Chapter 40

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Mjs p.o.v.

I'm pregnant. I'm actually pregnant. I thought the test was gonna be negative again. I took the most expensive pregnancy test just in case. And I really am pregnant. 3 weeks to be exact. "I'm so exited to tell everyone" I smile as we walk back downstairs to the living room. "Me too baby" Peter smiles kissing my head then sitting down. I sit down on his lap and kiss him passionately. No wonder my stomach felt stiff. There's a little life growing inside of me. "I'm so happy" Peter says looking into my eyes. "So am I" I smile and kiss him again. He wraps his arms around me tighter and cuddles me. "I'm so happy we're gonna have another little baby" he says "I think that when you're 17 and so vulnerable you completely forget to appreciate the fact you can reproduce" I say. I remember feeling so terrified for my life when I found out I was pregnant with Mary. "But now, I'm so exited and looking forward for everything" I smile. He nods and kisses my head. "How do you think Mary is gonna react?" He asks "she said she really wants a sibling to play with, so I think she will be just as excited" I say "your dad is going to flip" he laughs "I know" I chuckle. But whatever. Me and Peter are adults now and with that we make our own decisions.

After watching another episode of friends we hear a yawn. We both look over at the stairs and see Mary there. "Look who woke up" I chuckle and she walks over to us. "Enjoyed your nap?" I ask her. She smiles and lays her head on my lap. "Yup" she chuckles stretching "big stretch" I chuckle and kiss her.

"What were you and daddy yelling for in your bathroom?" She asks sitting up. "We weren't yelling baby, we were celebrating" I chuckle. "Celebrating what?" She asks. I look over and Peter and he nods. "Mary, you are gonna be a big sister" I smile. A wide smile appears on her face "really?!" She asks. We both chuckle and nod. She jumps up and down the couch and then hugs us both. "When's the baby gonna be here?" She asks "in about 9 months" Peter tells her. "Where is it now then?" She asks confused. "It's in mommy's belly" he tells her putting her little hand on my still flat stomach. "It's currently the size of a grape" I tell her. "Am I gonna get a sister or a brother?" She asks sitting down on my lap. "We don't know that yet sweetheart" I tell her running my hand through her curly hair. "I'm so excited" she chuckles kissing me. "So are me and daddy" I tell her. She bends down to my stomach "hello? Anybody in there?" She asks. Me and Peter both laugh. "That baby can start kicking around in about 4 months" I tell her. "You'll be able to feel it's little feet move" Peter tell her. I remember how he loved feeling my baby bump when I was pregnant with Mary. Any chance he'd get he'd talk to my belly and feel her moving. "So you're looking forward to being a big sister?" Peter asks her. "Yes!" She smiles. "Mommy's belly will get bigger and bigger every month and poof. Out will come a baby" Peter tells her ruffling her hair.


We just got done eating dinner and now we're just watching a Disney movie. Then we hear a knock at the front door. Me and Peter look at each other confused since we didn't invite anyone over. He then gets up and goes to the door. Soon my dad and Peter walk into the living room. "Papa Nick!" Mary smiles and jumps into his arms. "Hi sweetheart" he smiles kissing her head and smiling. "Hey honey" he says to me "hi dad" I chuckle as he sits down with Mary now on his lap. "How have yall been doing?" He asks as Peter sits down next to me. "We've been good. Really good actually" I chuckle. "Oh? Any special reason?" He asks. "Yeah" I chuckle looking at Peter. "And what is it?" He asks. "I'm gonna be a big sister!" Mary says putting her arms in the air. My dads eyes widen. "Surprise, I'm pregnant" I chuckle. He is shocked. But then he pulls me in for a hug. I smile and wrap my arms around him. "I'm so happy for you guys" he says pulling back and wiping his eyes. "Wait? So you won't kill Peter?" I ask surprised. "No baby, you two are a married couple. I'm seriously really happy for you" he says and I smile. I thought he was gonna be pissed. Turns out he's just as exited as we are.

"When did you find out?" He asks "just earlier" I chuckle. "We're you planning on having another one?" He asks. "We did" Peter says and my dad smiles. "I know you two are ready" he says. "You exited to be a big sister Mary?" My dad asks Mary "yes!" She giggles. "Am I the only one who knows?" He asks "yeah, we haven't told anyone else yet" I tell him. Then there's another knock at the door. Who is it now? Peter gets up again and goes to the front door. Then Peter walks in with my mom. What is she doing here? My dad looks at me just as confused. My parents do not get along since what my mom has done in the past. My dad doesn't trust her one bit. "Hi Michelle" she smiles. "Hi" I say "Hi!" Mary waves at her "hello Mary" she smiles. "So, what are you doing here?" My dad asks "I just came to check up on my daughter and her family, am I not allowed to do that?" she asks. My dad sighs and gets up. "Papa leaving?" Mary asks "I'll be back soon. I promise sweetheart" he says kissing her head. "Bye honey, bye Parker" he says and leaves. I don't blame him for leaving.

My mom sighs and sits down. "I didn't mean to interrupt" she says "it's okay" I say. Mary climbs over onto Peters lap. "How have you been doing? Enjoying married life?" She asks "we've been good and married life has been amazing" I chuckle and Peter smiles. "That's great to hear" she says. Suddenly nausea came over me. I cover my mouth with my hand and rush to the bathroom. I bend over the toilet bowl and basically empty my entire stomach. Peter rushes over and holds my hair back. "You okay baby?" He asks as I gag on more vomit that about to come. "Let it out honey" he says and rubs my back. "Michelle are you alright?" My mom asks coming into the bathroom with Mary. "Is mommy okay?" Mary asks Peter worried. "She's okay baby" he tells her. "Is mommy sick?" She asks. I can already hear it in her voice she's about to cry. "Don't you think we should get her to the doctors office?" My mom asks. She sounds worried. "No" I say flushing the toilet. "Are you sure? You're getting pale" she says "I'm fine mom" I tell her standing up and washing my mouth. "Maybe you should get check out" she suggests "I'm pregnant!" I blur out and her eyes go wide. "I'm pregnant, that's why I'm getting sick" I tell her. Then she pulls me in for a hug. I stay still in shock but then I slowly hug her back. "I'm so happy for you" she cries out. "Thanks" I slightly smile. This time she's actually happy that I'm pregnant. "Is baby making mommy sick?" Mary asks looking up at Peter. "Yeah. Babies do that" Peter tells her and picks her up. "I guess marriage really is going great for you two" she chuckles me and Peter both smile.
"It really is" Peter says kissing my head.


After my mom left Mary went to bed. Now me and Peter are just cuddling in bed after a round of sex. "You feel okay baby?" He asks "I'm alright now" I say snuggling my naked body closer to him. I don't feel sick anymore. "I think I got pregnant on our honeymoon" I say. "Oh damn you're right" he says "yeah, because the test showed I'm 3 weeks along and we were on honeymoon 3 weeks ago also" I say. "This is amazing" he says putting his hand on my still flat stomach. I smile. He leans down to my exposed stomach. "Hi baby, I'm your daddy" he says to my stomach. "We're so excited for you, little boy or girl. We will patiently wait 9 months for you. Mommy and daddy love you so much already" he says to my stomach and kisses it. I giggle and he leans back up. "I love you Michelle" he says leaning his forehead against mine "I love you more Peter" I smile and he pulls me in for a kiss. I lay my head down on his chest as he runs his hand up and down my back. "Good night my love" he says kissing my head. I smile and slowly drift off to sleep.

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