He Tells You He Likes You

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Ashton: ​You've always wanted to learn to play the drums so Ashton is teaching you while you sit on his lap. "You wanna get a good grip on the stick, and get into the rhythm of the song you're playing..." Ashton explains, guiding your hand with his. Such close contact is giving you butterflies and you hate to admit it but you LIKE Ashton. After a while you begin to get things right and soon you can play a steady rhythm. "Yes! I'm such a fast learner." You giggle. "How adorable you are is one of the main reasons I like you." Ashton laughs. Your breath stops in its tracks: "You like me?" "...Yeah. Not a secret. You don't have to feel the same." Ashton says. "I like you too!" You say. "Really?" "Yeah." He grins and hugs you tightly.

​Calum: You two lay on the couch bored as hell since nothing's good recently. "Let's play truth or dare." Calum suggests. "Okay... better than being bored." You say. After a few rounds you're starting to have fun! "Truth or dare, Cal?" "Truth." "Do you LIKE someone right now? And if so, who?" You ask bravely. "Um, well... yes." He stutters. "Who... who is it?" You sigh, thinking it'll never be you. You LIKE Calum but he probably doesn't like you back. "Uh... you..." Calum says. "What? Are you serious?" You ask. "Dead honest. If you don't like me then we can stay friends..." He says. "No, no! Calum, I like you!" You say. "For real?" He asks. "For real." You smile. "Come cuddle with me." He says as you scoot to his side.

Luke: You're lounging on Luke's couch. You get a text from him, saying to go to his room. "i have something i wanna tell u. plz come :x" another text comes. What could this be about? You wonder as you finally get up and walk to Luke's bedroom. You knock first, getting a nervous "Come in" and enter to Luke awkwardly shifting on the bed. "You wanted to tell me something?" You ask, hoping he's trying to ask you out as you LIKE him. "Um... well... here's the thing, you see. I kinda, have a little, uh... c... crush on you." He whispers the last few words and covers his face. You blush, "I like you too, Lukey!" He looks up, face red, "(y/n)..." You sit on the bed and wrap your arms around him, "Is this okay?" Luke blushes harder, "Stay like this."

Michael: ​Your car races terribly close to the water! Thankfully, you get it back on track and use a bomb to destroy Michael's. "Hey!" He yells. "Sucker!" You shout as your car races over the finish line. "I definitely let you win that one." Michael claims. "Uh huh, SURE you did." You smirk. "I'm serious! I went easy on you." Michael says, "If I tried, I'll smash you." "No way!" You laugh. Somehow, as you LIKE Michael, you always want to beat him. "I let you win this one, really! Gotta go easy on the girl I like." Michael says. All your brain cells stop working and you freeze: "You like me? You're joking!" "No, I'm serious. You don't like me and that's okay -" "I like you too, Mikey!" You blurt. "(y/n)..." he gasps, "C'mere." He wraps you in a bear hug.

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