Going Public

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Ashton: "It'll be fine, baby." Ashton kisses your forehead before heading to do his interview. Once it starts, the interviewer asks all the typical questions, when they'll go on tour, when's a new album coming out, blah blah. Then she asks whether any of the boys are taken. "All of us are single except Ash," Calum says. Ashton starts: "I'm dating (y/n), the girl I'm always seen in photos with. She's beautiful and amazing so please all be nice to her!" "Fans all love her and ship her with you already! Is she here today?" The interviewer asks. "Yep... come on out, (y/n)!" Ashton waves. You shyly step out. "You're dating Ash, (y/n), is that right?" The interviewer asks. "Yes." you smile, "And I don't want it any other way." "Same." Ashton grins.

Calum: There's no going public here. Calum literally asked you to be his girlfriend in front of hundreds. Still, this is the first time you're gonna be seen together and you're nervous. "You ready, babe?" Calum asks as the car slows to a stop. "I guess so... I just hope the fans like me!" You sigh. "They will. I'm here for you." Calum comforts. You both exit the car, fingers intertwining as cameras flash. Calum gives your hand a reassuring squeeze as you walk past the dozens of fans. "(y/n), I love you! You're so lucky to be dating Calum!" One of the fans shout. "You're so pretty and good at singing! I wish I could be you!" Another shouts. You smile at them, relieved they like you, and chat with them happily, Calum by your side.

Luke: His arm around your waist tightens, paparazzi swarming around you as your location is discovered. How did they find it? Now your pictures will be all over social media and fans will go nuts. "Babe, everything'll be fine. Don't worry." Luke says, cameras flashing at you. "But we basically just went public." "Fans will love you. And if someone doesn't, they have ME to answer to." Luke says toughly. "Thanks, Lukey." You intertwine your finger with his. The next day, pictures of you two swarm the internet and your Twitter buzzes endlessly. You don't want to check it, but soon give in and unlock your phone, gasping when all you see are positive comments, "Luke! Fans love me!" Luke comes in and smiles, "Told ya."

Michael: Laughter fills the air, the boys doing Twitcam. You watch as they answer questions from fans. One in particular catches your eye: "mikey r u dating any1?" You point to it: "That one's good!" Michael looks to you, questioning: "You sure?" You nod. The subtle connections between you say that this basically means going public. "I am actually!" Michael grins, "Guess who she is?" Immediately the screen floods with guesses, like random girls, celebrities, some even saying themselves, but the majority says (y/n). "(y/n) is my girlfriend." Michael grins, "She makes me very happy. If y'all love her that'd be great." You smile, as comments flow in about how you're purely perfect and how lucky Michael is.

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