Chapter 24

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3 months later...

Mjs p.o.v.

"Say it again sweetheart" I smile holding my now 10 month old daughter. She giggles and shakes her head. "Say dada" Peter says to her while leaning his head against mine. "dada" she smiles. "Good job baby" I chuckle "we're so proud of you" Peter says and kisses her head. I can't believe it. Our baby girl is talking. And soon she could start walking. I mean she's crawling all over the place now. I put her down from the couch and she immediately crawls to the pile full of toys. "10 months old" Peter says. "I know, it's crazy" I smile. Keeping Mary has been one of the best decisions I've made in my whole life. She makes life so much better. I lean my head onto Peters shoulder and place my legs across his legs. He wraps both of his arms around me. "Mama" Mary says and hands me a plastic cup. "Thank you!" I smile and take a fake sip from the empty cup. "That's delicious" I chuckle "dada" she smiles and hand Peter one   He also takes a fake sip "yummy" he smiles. She smiles and then and puts her arms up. Signalling she wants to be picked up. I bend down and take her into my arms and place her into my lap. She cuddles into my chest.


"Hey baby, mind if I run to the grocery store real quick?" Peter asks. Even though we still live with May we get groceries often. May said she would move out with happy after a couple months after both me and Peter turn 18. "No, go ahead" I say. He nods and gives me a kiss "Daddy will be right back. Don't cause mommy any trouble, okay?" He tells Mary. She just smiles and nods. He kisses her head and then leaves.

Me and Mary are now both in mine and Peters bedroom because I'm folding and putting away our clothes. Mary is just roaming around on the floor. I hum to myself. "Mama" I hear Mary say. I turn my head to see her pointing at the piano in our closet "that's a piano Mary" I tell her. She presses one of the Keyes. She laughs at the noise it makes. "You like the sound?" I ask her and pick the piano up. She nods. I place the piano onto the desk. I sit down on the chair in front of it. "Come here" I tell her. She crawls over and I pick her up and put her on my lap. I start playing the piano and she giggles and claps her hands. "You like that?" I ask her. She continues smiling. My baby girl likes music. I smile at her and continue playing. "You walked with me" I softly sing. (Footprints in the sand by Leona Lewis) I remember singing this song while I was pregnant and I felt my baby move for the first time ever. Maybe she will remember it.

"Footprints in the sand
And helped me understand
Where I'm going"

I see her look up at me as I sing.

"You walked with me
When I was all alone
With so much unknown
Along the way"

"I heard you say
I promise you
I'm always there
When your heart is filled with sorrow
And despair"

I think she remembers it.

"And I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand..."

I look down at her and she has a big smile on her face. "Did you remember this song from when you were in my belly?" I chuckle and ask her. I lean down and give her a kiss. I'm so happy this baby girl is in my life. I can tell by the way she looks at me she's sleepy. I pick her up in my arms and stand up. She lays her head on my chest as I slowly swing my body. I hum the melody of the song.

"And I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand..."

I softly sing and hum to her. Before I know it she's sound asleep on my chest in my arms. "My baby" I smile and kiss her head. I walk into her nursery and gently place her down in her crib. I kiss her before leaving the room.

I walk back into our bedroom to finish putting all the folded clothes away. I look on top of mine and Peters dresser and see all the ultrasound pictures of Mary and the very positive pregnancy test. I'll never forget how terrified I felt. Mary is truly the best thing that ever happened to me, aside from Peter. I miss the feeling of having a baby inside me. Obviously me and peter are no where near ready for another baby, but maybe in the future. I don't know me and Peter haven't talked about the future.

After finishing putting all the clothes away I walk downstairs. I decide to be a good girlfriend and surprise Peter with lunch. As I start cooking up the pasta I hear Peter yell "I'm home!" I walk over "shhhh Mary is asleep" I whisper/yell. He chuckles and pulls me in for a kiss. It was deep. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. He slides his hand down the front of my pants and starts massaging me. I break the kiss and moan "P-Peter I'm cooking lunch" I moan. "Lunch can wait, besides" he says "I'm hungry for you" he whispers into my ear. Oh dear god. I can't hold myself back. He then picks me up and carries me into our bedroom where we made love. I made sure to cover my mouth when I moaned, otherwise I'd wake Mary. Thank god I turned off the stove, that was some good sex.

After I made lunch Peter went and got Mary up from her mid day nap. "Look who's up" Peter says holding our daughter who just let out a big yawn. "Morning baby" I smile. She stretches her arms and legs "big stretch" I chuckle and kiss her.

After lunch and  some cuddles I feel Mary tugging on my shirt. Even though I don't breastfeed her often she still wants my milk. And I don't mind it especially because we're bonding and my period still hasn't come because of it. But now that she will be 1 in two months we should focus her on the solid food, especially now that she's growing teeth. "You still want milk?" I ask her. We just had lunch. She looks up at me "boobie" she says. Me and Peter both chuckle. I sigh and pull up my shirt and bra. She smiles and digs in. Not going to lie I'm going to miss feeding her. "Slow down Mary jeez" Peter chuckles seeing her eat fast. Then I feel her bite me "ow!" I wince "what's wrong baby?" Peter asks "she bit me" I chuckle. "Little miss, you shouldn't bite your mommy. It hurts her" Peter tells Mary she ignores him and continues drinking normally. After she's done eating she just lays her head on my chest. Peter smiles and pecks both of us.

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