Chapter 28

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Mjs p.o.v.

After some quick sex we walk downstairs to see Mary still occupied with the cartoons. "You ready to party today baby?" I ask her picking her up and placing her on the couch. She smiles and leans on my side. "Grandpa and Uncle Ned should be here any time now" Peter tells Mary. "When is May coming home from work?" I ask Peter "I called her and she said she's on her way" he says. "What about Pepper? Did she reply to any of your texts? Calls?" I ask him. He shakes his head no. Pepper and Morgan haven't seen Mary in a couple of months now. I bet it's still hard for Pepper with Tony being gone. I pat his back and give him a kiss. I know it's hard for Peter too. He sill misses Tony.

"Where's nanas birthday girl at?!" I hear May yell me and Peter both look at each other and laugh. Mary smiles and crawls to May "hi birthday girl!" She smiles and picks her up. "Happy birthday nanas sweet angel" she smiles kissing Mary a bunch of times. "I brought you a gift" she says and carries Mary and the wrapped present to the living room where me and Peter were. "May, you shouldn't have" I chuckle. "I know. I just couldn't hold back" she chuckles and helps Mary unwrap her gift. We see a big doll house. "Woah Mary. Nana got you a doll house" I say to Mary. She smiles and claps her hands. "Daddy will put it together for you later" Peter tells her. She nods and hugs May. Hugging is Mary's way of comfort and saying thank you. "You're welcome sweetie" May smiles hugging her grand daughter back.

We hear the door bell go off. Peter goes and answers it. "Peter!" I can hear Ned. "Hey Ned!" Peter smiles and hugs his best friend. "How have you been?" Ned asks him. "I've been good. Great actually. How about you?" He asks his best friend. "The usual" the chuckles. Both of them come to the living room. "Ed!" Mary smiles pointing at Ned. "Hi Mary" he smiles and picks her up. "Happy first birthday" he smiles and hands Peter the gift bag for Mary. "Hey Mj, hey May" he smiles. "Hey" I smile "how have you been Ned?" May asks Ned smiling. "I've been good. Nearly done with my finals" he says sitting down on the couch and putting Mary on his lap. Ned is actually really good with kids. "I'll go make some lemonade" aunt May says getting up and going over to the kitchen. "So, has parenting tired you out?" Ned asks. "When she was a newborn yes, but now we have a routine so not any more" I chuckle looking at Mary. "You two don't look like you have a kid" He chuckles. "Is that's supposed to be a compliment?" Peter asks laughing. "Well yeah. Most parents look tired and miserable" he says laughing. "I guess we just got blessed with a good baby" I chuckle looking down at Mary who's now on the floor. "Do you miss not being a teenager?" He asks us. I shake my head no "at first when I was pregnant I thought my life was over and all. But honestly all I ever wanted was a family. A real family" I smile. Peter leans over and kisses my cheek. "Dude, Mj has gone too soft" he whispers to Peter. We all laugh. It's true though. Ever since Mary was born I couldn't build up my tough side anymore.

"Hi sorry I'm late" We see Happy wall in with a wrapped gift. "Hey honey" May smiles nod gives him a kiss. "Appi" Mary smiles and crawls to him. Happy has also been good support to us. "Happy Birthday Mary" he smiles and kisses her head and places down her gift.

We hear another knock at the door. "Honey can you go get it?" May yells out from ti e kitchen to Happy. He gets up from the couch and unlocks the door to reveal my dad. "Fury, hi" he says smiling awkwardly. "I didn't come here to see your face Hogan. Now move out my way, I'm here to see my grand baby" he says in a strict voice. Mary immediately recognises his strict voice he often uses whenever he talks to Peter. "Hi sweetheart" he smiles walking over to the living room. "Hello little princess" he says picking Mary up "papa!" She smiles. "Happy birthday honey bun" he says kissing her a bunch of times and handing me her gift. "Papa" she smiles "yeah" he chuckles. "Hi dad" I smile "hi honey" he says and sits down in between me and Peter. He just loves doing this.  "Hi Mr. Fury" Peter says to him. I can tell it's bothering him that my dad is so protective over me. For what? I'm dating Spider-Man. I seriously need to talk to my dad about this. He needs to give Peter a chance.

Peters p.o.v.

"Lunch is almost ready!" May calls out. "Cmon baby" I say picking Mary up. Nick stands up and gives me a death glare. Why is he so against me? I've never done anything wrong to him. Well except ghost his calls and getting his daughter pregnant. But that's besides the point. If he will hate me forever? I'll never get a chance to get his blessing to marry Mj some day. I sigh and carry Mary to her high chair and sit down next to her. Mj comes over and sits down next to me. Holding my hand under the table. I know she's also bothered with the fact her dad is so overprotective. She rubs her thumb against my hand to re-assuring  me everything gonna be okay.

Mjs p.o.v.

I cut up the dinosaur chicken nuggets for Mary and put some fries on her plastic plate. "Here you go sweetie" I say and hand her her plate. She begins eating. "Here, dip your fries in here" Peter says to her pointing at his sweet and sour sauce on his plate. She dips her fry in and eats it. "Good right?" Peter asks smiling. She smiles and dips her nugget in it too. Peter puts some sweet and sour sauce onto her plastic plate so she doesn't have to reach over every time.

After we're done with lunch Peter comes and helps me with the cake. We decided on half chocolate half strawberry cake, that's unicorn themed. "There" Peter smiles pacing down a number 1 candle on top of the cake and lighting it. Mary is gonna love it. I chuckle and pull Peter in for a kiss. I purposely make the kiss deeper because I feel my dad staring at us. I slowly pull away. "I love you" I say looking into his eyes "I love you more" he chuckles and gives me a kiss on top of my head. Then we carry the cake over to the table in front of Mary  as we all sing happy birthday to her.

Mary smiles and claps her hands together seeing her cake and all of us singing to her. "Blow out the candle baby" I tell her as Peter lifts her up. She leans down and blows out the candle. Struggling a bit but she did it. "Yayyyy" Peter smiles as we both kiss her.

"Wanna help cut the cake?" I ask her. She smiles and nods. I hold her hand in mine as I hold onto the knife. Peter also holds onto my hand as we cut Mary's cake together. "First slice is for the birthday girl" Peter says handing our daughter a slice. She laughs and digs in with her hands and starts eating. "Is that good?" I ask her. She smiles and nods. I help Peter out by handing everyone their slice of cake.

"Let's get you cleaned up" I say smiling at my daughter who made a small mess and has chocolate over her mouth and hands. I pick her up and carry her upstairs into her room. "Let's get you cleaned up and change that diaper" I chuckle and kiss. "Knock knock" I hear my dad say. "Hey" I say and he walks over. "How have you been?" He asks me "I've been good. You?" I  ask him. "Is Peter taking advantage of you? Because if he is tell me" he says concerned. "Dad!" I say "what?" He asks confused. "Why are you so against Peter? He's Spider-Man, my boyfriend and my baby daddy" I tell him. "What? I'm not against him" he says. I cross my arms. "Baby, I'm just scared he's gonna take you away from me. I don't want to lose you. Again" he says "dad, he's the person who brought us back together. If it wasn't for Peter you could have never found me. Because of him I now have a family who loves me" I tell him. He stays quiet. "If you aren't going to respect Peter for the good person he is I don't think Mary should be seeing you when you're so against her dad" I tell him serious. "I'm so sorry baby. I know he's a good kid, I just over-react and I'm over-protective" he says "I'll make things right with him some other day. Today is all about Mary. I promise you" he says. I nod and pull him in for a hug. "Now let's get back to the party" I say picking now all cleaned up Mary and walking downstairs.

"Dada!" Mary yells and Peter walks to us "yes princess?" He chuckles and kisses her a bunch of times. "We made the most perfect baby" he smiles and takes her from me into his arms. I chuckle and pull him in for a kiss. After we pull away I see my dad slightly smiling. I think it's all gonna work out.

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