He's Whipped & The Boys Tease Him (His POV)

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Ashton: "Ash, can you get me a glass of water?" my girlfriend (y/n) asks, sprawled on the couch with the boys. "Of course, love," I say and get up, exiting to the kitchen. I come back holding the water and handing it to her carefully, not spilling a single drop. "Thank you," she smiles. Later, "Ash, there's leftover pizza in the kitchen. Could you get it for me please?" she asks. "Sure," I immediately head off to grab the pizza, also opening the fridge to grab (y/n)'s favourite drink. When I set these down in front of her the boys complain. "Ashton! Why don't you treat us like you treat your girl?" Michael whines. "Because," I sit down and wrap an arm around her, "She's special." (y/n) smiles, "Aw, Ash!" and snuggles into my side. Luke laughs loudly, "Wowww." "What?" I narrow my eyes. "Irwin, you are so whipped you'll never climb out." Calum snickers. "Yeah well, maybe I am but you guys don't even have girlfriends." I reply sassily.

Calum: "Can you run down to the store?" (y/n) asks, "I need some stuff but can't go buy them myself right now." I nod and take her shopping list, dragging the boys away from their epic game or whatever and down to the store. "She needs pads, tampons, chocolate, pain reliever..." I whisper. The boys watch in amusement as I pick up all the items she need and pay, feeling awkward buying these as a guy but getting over it since it's for (y/n). Luckily, the cashier is a woman. I thank her, take the bag, and bring the boys back to (y/n)'s house, giving her her items in the living room. "Thanks, Cal! You're the best." she smiles gratefully and hugs me. After I leave the room, the boys surround me with teasing: "She has you wrapped around her finger!" "You just went to buy her... girl items!" "She can get you to do anything!" I shrug and laugh at myself with them, knowing in my heart I'm whipped but not wanting it any other way.

Luke: "TRIPLE KILL! YES!" Michael shouts, furiously pressing the controller as Calum and Ashton play with him. (y/n) leans her head on my shoulder, having stayed up all night finishing her latest project. "Are you tired?" I whisper. "A lot," she yawns, "I could fall asleep right here." I look to her then to the boys gaming, and decide it's better to tell them to tone it down and let my girlfriend sleep. "You can sleep right here. I'll tell the boys to quiet down." I stroke her hair as she nods with a smile and closes her eyes. "Guys!" I tell my bandmates, "Be quiet!" They look to me in confusion before I gesture to a sleeping (y/n) and they start snickering quietly. "Hemmo, you are so whipped for (y/n)." Ashton grins. "No I'm not," I protest, blushing certainly not helping. "You should see the way you look at her!" Calum teases. "I adoreeeeee you-ou-ou-ou-ou..." Michael sings obnoxiously, while I roll my eyes, "Later, guys," carrying (y/n) to bed.

Michael: ​The boys groan in disappointment after hearing I'm cancelling my plans with them. "Dude, we planned this thing for weeks, and you cancel at the last minute?" Calum whines. "Sorry mate, (y/n) had a bad day at school and really wants to cuddle." I say. "Oh, we get it now..." Ashton breaks into a smirk. I roll my eyes. "Mikey is ditching us for his girlfriend!" Luke complains. "No! It's just this one time!" I say but it's too late: Luke already has the sound of a whip playing on his phone. "Really?" I groan. "Whipped," he mouths, grinning. "Mike!" (y/n) barges in, "I heard about your plans! I'm sorry for interrupting them... you can go out with your mates." "I don't have to!" I say, "I could stay home and be with you." She smiles softly, "You deserve to have fun. I'll be okay on my own." She hugs me and kisses me briefly. "If you're sure. Call me anytime, okay?" I say. She nods. "Well, let's go, boys!" I yell and they cheer.

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