Chapter 16

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3 months later...

Peters p.o.v.

"Can you hand me the screws?" I ask looking at Ned while holding the two pieces of white coloured wood for the baby crib. Ned and I are starting on getting the nursery done while Mj is hanging out with her dad at his place. He leans back and gets the zip lock bag of screws and hand them to me. I'm building the crib and Ned is working on the white dresser. Me and Mj both agreed we would keep the furniture white and simple. We already painted the walls very light grey colour and a baby pink colour, since we're having a baby girl.

I start by screwing the posts together. "Isn't this crazy? You're going to be a dad" Ned says. "It's insane" I chuckle. "A baby will change everything dude" he says. I look at him. "My cousin who's 2 years older than us just had her baby and she said that her baby boy changed everything" Ned says looking at the instructions on the paper. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well you know, you're constantly tired, feel unattractive, your body is sagging. Her and her boyfriend even stopped getting intimidate because of it" he says. What if me and Mj will stop getting intimate? Oh god, I hope not. "She said they stopped having sex after she started showing" he says. I look at him weirded out. He nod "so I think yall are having intimacy problems because of the pregnancy" he says. "Dude, me and Mj have sex almost every night" I tell him weirded out. His face goes blank. "Oh" he says. I laugh. I'm glad even though Mj is pregnant we still get to make love, and is just as amazing as it was the first time.

"What if your kid is like a mutant baby spider thing?" He asks "you refer to mine and Mjs baby as a 'mutant baby spider thing?'" I ask while chuckling. "Well no, but what if she has your powers" he says. Oh shit. What if she does have my powers. I'll have make her learn how to handle them. This is going to be even more difficult. "A baby crawling on walls" Ned says exited. "What if she lays eggs?!" He asks panicking. "Ned, no one is laying eggs. Not me and not my baby" I say laughing. "If she does have my powers she will probably only get some of them. Because I'm 50% human and I have 50% of the spider dna. So she'll probably have less of the spider gene than I do" I tell him. He nods "that's logical, I guess" he says.

"I still can't believe Nick Fury is Mjs dad" he says now helping me with the nearly finished crib. "I know. But they honestly look a lot a like" I tell him. "Her mother is white so she has the gorgeous caramel skin complexion" I say. Smiling at the thought of my girl. "You're really in love with her, huh?" Ned asks smirking. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be in love with her. I mean she's amazing. At everything. She has the best sarcastic personality I have ever seen. She's drop dead gorgeous from head to toe, inside and outside. Whenever we're alone she lets her soft side show and it's seriously so cute to see. I really love her Ned" I say blushing. "Wow, I can see" he chuckles.

"Are you worried that you're going miss out on teenage years?" He ask now we're both building a rocking chair. "To be honest. Not at all. You know I never go out to party or whatever" I tell him. Which is true. I don't belong with big crowds. I don't smoke or drink. "I guess" he says. "What about patrolling?" He asks. I sigh. I love patrolling and saving people but I really want to focus on being a dad. I can't leave Mj all alone with the baby. "I'll talk to Nick Fury about it. I'm sure he'll understand that I don't want to leave Mj all by herself. She's his daughter so he'll probably send out someone else to do the work" I tel him. "It's not that I'm gonna stop being Spider-Man forever, I just want to focus on being a good dad" I tell him. He nods in understanding. "Now cmon, let's finish this before Mj gets home so we can surprise her" I tell him. We continue working. All Mj saw was the walls painted because she helped out yesterday with that. Even though she got tired after 30 minutes. And I understand her. It can't be easy carrying 17 pound baby bump.

"I'm back!" I hear May yell. I sent her out to go buy some plants and decorations. She comes up the stairs and into the nursery with a bag full of things to decorate with. "This looks really good, you two got this in the bag" she says patting Neds back.

After that we put everything into its place. May finished out by placing down the decorations and plants. Now we just wait for Mj.

Soon I hear the door open and close. Then see Mj walk into the living room. "Hey" I say to her "hi" she chuckles. I peck her lips. "How was it at your dads?" I ask her sitting back down "it was good. We talked about what went down after my mother took me away" she tells me. "Cmon, we have a surprise for you" I tell her and take her hand in mine. She chuckles and stands up we all walk to the nursery. "Oh my god" she says in shock. Covering her mouth.

Mjs p.o.v.

I'm shocked. They did all of this while I was away. It looks perfect. "Do you like it?" Peter asks wrapping his arms around me and putting his head on my shoulder. "I love it" I say tearing up. It looks so much better than what I imagined. "Aw don't cry baby" Peter chuckles. I turn around and hug him. I also hug May and Ned. This nursery is so amazing. They even got the rocking chair for me. I sit down in it. "This is it" I chuckle. I look over on the dresser there are all the sonogram pictures we've been too. I smile at them. I look at the crib. Our baby girl will sleep in there. Just 2 more months, and she will be here.


"You've got some boxes in the mail" I hear Peter say from the front door. I see him carrying them all to where I was laying on the couch. "Yeah I've done some online shopping" I chuckle and sit up. I open all the boxes up. There's some books, some things for the baby some things for me. "What's this?" Peter says looking at the cream I ordered. "Nipple cream" I chuckle "why would you need nipple cream" he asks and then laughs. "I heard good reviews on it. Because if you plan on breastfeeding your nipples can start cracking" I say "wait really?" He asks surprised. "Yeah" I chuckle "you plan on breastfeeding?" He asks "well, I'm still not 100% sure, we'll see when the baby comes" I tell him. He nods. "What's this?" He asks now looking another cream. "It's so you don't get stretch marks on your belly" I tell him "but stretch marks are normal baby" he tells me "I know, I just don't want them. Because I want you to still be attracted to me" I say quietly. He moves closer to me "are you hearing yourself right now?" He asks and places his hand on the side of my face "I am crazy for you Mj. Literally I'm so crazy for you. Just a thought of you makes me want to love on you. And stretch marks wouldn't change any of it" he tells me looking into my eyes. I smile and pull him into a deep kiss. "I'm still going to use it. It was 30 freaking dollars" I chuckle. "Your choice, not mine. I just wanted to let you know that I'm always going to be attracted to all of you" he says and kisses my head. I chuckle.

After that we inboxed all the other things. There were some baby clothes and baby chew toys. Also some books for me. "My first pregnancy huh?" Peter teases me as he reads the title of the book "shut up" I chuckle and playfully punch him.

Then we just cuddled on the couch. I sit up and take the anti stretch marks cream. I pull up my shirt to expose my big baby bump. I feel like a whale. "Can I?" Peter asks. I chuckle and nod. He takes some cream into the palms of his hands and spreads it evenly around my belly. "Not much longer now princess" he says to my belly. He's so ready to be a dad. I feel her kick. "She's kicking" I say and place my hand on where there's movement. He places his hand there and smiles widely. "Me and your mommy love you very much baby girl" he says to my stomach and kisses it. "She's having a dance party in there" I chuckle "I can feel that" he chuckles. "You're so beautiful baby" he says looking up at me. I smile. "I love you Michelle" he says "I love you too Peter" I chuckle and pull him in for a deep kiss. Not long after that we're making love on the couch.

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