Chapter 46

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Mjs p.o.v.

"Look at those big lips" I smile caressing our sons small soft face. "You're gonna get all the girls" Peter chuckles "those are definitely mommys lips" he says softly kissing my lips. "He also has my nose" I chuckle. He has the exact same nose as me and Mary. "I know right. But he looks different from Mary, he looks more like me" he says looking at the picture of newborn Mary on his phone. "You look like daddy" I smile. He looks exactly like Peter did as a newborn. Aunt May showed me all the baby pictures of Peter. "Like father like son. Both handsome" he says and I chuckle. But I can't deny it. Then our baby boy slowly starts opening his eyes. "Hi gorgeous" I smile. "Hi little Nathan" Peter smiles. His big eyes wonder around the room but then he looks at me. "You're so handsome" I chuckle kissing him. "You see mommy?" Peter asks him. He squirms a bit but then sticks out his tongue. "You hungry sweetheart?" I ask him. I take off his little blanket and place his head to my breast. He stops fussing after feeling my warm skin against him and then starts eating. "You got it" I smile. I missed this so much. I can't even explain it. "You must be hungry" Peter says standing up. "Yeah" I chuckle. "I'll go downstairs to see if anything is open" He tells me and kisses me.

After he left I rested my head against my pillow. "My little baby" I smile. I take off his small blue hat and see small dark brown curls. Mary had the same hair when she was born. "Mommys little boy" I say softly. "I'm gonna tell you the exact same thing I told your big sissy when she was born" I say tearing up. "I just want you to know that wherever you are in life I hope you're happy. Im gonna be there with you every step of the way. Me and your daddy will always have your back" I say wiping the tears of joy. "Little Nathan" I say and kiss the top of his head. "Can't wait for you to meet your big sister. She's so excited to finally meet you" I tell him. "You and Mary are gonna be friends for life" I smile. I'm so looking forward to Mary meeting baby Nate.

"Daddy is back" Peter walks in smiling. "I got a dozen of doughnuts for my wife" he says placing down the box. "A dozen?" I ask surprised. "I can't eat all of that" I chuckle. "Hey, you deserve it. You deserve the world. You just delivered our second baby. You deserve more than just a box of doughnuts" he says. "Thanks babe" I smile. "You full little man?" I ask Nathan. Then lift him off my breast and place his head over my shoulder. Gently patting and rubbing his back.

After Nathan is burped Peter is doing skin to skin with him. So they can also bond. As I eat my second doughnut I send out the same text to May, my dad, Happy, my mom, Ned and Betty.

At 11.35pm our little boy came into this world weighing 7 pounds 5 oz. We got blessed, again. <3

"Just sent out this text to the fam" I chuckle showing Peter the text. He chuckles and kisses Nates head. "Who knew we'd be doing this again" he chuckles. "One of the best decisions ever made" I smile. "For sure" he smiles. "Little Nathan" he chuckles. "His little toes" Peter chuckles looking at his small feet. I let out a big yawn. "You should probably go to sleep baby" Peter says. "Just a little longer. I can't get enough of him" I smile looking at little Nate in Peters arms. "From this day on we'll get to spend the rest of our lives with him by our side" Peter says softly and handing him over to me. "You and your big sister sure are blessings" I say kissing Nathan's head. "Let's get some sleep now and tomorrow you'll meet your big sister" I tell him. "Let me help you" Peter says standing up. I hand him our son and he gently placed him in the clear rib next to my bed. "Night night baby Nathan" I say softly. "Don't let the bed bugs bite" Peter chuckles kissing him and then walking back over to me. He pulls me in for a deep kiss. We wrap our arms around each other. "Thank you Michelle. For gifting us with the most beautiful son" he says. "Wouldn't be possible without ya" I chuckle and pull him in for another kiss. "I love you Michelle" he smiles "I love you more" I smile. "Goodnight" he says kissing the top of my head and walking to the foldable bed. "Night" I smile. I rest against my pillow.

The next day...

"Oh no no no, don't cry baby" I say softly as me and Peter change his diaper. He cries harder as I wipe him clean with a baby wipe. "I know it's cold sweetheart" I say softly to the fussing baby. "You'll be warm soon, it's okay" Peter tells him as he helps me swaddle him. I take our fussing baby and place him under my gown on my chest. He stops crying and snuggles up feeling my warm skin. "I just got a text from May. They're all in the waiting room" Peter smiles. "Can only Mary come in first? I don't want the room to get crowded" I say. "Yeah of course" he tells me. "I'm gonna get your big sister now" he coos to our sleeping son on my chest. "I'll be quick" he tells me and kisses me and heads out the door.

"It's time for you to meet your big sister Mary, Nate" I tell him while running my thumb along his soft face. "I love you my sweet boy" I smile and give him a kiss. Then the door open. "Mommy!" Mary yells and runs to me. "Hi my baby" I smile kissing her. "Come up here, there's someone who wants to meet you" I say patting a place on the hospital bed. She jumps on and looks at the small baby under my gown. "Mary, meet your baby brother, Nathan" I say softly. She comes closer taking a good look at his face. Peter sits down next to me and wraps his arm around me. "Nathan?" She asks and I nod. "He looks funny mommy" she says. "You looked like that when you were born sweetie" I chuckle. "I looked much cuter than him!" She says. Me and Peter both laugh. "Would you like to hold him?" I ask her. She nods and gets settled. I take him from under my gown into my arms. "Support his head with your arm honey" Peter tells her as I gently place baby Nate into her arms. She looks down at him and smiles wide. "Do you like him?" I ask "Yes! he's my brother!" She smiles. I smile and kiss Mary's head. I'm so proud of her. "Baby Nathan" she smiles running her hand through his curly hair. "You had hair like that when you were born" I tell her. I show her a picture of her as a newborn on my phone. She giggles. "Who does he look like more. Mommy or daddy?" Peter asks her. "Daddy" she chuckles. Baby Nathan slowly starts opening his eyes. "Hi!" Mary says to him. "You see your big sister?" I ask him. A small smile appears on his face. "You're so cute" Mary says. "We did good" Peter says kissing me. I lean onto his chest.

"He has tiny hands" Mary says as she looks at his small hand that's holding her finger. "He does. Look at his tiny fingernails" I tell her and she laughs. "Can my mom and dad come in now? And after them happy and May?" I ask Peter. "As you wish baby" he says kissing me and then walking off. Little Nate starts fussing a bit. "Mommy" Mary says almost scared. "It's okay Mary. He's just a little fussy" I tell her and take him back into my arms and gently rock him. "Shhhh my little baby" I whisper to him and he calms down. Mary smiles and leans onto me watching her little brother. "Michelle" I hear my moms voice. I see both my mom and dad and Peter standing there. "Hey mom, hey dad" I smile. Peter walks back to me and sits down on my bed. "Hi little man" My dad smiles looking at the small baby in my arms. "Would you like to hold him?" I ask my dad and he nods. I carefully hand him my son. "Hi baby boy, I'm your papa" he smiles kissing his grandson. "You were born into one happy loving family" he tells him.

After holding him for a few more minutes he hands him to my mom. "Oh Michelle he's gorgeous" she gasps looking at little Nate. "We make the most beautiful babies" Peter says looking at Mary. "We really do" I chuckle. "What's his name?" She asks. "Nathan!" Mary says smiling. "Little Nathan" she smiles. She gently rub her fingers down his soft cheeks. "He looks more like Peter" she says looking at me. "I guess we're equal now. Mary is a copy of you and Nate is a copy of me" Peter chuckles kissing the side of my head. "That's true" I chuckle. "I just hope our son doesn't get your obsession over Lego's" I say and we all laugh.

After some more minutes of holding him my mom carefully placed him back into my arms. "You've met your grandpa and grandma" I tell him softly. I see my mom smile wide. Because I'll let my son call her grandma. "I'm so proud of you sweetheart" my dad says and kisses my head. "Me too. You're amazing dear" my mom says. "Thank you" I smile.

After visiting hours were over and Mary left to go with May and Happy, me and Peter were just cuddled on the bed with our son. Our lives have changed yet again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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