Chapter 44

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3 months later...

Mjs p.o.v.

"You okay baby?" Peter asks as he helps me put on my socks. "Yeah, my back is killing me" I chuckle. Any day now our son can come. And we are ready. "Want a massage?" He asks. "Later babe" I say taking deep breasts as I get a mild contraction. He helps me up from the bed. I'm huge. And I feel like a whale. Pregnancy sure is a blessing but at this point I just want my baby boy to be here. "Any day now son" he smiles outing his hands on my big swollen baby bump. My belly has dropped meaning it won't be long now. We're just patiently waiting for my water to break. "You wanna do some breathing exercises baby?" He asks as we walk downstairs. I nod and wobble over to the birthing ball and sit down on it. "You need anything baby? Want me to make you some lemonade?" He asks. "Yes please" I smile. Peter is seriously the best. I turn on the tv and put on the breathing experiences. "Take a deep breath in through your nose" the lady says on the tv. I do as she says. "What you doing mommy?" Mary asks coming to me. "The breathing experiences again. Wanna join?" I ask her. She smiles and nods. We got her her own exercise ball, but hers is smaller than mine. "Now exhale through your mouth" the lady says and me and Mary both do as she says. Mary has been loving doing these exercises with me. It's our newest way of bonding. "Two lemonades for my ladies" Peter says placing down two glasses of freshly made lemonade. "Thanks babe" I say. Then another contraction comes. I just breath deeply. "You sure you want to go to the store today baby? I don't want your water breaking in the middle of the mall" Peter says concerned. "I'm fine babe. We promised Mary we'd go out" I say. I know he's worried but before baby boy arrives we want Mary to pick out whatever toy she wants. "Mommy's belly is so big" she says patting my belly. "It sure is. Your baby brother can arrive any day now" I tell her. "I'm so excited" she jumps up and down. We already know she's gonna be great with her baby brother. When she met Bettys and Neds son Alexander she was super gentle with him. I'm happy for Betty that she finally gave birth because her pregnancy was a struggle. I'm jealous hers baby boy is already here and mine is still in my belly. "Not gonna lie little man, you're giving mommy some hard time moving" I say to my belly. "I hope you come soon" I chuckle.


"You can pick whatever toy you want" I tell Mary as we stand in a toy store. "Any toy?" She asks with a huge smile on her face. "We want to get you whatever you'd like before your baby brother arrives" Peter says. She's no longer gonna be an only child. So we'll spoil her. She giggles and runs into the dolls isle.

"You see anything you like honey?" I ask her as she looks at baby born dolls. "I like that one!" She says pointing at the baby doll with dark skin tone. "This one?" Peter asks handing her the baby doll. "Yes!" She smiles. "Her skin is like papa Nicks" she says "it sure is Baby" I smile. In her eyes everyone is equal. No matter gender, size, race. The doll alone isn't that expensive. "You want a stroller to go with your baby doll?" I ask her. She gasps "yes!" She smiles. We never spoil her this much. But this time we let her have it. "You've got a pink, purple and a blue stroller. Which one do you want?" Peter asks her. "Hmmmmmm. Purple!" She says. He lifts the stroller off the shelf and place it on the ground. "You want anything else?" Peter asks. "No thank you" she smiles jumping up and down. "Then let's get going" I say taking Mary's hand in mine as Peter carries the two boxes.


Peter just helped Mary set up the stroller for her new baby doll. And she's obsessed with it. She strolls around the corner with her baby in in. "Well Hello there ma'am" I say shaking her hand. "Hello madam" she says shaking my hand. "Have we met before?" I ask "oh no" she says taking her baby doll out the stroller. "Is that your baby?" I ask her "yes" she smiles. "She's beautiful. What's her name?" I ask. "Uuuuuuuuhhhh Olivia" she says. "That's a beautiful name" I chuckle. Mary loves playing pretend. "I should get going" she says and puts on her sunglasses then strolls away. Me and Peter both chuckle. She get very into character. She's a little actress.

There's a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Mary yells and opens it. "Nana!" She smiles hugging May. "Hi sweetheart" May smiles and hugs her. "Happy!" She smiles and jumps into his arms. "Hi Mary" he smiles. I wobble over to them. "Preggos" May smiles and rubs my belly then hugs me. "Hi May" I smile. "Hey May, hey happy" Peter smiles walking over. "Come on in and make yourselves at home" I say and lead them into the living room.

"Look at what mommy and daddy got me!" Mary says strolling in her baby doll. "That's great sweetheart. What her name?" May asks her. "I named her Olivia" she smiles. "That's great honey" she smiles. "How much longer do you think?" Happy ask looking at my belly. "My  bump has already dropped so any day now really" I chuckle. "I'll never forget how terrified you were when you were 9 months along with Mary" May smiles "me neither" I chuckle. "Now I'm just full of excitement" I smile. But then breathe deep as I get a contraction. "You okay mama?" Mary asks "I'm okay sweetheart" I reassure her. However the contractions are getting closer and more painful. I feel like my water could break at any moment. "Your contractions must be painful now" May says. "Yeah. They're getting worse. But I can handle them" I say. I have to pee. Like every other 20 minutes. "I need to use the bathroom" I say and Peter helps me up from the couch. "Careful baby" he says as I wobble away. He seems to be getting even heavier.

As I slowly wobble down the hallway, the most painful contraction hits me. "Fuck" I breathe out holding onto the wall. Then I felt something running down my legs. A clear liquid I couldn't control. My eyes have gone wide. I clutch my swollen baby bump in pain. "Peter!" I yell out. For the love of god it hurts so bad. "What's wrong?" He asks running to me. "My water just broke" I cry out. His eyes go wide. "You're okay baby, just hold onto me" he says holding me. I yell out in pain. "What's going on?" May asks running to us. Then sees the pool of water on the floor. "It's time" Peter says. I scream more in pain. "May help Mj to the car. I'll get the hospital bag" Peter says running upstairs. "Michelle? You okay?" Happy asks running to my side. I continue on breathing heavily as we slowly get to the door. "Mommy?" Mary asks with fear in her eyes. "Mommys okay Mary" May reassured her. I want to be strong for Mary but the pain it terrible. Peter runs downstairs with the hospital bag and then helps me to the car.

"Why is mommy in pain?" Mary asks with tears in her eyes. "Your baby brother is on the way" Peter tells her. "I don't like seeing mommy in pain" she cries out running to my side when they get me in the passenger seat. "I'm gonna be okay baby" I say hugging her tight. "I'm gonna miss you. Be good" I tell her. "I love you mama" she cries out. "I love you more Mary" I say pecking her lips. "We're gonna go get your baby brother" Peter tells her and hugs her. "As soon as he comes out mommys belly we'll call you to come and see him" he says rubbing her back. "I love you princess" he smiles "I love you too daddy" she says and he kisses her head. After saying goodbye we were off to the hospital. As we drove off I saw May pick Mary up and rub her back in comfort. It wasn't easy seeing Mary so scared. As soon as I get a dose of epidural I'm gonna call her. I have to reassure my baby I'm okay. "Let's do this" Peter says taking my hand and kissing it. "Yeah. Let's do this" I smile and give him a kiss.

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