Goodbye Before Tour

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Ashton: You cry silently into his chest, sharing one last hug before you'll be thousands of kilometres apart. Ashton is trying to seem strong for you but you know he's about to cry too. "It's okay babe, I'll be back in no time," he whispers, a tear sliding down his face, "We'll text and Skype and send each other pictures every day." "But I'll still miss you." You say and he leans in to kiss you, cupping your face and assuring that everything will be fine, he'll never cheat and won't forget about you, as the rest of the boys stare somberly. "Time to go," Calum says and Ash kisses you once more, "Goodbye, princess." "Bye, Ash. I love you." "I love you too." You embrace the other boys before they leave for the flight, waving over their shoulders.

Calum: The handkerchief is soaked with both your tears at the airport, the other boys equally sad as they watch you hug on the side. "I'll miss you so much," Calum says, wiping his tears with his spare hand. "I'll miss you too. Promise you won't cheat? I love you so much." You ask. "Promise. I would never. I love you too much to even LOOK at someone else." Calum reassures. "Remember to Skype me." You say. "Of course. One last kiss?" He replies. You kiss him hard, savouring his lips one more time before his flight is called. "I'll call as soon as I land," he says. You nod and finally part from him, sharing hugs with the other boys, your best friends, before they drag their suitcases away for the plane while you repeatedly wave to each other.

Luke: "Luke, you're gonna make me cry too." You hug his waist tightly as the boys watch. "I can't stop," he sobs, "I'll miss you so much." "I'll miss you too. Skype me when you can?" "Of course. Don't forget I love you." He kisses you hard, sharing one last moment before parting for the next few months. "I love you too, giant. More than anything else." You say. "We should go. We're gonna miss the flight," Ashton says, and Luke finally lets you go but not before sharing one last kiss with you. "Promise me not to cheat with any girl you meet?" You ask. "I swear with my heart." Luke replies. "Good. Now you better head to your flight," you smile softly, hug the other boys goodbye, then wave to them as they disappear down the boarding gate.

Michael: His fingers wipe a tear from your cheek, passionately cupping your face with his other hand, kissing you with all his might before wrapping you tightly in his arms. "I'll miss you so much, Mike." You whisper. "I'll miss you more." He says. "But what if you meet a girl?" You ask, worried. "She'll be disappointed. I'll never stop thinking about you." He reassures. You smile, grateful he's so loyal even though he'll probably meet hundreds of girls while he's away. "Flight 903 is now boarding!" The speaker announces. "I've gotta go," Michael sighs, "I'll be back soon. Goodbye, baby." He kisses you one last time, then joins the other boys. You also say goodbye to them three then watch as they wave to you before they board the plane.

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