Chapter 30

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Mjs p.o.v.

"How's school Morgan?" I ask Morgan now sitting on a chair next to Pepper drinking apple juice. "Good! I have lots of friends" she says. "That's awesome" I smile. "When's Mary gonna go to school?" She ask pointing at Mary who's sitting on my lap. "In about four or five years" I tell her. "Why not now?" She asks "she's only one year old Morgan. You have to be 5 or older to go to school" Pepper tells her. "Ohhh" she says. Mary looks up at me and smiles. I chuckle and kiss her. I can't get enough of her. My baby is just too cute to resist not kissing her. "Mama boobie" she says tugging on my shirt. A few weeks ago I completely stopped producing breast milk. And even though I don't breast feed her often she sometimes wants to eat from me. "Mommy doesn't have any more milk" I tell her. She looks at me confused. "I'm sorry baby" I tell her. She looks sad. "How about I give you some almond or coconut milk?" I ask her and she shakes her head no. I feel kind of sad. Me breastfeeding her was our one way of bonding. I'll miss feeding her and feeling her that close.

"Well, we should really get going. Morgan has homework to do" Pepper says standing up. "Mommy can we come back soon? I want to play with Mary" Morgan says looking at Pepper "we'll come around soon hun" she smiles. "It was nice seeing you two" Peter says "you too" he smiles. "Bye Mary" Morgan says hugging Mary. Mary just smiles and waves. "Bye Petey, bye Emmy!" She says. Me and Peter both smile. After that they left.

I put Mary down and pick up all the dirty cups from the coffee we were drinking. I place them into the nearly full dish washer and turn it on.
"Mama boobie" Mary says while crawling towards me "I'm sorry baby I don't have any more boobie milk" I tell her. She looks sad and confused. I sigh and go into the fridge and get almond milk. I heat it up so it warm and put it in a sippy cup. "Here try this" I say and hand her the warm bottle. She takes it and takes a sip. "Is that good?" I ask her. "Boobie bettew" she says and I chuckle. But she continues drinking it. "Well drink up"I tell her and pick her up and carry her over to the couch where Peter was sitting.

"Dada" Mary says handing Peter her bottle. "You want daddy to try it?" He asks and she nods. He pretends to take a sip "mmm that's very good Mary" he says and hand the bottle back to her. She smiles and continues drinking. I chuckle at both of them and lean onto Peter shoulder.

Now Mary is completely done with her bottle. "Was that good?" I ask her smiling. "Yeet!" She exclaims and throws the bottle down onto the floor. "Baby" I chuckle "it's your fault she's like this" I tell Peter and he just laughs. I stand up and bend over. I feel Peters hand slap my right ass cheek. I turn around at him. And suddenly Mary slaps his face. I burst out in laughter "oh my god Mary" I laugh taking Mary into my arms. Peter is still confused on what just happened while caressing his left cheek. "You show him who's boss" I laugh kissing Mary. "That was mean Mary" Peter says pouting looking at Mary. "Dada no" she says waving her hand. "No slapping mommy's booty?" He asks. "No!" She says "okay" he chuckles and she snuggles herself into my chest. He laughs and kisses her and then me.


After dinner Mary was really sleepy and kept on closing her eyes while I was playing with her hair when she was on my lap. "She's so sleepy" Peter chuckles kissing the side of my head. I chuckle. "Let's get you to bed baby" I say and carry her into the nursery.

"Mama no sleep" she whines. "Shhhh" I say and lay her head on my shoulder. "You are my sunshine" I sing and hum to her softly while swinging my body back and fourth and holding her head. "My only sunshine" I sing "you make me happy, when skies are grey" before I knew it she was sound asleep. I smile and place her down in her crib and kissing her. Then I exit her room and go back to the living to Peter.

"She asleep?" He asks "yup" I chuckle and sit down next to him. "I love you baby" he says wrapping his arm around me and kissing me. "I love you too" I smile and kiss him again.

I notice the pink gift bag Pepper and Morgan brought for Mary's birthday. I go and get it. In case there are any clothes I can wash them. I bring the bag over to Peter. "Aww look" I smile. They got Mary a matching shirt and jeans. And a plush toy. And a USB key? "What's this?" Peter asks taking the USB key into his hands. "No idea" I shrug. Maybe Pepper miss placed it accidentally? "Should we see what's on there?" Peter asks. "What if it's Peppers and she miss placed it?" I ask. "What if it's for us?" He asks. I shrug and bring over our laptop. He plugs it in and it opens a file named 'For_Peter'. Huh? So it is for Peter. "It's a video" he says. "Should we watch it?" I ask. He nods and clicks on the video. There appears a video of Tony. Peters eyes go wide. I hold onto his hand.

"Hey kid. Uh, I guess if you're seeing this video. It means I'm gone. This is probably gonna be our last fight. We have to defeat Thanos and bring everyone back. It's been 5 miserable years without you kid. You know, I never liked kids. But you, you were something else. I have never in my life met someone so brave and determent. Even though you're young, you know how to make things right. The time I've known you I became stronger" he says then wiping his eyes.

I look over at Peter who has tears rolling down his cheek. I squeeze onto his hand.

"I believe in you Peter. I know every choice you make it will be a right one. I just want you to know that if I die, continue fighting. Continue being strong. You are like a son to me. And I love you kid. Stay safe and take care" the video stops.

I look at Peter who has his head in his hands. "I know he's proud of you Pete" I smile rubbing his back. "I miss him Mj" he cries out looking at me. "And I know he misses you too" I pull him into a hug. "Thank you for being there for me after he died" he says tightening the hug. "I'll always be here for you Peter" I tell him. "He knows everything that's happening here" he says. I pull away and kiss him. "You're the strongest person I've ever met Peter" I say wiping his tears away. "Tony is so proud of you" I tell him. He smiles and pulls me in for another kiss. No matter what, I'll always be there for Peter. Always.


It's now 10pm and May just went to sleep. We put Mary to bed about 2 hours ago. Me and Peter just changed out of our clothes. Peter sleeps only in his boxers and I sleep in a tank top and underwear. "You sleepy?" He asks as I lay my head on his bare chest. I smile and nod, snuggling up to him. He smiles and turns off our tv. "Goodnight baby. I love you" he says. "I love you too. Goodnight" I smile and give him a kiss. I drifted off to sleep on his chest shortly after.

"Mj" I hear Peter say. I slowly wake up and hear Mary is crying. I look outside the window to see it's pitch dark outside. "Why is she crying?" I ask. Peter shrugs and gets up. It's weird for Mary to wake up crying during the night. She never does that anymore. We walk into her bedroom to see her sitting up and crying. "What's wrong baby?" I ask her. It breaks my heart seeing our baby cry. I know Peter also hates seeing her upset. "Mama, dada" she cries out and reaches her arms out. "It's okay baby. Mommy and daddy are here" I say and Peter picks her up. "What's the matter princess?" Peter asks her wiping her tears away. Her cries soften. "You okay?" I ask her rubbing her back. She soon stops crying and reaches out for me. I take her into my arms from Peter. "You're okay baby" I tell her kissing her head. She cuddles up to me as I hold her.

I try placing her down in her crib but she doesn't want to be in it. She starts crying and reaches her arms out for us again. I pick her back up in my arms. "What if we let her sleep with us tonight?" Peter asks me running his fingers through Mary's hair. She rarely sleeps with us but I guess it's our best option. "You want to sleep with mommy and daddy?" I ask her. She nods her head holding onto me. I smile and we go back into mine and Peters bedroom.

I get onto the bed on my side and place Mary in between me and Peter. "Mama!" Mary exclaims "shhhh, nana is asleep" I tell her placing my index finger onto my lips. She looks over at Peter and then me and smiles. "You have to sleep baby" I tell her and cuddle her. She closes her eyes and snuggles into my chest. I smile and kiss her head. "Goodnight my princesses" Peter says to me and kisses me and then Mary. "Night night" I smile and kiss him and Mary. Peter wraps his arm around me and our daughter. I love this feeling. Just me, Peter and our baby girl. I drift back to sleep smiling.

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