He's Scared Of Needles

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Ashton: Most people know Ash is afraid of needles, but you know he's just scared of seeing it piercing into his skin though he can't help but look at his arm the exact moment the needle goes in, so he ends up scaring himself. So, when the time comes for Ashton to take a shot, you're of course sitting by him providing moral support, mainly trying to get him to look away. Throughout the whole process you're chatting non-stop about interesting stuff to your intrigued boyfriend, and soon you're both so into the conversation you don't even notice the nurse inserting the needle into Ashton's arm. He however feels the stinging pain and almost turns his head, but you grab him just in time and turn his head back around, planting a kiss on his cheek as the nurse finishes the injection. "Nice job! We're done." She compliments. "Thanks," Ashton smiles gratefully, "And thanks, (y/n)." You flash a smile at him and take his hand, walking him out to do something fun, talking about how brave he was the entire time.

Calum: "I'm not sure if I can do this," he sighs worriedly, frowning. "You'll be fine," you say, rubbing circles on his back as you know Calum's fear of needles, or pain in general. Not long after, a doctor walks out and calls Calum's name, so he stands up reluctantly, grabbing your hand for support as you enter the examination room. As the nurse prepares the needle, you whisper comforting words to him while gently stroking his hair, soothing him from his big fear. The nurse asks whether Calum is ready and he manages a relatively okay "yes", as you smile reassuringly at him that everything will be fine. He takes a few deep breaths as the nurse injects the needle into his arm, wincing slightly but you're by his side so he does okay. "That was very brave! You can go now." The nurse smiles, as Calum breathes a sigh of relief and walks out with you. "Can we go have lunch now? I'm starving." He asks. "Same with me." You stroll down the street hand in hand, enjoying the rest of the day off.

Luke: "Please don't let her," Luke pleads, "That needle is GINORMOUS!" His fragile, terrified expression breaks your heart. "You gotta do it, Lukey," you say softly, "It's for your own good. I'll be here with you, hold your hand, talk to you so much you won't feel anything." For a seventeen year old guy his height, Luke is a bit timid, but that's just him being himself. The nurse says it might sting a bit, not helping his nerves. The only thing keeping him from jumping out the window is you. As the needle penetrates into Luke's skin, you watch painfully as he squeezes his eyes shut, frowning hard, biting harshly on his lipring, death grip on your fingers. A few hourlong seconds later, the nurse pulls the needle out and sticks a plaster on the spot. "Good job! You handled it well." She smiles, and Luke thanks her before running out with you like he saw a ghost. "Ow. It really hurts..." he frowns, "Kiss it better?" You nod, lean in and plant a long, sweet kiss to his lips. "It's better already," Luke grins, causing you both to laugh.

Michael: ​"I'm not scared... why are you looking at me like that? No, really... okay, you win. I guess I am a little bit terrified of needles and by a little bit I mean totally and utterly..." Michael hangs his head in shame. "Mikey, that's okay. I'll be here with you... there's nothing to be ashamed of." You comfort. He thanks you gratefully as he signals to the nurse he is ready for his injection. The nurse smiles and tells him about what's gonna happen, then gently pushes the needle into his skin, as if specifically taking care to hurt him as less as possible. He almost jerks up a little but manages to stay still, as you continue soothing him with soft touches and comforting words. "And... done! You did great." The nurse says. "Thank you!" Michael says. After you leave, he thanks you repeatedly for calming his nerves as he probably would have broken down if you weren't there. You brush it off like no big deal. You have the rest of the day off and spend time with each other, relaxing.

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