Chapter 21

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Mjs p.o.v.

I open my eyes to see my baby girl in the crib crying. I'm still so sore from the labour I can't get up. "Peter" I say looking at my boyfriend who's sleeping on a foldable bed. I see him slowly open his eyes. "Can you get her for me?" I ask. He nods tiredly and gets up. He walks over to the clear crib our crying baby was in. "It's okay baby" I says to her. But she continues crying. "What time is it?" I ask Peter. He checks his phone "just over 3am" he says walking to me with Mary in his arms. "She must be hungry, newborns eat every 2-3 hours" I say. "You've done your re search" he chuckles and hands the crying baby girl to me. "Shhh it's okay baby, mommy's got you" I say softly to my crying baby. I put her under my gown and onto my breast. She immediately starts eating. "Is she eating?" Peter asks. "Yup" I chuckle looking down at my hungry baby. Peter sits down next to me on my bed. I lean my head on his shoulder. He wraps his hand around my waist. "All I ever wanted was a loving family" I start, Peter looks at me "and now I have this. And I couldn't be happier" I smile. Peter smiles "our little family" he says and kisses my head.

"I think she's full" I chuckle seeing a small smile appear on Mary's face. I place her over my shoulder. "Can I burp her?" Peter asks. I smile and hand her over. He places her head over his shoulder and gently pats and rubs her back. "Am I doing this right?" He asks. "Yeah" I chuckle. Soon we hear a small burp escape Mary. "I think someone did a doo doo" Peter says and I chuckle. He goes over and grabs a clean diaper, baby powder and baby wipes. I place her down on my bed and take off her dirty diaper. She starts fussing feeling the coldness "You're okay baby" I tell her softly. We both change it. Having some struggles but handling it well. After I place her back on my chest she stops fussing and falls back asleep. "Let's go back to sleep now" Peter says. I nod my head and hand Mary to him so he can put her down into her crib. "Goodnight baby" he says and kisses me "night" i smile. I look at my baby in the clear crib and fall back asleep.


I heard my baby cry again. I open my eyes to see Peter holding crying Mary in his arms trying to comfort her. I see that the sun is now out. "Morning" I say tiredly "good morning baby" Peter says and walks over to me and kisses me. "I think little miss is hungry" he chuckles and hands crying Mary to me. "Can I try to feed her a bottle, to see if she likes it?" I ask Peter. He nods and walks over to prepare a bottle for Mary as I comfort her "don't worry sweetheart, you'll eat soon" I tell her softly and kiss her.

"Here you go baby" he says and hands me a warm baby bottle for Mary. I bring it close to her mouth. I see an angry frown appear on her face "cmon, just try it" I chuckle. She takes it in her mouth and takes a sip. Then immediately spits it out. The formula running down her chin and neck. Me and Peter both laugh at her. "I guess it's a no for formula" I chuckle. Peter hands me a wipe and I wipe the milk off of her mouth and neck. Then place her on my exposed breast. Which she immediately starts drinking from. "Boobie milk for the win" Peter chuckles looking down at her eating. "Nothing comes close to mommy's boobies huh?" I say to Mary and chuckle. "Would my lady like some breakfast?" He asks. "Yes I would" I smile. "I'll go down and get us some" he says kissing me "I'll be quick" he says and leaves the room.

After I burped Mary I placed her back into my arms. She slowly opens her eyes. I've read newborns can only see blur unless you come really close to them. Then their vision can focus and they can see clearer. I lean my head more down. "Hi princess" I smile. I see a smile appear on Mary's face. "You see mommy?" I ask her. She continues on smiling. It's the sweetest thing I've seen. Seeing her smile makes me so happy and warm inside. "I love you" I chuckle. A small giggle escapes her "I love youuu" I chuckle and kiss her multiple times. "You are my sunshine" I smile "my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are grey" I sing to her. She closes her eyes but she still has a smile on her face. I smile and kiss her little hand.

"Daddy's back" Peter says smiling as he brings a tray full of food. I chuckle at the sight of him. He places the tray down and takes Mary into his arms so I can enjoy my breakfast. Fresh pancakes drizzled in syrup with strawberries. Peter knows me too well. He holds onto Mary as I eat my breakfast.

After both me and Peter finished breakfast I sat up. I want to take a shower. Peter helped me up. It hurt to walk but I got the hang of it and slowly waddled into the bathroom.

Peters p.o.v.

Holding my baby girl in my arms it's like heaven. She's the most perfect baby I have ever laid my eyes on. Mary slowly opens her eyes. "Hi baby girl. I'm your daddy" I smile and rub my nose agains hers. "I love you so so sooo much" I say and I see her smile. "You're so beautiful. Just like your mommy" I tell her and run my finger along her cheek. I'm so exited to leave the hospital. So we can start living our life.

I bet Mj is still really tired from yesterday. She will have to wake up during the night just to feed Mary. I promised her I'd be there for her every step of the way, so I'll be waking up too. I see her come out of the bathroom now wearing a fresh gown and with her hair wet. She wobbles back to the bed and lays down. "Even though you gave birth you're still so stunning baby" I tell her. She smiles and pulls me in for a kiss.

Mjs p.o.v.

After that we see Dr. Miller walk in. "Hello you three" she smiles. "Hi" I smile. "How is she doing" she ask looking at sleeping Mary in my arms. "She's doing good" I say. "Is she feeding well?" She ask "yeah, she latched on pretty quick" I tell her. She nods "good, that's what we like to hear" she says. "Even though you baby was small enough that we didn't have to cut open your vaginal opening, I don't recommend having sexual inter course for at least a month" she says. Me and Peter both look at each other and nod. "Everything seems to be okay, so you'll be discharged at 8pm" she says. "Thank you" I smile. She nods and walks out. "We get to go home in a few hours Mary" I say to Mary. "I'm so excited to go home and start this new life together" Peter says holding Mary's hand. "Me too" I smile.


I get undressed out of my gown and put on leggings with a white shirt and a cardigan. My stomach is far from perfect. I look like I'm 4 months pregnant. I walk into the room from the bathroom to see Peter packing our stuff so we can finally go home. "You still got a baby in there mama?" He chuckles and pokes my belly "you're so mean" I say and playfully punch him. "You're gorgeous" he says kissing my lips. After that we changed Mary's diaper. She started crying "shhh you're okay" I say to her and put her in a pink onesie. After I picked her up into my arms she calmed down and fell asleep.

Soon a nurse came in and let me sit in a wheelchair with Mary in my arms. With better behind us carrying the bags. They wheeled me out of the hospital and we walked to the car. Carefully strapping Mary into her baby car seat. After that we drove home.

Peter opens the front door for me and Mary to walk in first. "Welcome home Mary" I say to her looking down at her. May must still be at works since she's nowhere to be seen.

I carry her to her nursery next to mine and Peters room. I gently place her in her crib. Peter walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me. This is it. All I ever wanted and needed in my life. "This is perfect" I smile.

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