Chapter 11

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Mjs p.o.v.

I started packing all my stuff. While crying. I packed up all my clothes. My books. My art. My laptop. I even packed the positive pregnancy test. I can't keep living like this. I'll never let anyone take control over me ever again. I take all my stuff down stairs to the front door. I see my mother in the kitchen drinking a glass of wine with a disgusted look on her face. I open the door and turn around "goodbye Lucia" I say and close the door.

I can't believe I even let myself call her mom. She's nowhere near my mom. She's just a woman who gave birth to me and treated me like dirt all my life.

I walk down the streets down my neighbourhood. With my two packed suitcases and a back pack. I'm going over to Peters.

I began to tear up already. I take a deep breath and knock on the door of the Parkers. Soon May opens the door. "Hi Mj. Why are you crying?" She asks concerned her smile immediately wipes away seeing me. "Can I please come inside?" I cry out. "Of course, cmon sweetie" she says helping me with my suit cases. I walk over and sit down on the couch holding my head in my hands. "What happened honey?" May asks concerned sitting down next to me. More tears escape my eyes. What if she kicks me out too. What if she hates me. "I'm pregnant" I cry out. She says quiet but rubs my back. "I'm such a disappointment to everyone" I cry out. She sighs and embraces me. I'm a little taken back but I hug her back. She lets me cry into her shoulder. "It's gonna be okay" she says. We pull apart. "Look I'm not mad. I'm just a bit shocked. This wasn't an idea situation but we'll make it work" she tells me. I wipe my eyes. "Everything is gonna be alright. You're welcome to stay Mj" she says. I give her a weak smile. I'm so grateful I have Peter and aunt May.

I soon see peter walking in from his room into the living room. The slides off his mask and looks confused. "Mj?" He asks and walks over. He sees my tear stained cheeks. "My mother found out and kicked me out" I sigh. He embraces me tight. "May knows" I tell him crying again. Peter looks over at May. "I'm sorry it's all my fault. I'm such a disappointment and a burden" I cry out. "Baby you never were a disappointment or a burden. You're family now. Me and May both love you. And it's isn't your fault. It takes two to make a baby" he tells me kneeling down in front of me. "We'll figure it out" he reassured me by kissing my head.

Peter helped me unpack my stuff and moved me in his room. I sit down on his bed breathless from unpacking. "Mj we have to talk about this situation" Peter says sitting down next to me. I nod. "Do you want to keep the baby?" He asks me. Even though we're 17 and not ready for parent hood I can't kill something innocent me and Peter made out of love. I nod my head. "Good, because I do too" he smiles. "But I don't have any money, my mom blocked my bank account. May can't support you, me and the baby" I say worried. "I still have enough money I got from Tony after he died. We can buy a bigger home, provide everything we and the baby need. I think it's enough money for the baby to go to college" he says. I chuckle. "I don't want you to worry about anything baby" he tells me. "What about school?" I ask. "We can continue public school if you're comfortable with that. Or we can switch to the online program. It would be easier for us" he tells me. "I'll switch to online school after I start showing. What do you mean we?" I ask him. "I don't want you to go through this alone baby. I don't want to go to public school without you and miss at the things going on at home. I promised you I'll be with you every step of the way" he tells me. I smile. How did I deserve someone so amazing.

After that we just cuddled and watched friends on my laptop. Peters head was on top of mine. "I can't believe we created a life" Peters say. I chuckle. He pulls up my tank top to expose my still flat stomach. He places his hand on it. "It's crazy, knowing that a human is growing inside of me" I smile. "Our baby. Half me. Half you" he smiles. I felt a warm feeling go through my body. I know we're young but we will make sure our baby has everything it needs.

Soon May knock on the door and walks in. "Well, since this is a two bedroom apartment we wouldn't have any place for the nursery. So I've Been looking at some other apartments" she says sitting down showing us at her phone. "This looks great May" Peter says "it really does" I say "it's a three bedroom one. Only 5 minute drive from here. Yall wanna go check it out later?" She asks. We look at each other and nod. She smiles. "Alright" she then walks out.


"Well here is the living room" the guy who owns the place says. "It's so nice and roomy" May says walking off with the tour guy and looking around. I look around the room taking it all in. Peter comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. "Can you imagine us living here, with the baby" Peter asks putting his hand on my stomach. I smile at the warm feeling. "Yeah" I say. "You're coping well with the fact that I'm pregnant" I say to peter as we walk around the empty apartment. "We can't do anything about it. I'm not gonna lie I've imagined having kids with you" he says. I stop "wait really?" I ask him. "Yeah baby, I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else but you" he says caressing my cheeks. I smile. I feel the same way. "I love you Peter" I say "I love you more" he says pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"I think we've seen everything" May says as we're all the the door. "We're taking it" May says to the guy. Me and Peter both smile at each other. "Very well ma'am" he says handing her the key and making her sign all the papers.

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