Let them then," Michael pulls you back in for another kiss.

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