Chapter 13

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1 week later...

Mjs p.o.v.

I open my eyes to see peters arms wrapped around my naked body. He's slightly snoring his heart away. I cuddle into his warm bare chest. "You have the ultrasound later baby" he tells me in his raspy morning voice. I smile. He's so excited. "I know baby" I say turning on the tv. After cuddling for a couple minutes we decided to head downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning love birds" May chuckles from the kitchen. "Morning May" we both say in sync and sit down on the bar stools. "Made yall some scrambled not burnt eggs and some not burnt bacon" she chuckles. "It smells so good" I say taking a bite. "Don't take too long, we have an appointment to attend" she says walking upstairs. I can believe how cool both Peter and May are about all this. About me living here and me being pregnant. I thought it would be miserable, but it's really not. The shitty side of pregnancy is the sickness and the tiredness. But I know I have Peter, May and now even my dad by my side.

After breakfast me and peter got ready to head out. I didn't get sick for the first time. Thank god. I look myself into the full length mirror. I'm just wearing a white shirt with a black denim jacked and blue jeans. I poke my abdomen. It's hard. It feels weird. There's a baby inside there. It's hard to believe it. "You okay baby?" Peter asks. "Yeah" I smile shyly. He smiles and walks over and wraps his arms around me. He puts his hands on my still flat stomach and his head on my shoulder. I can tell he's looking forward for the sonogram. "I love you Michelle" he says "I love you more" I chuckle. He pulls me in for a kiss. "Now let's get going" he tells me. I smile and nod my head.

I'm getting really nervous. Me and Peter both walk up to the lady at the front desk. May stayed in the waiting room. "Hi, I have a sonogram appointment for today at 10am" I tell the lady. "On what name please?" She asks "Michelle Jones" I tell her. She nods. "And how old are you Michelle?" She asks not being rude at all "17" I say shyly. She gives me a simple smile and hands me some paperwork on a clipboard and a pen "Alrighty, I'm going to need you to fill out the information on the paperwork, please" she says. I nod my head and me and Peter sit down on the couch next to May. There was just information to be filled like my name, date of birth, phone number, email address and such. I filled it in quickly and brought it back to the front desk. "Alright, Dr. Smith will be with you shortly" she says. "Thank you" I say and walk back to where May and Peter were. "Nervous?" Peter asks putting his hand on my slightly shaking thigh. "Kind of" I chuckle.

Soon we see a tall woman probably in her forties come out. "Michelle Jones?" She says me and Peter both stand up. "Good luck" May smiles at us. "Hello Michelle, I'm Dr. Juliana Smith. I will be analysing your entire pregnancy" she says shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you" I say. "You must be the baby daddy?" She asks Peter "yes ma'am" he says shaking her hand. After that we went into the room. Where there was a tv screen in font of a padded bed like table and next to it a machine and on the other side a chair. "If you would like to hop on the table and get yourself settled, and dad you can sit down next to her" she says. She said dad to Peter. He's gonna be a dad. I get settled onto the table and Peter sits down next to me. "Alright, now please roll up your shirt for me" she says. I pull up my shirt up to my bra line. Peter holds my hand and kisses it. I smile at him. "Okay, now, the gel will be a little bit cold" she says putting the get on my abdomen and rubbing it around with the wand. I shiver a bit. "Now, if you look on the tv screen you'll see your baby" she says. I look up at the tv screen. There it was. A little blob. A tiny human being. And I was the mother of that tiny human being who's life depended on me. "There's your little baby" she smiles. I don't even realise but I'm crying. I look over at peter who's wiping his tears away. I smile. "Look, that's ours" he says kissing my head. "Yeah, it is" I cry out and chuckle. The doctor smiles at both of us. After a couple more minutes she hands me a paper towel to wipe the gel off. "Okay so. You are 3 weeks and 4 days along which is almost one month. So May should be your due month, and the 18th your due date." She says. Holy fuck I'm almost one month along already. "Have you experienced any cravings yet Michelle?" She asks "I've been loving eating cookie dough ice cream" I chuckle. She smiles "alright, morning sickness?" She asks. I nod my head "nearly every morning" I tell her. "That would go away as you get farther along" she says "would you like some copies of the sonogram?" She asks I chuckle and look at Peter "yes" he smiles. She copies out 4 little pictures of our tiny tiny baby. "I'll see you in about a month, until then take care" she says "thank you so much" we both say and head out. We walk over to May. "How did it go?" She ask. "It went good" I say. Peter hands her the pictures. She smiles widely and looks at them. "That's your baby" she chuckles at us.

After that we went back home. And my dad came over. After chatting a bit I handed him one of the four sonogram copies of the baby. "Here" I say handing the sonogram picture to him across the table. He looks at it. I see a small smile appear on his face. "I didn't want my daughter having a baby at a young age. But I can see you are happy. So I'm happy" he says. That makes me so glad. I look over at peter and we both smile at each other. "I brought something for you" he says standing up and reaching into is back pocket. "I want you to have some cash. That baby isn't going to come in cheap" he says handing me an envelope. I open it up. And my eyes go wide. "How much is this?" I ask shocked "a couple of thousand, so yall can be stocked on diapers" he says. I chuckle. "That means a lot, thank you dad" I smile and pull him into a hug. "Anything for my girl" he says patting my back. "I should get going now" he says walking to the door. "If you ever need any financial support call me" he says to May. She smiles and nods. "I'll come by soon" he says kissing my forehead and then leaving.

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