Oh, the nerves

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I'm early. 

Shocking- or not.

Mom has been very determined to not let me even have a chance to be late on my first day at the bookstore.

I woke up with a start, thanks to someone who told me it's already 7 a.m. when it's only 6. Mrs. Parker told me I have to be there at 7.30, and here I am standing in front of the bookstore at 7.

I'm 30 minutes early- wow. 

I guess Mom takes the saying 'better early than late' too literal.

I need around 30 minutes to get to the bookstore since I'm riding my bike. It's kinda far, but I don't really mind. I've wanted this kind of job since as long as I can remember.

The building is pretty small from outside- it actually lives up to my expectation as the tiny bookstore around the block. It looks quite cozy from what I can see through the window. I look around the streets, noticing the bookstore is right beside a bakery.

"Sasha Blue?"

I turn around, noticing a brunette lady looking at me curiously. As soon as I confirm her suspicion, a grin makes its appearance on her lips.

"I'm Linda Parker. Glad you arrive here early!"

"I wouldn't dare be late, Mrs. Parker." I smile politely. 

The lady looks like she's around her 30s, and thank goodness she's quite friendly. Hopefully, we can work together alright.

"You can call me Linda." she smiles, "Come on in." she pushes the door open as soon as she unlocks it.

Falling behind her footsteps, I quietly observe the bookstore she owns.

Bookshelves are neatly laid out across the room- some attached on the walls, while some are independently standing in the middle of the room.

Those standing on their own aren't too tall, making the room feels more breathable instead of having the tall ones around. The whole interior is carefully set to be minimalist, without having a lot of decorations around the room.

The smell of books fills the room- not in an intoxicating way, but instead, it complements the whole room nicely.

"What do you think?" Linda stands behind the counter, waiting for my answer.

"It's tiny!"

Meeting her amused look, I realize how awful my answer was, "In a good way! It's so cozy in here, that's what I'm trying to say."

She chuckles, "A lot of my customers come here because of it. They say this place is like a tiny hideaway in the middle of the city."

I wear a smile, thinking of a good response to that. Should I compliment the place again? No, too many compliments, and I'll sound insincere.

So instead I shift the topic, "So.. What can I do for you today?"

Okay, that's weird. It's something I should've said to the customers, not my boss. 

Good job, Sasha.

I knew I can rely on my awkwardness to charm my boss on my first day!

Linda doesn't seem to mind.

She soon shows me around, introducing me to each of the shelves, telling me how the usual day in the job is.

And I'm quite glad to be in charge of the books instead of being the cashier.
Not that I hate being handed money, but I suck at Math. 

I'd rather not embarrass myself.

The first day of the job isn't much. The bookstore is quite deserted on Mondays, as Linda said earlier while briefing me.

When I finally get home, Mom seems very keen to know every little detail of my new job to the point she's asking me to describe the interior of the bookstore. Glad she's very supportive.

Miles is in his room, while Rachel isn't home from her date.

"I swear your sister is always out these days." Mom shakes her head as she eats dinner with me.

"Can't blame her. Her relationship is still new after all."
"New? She's been with Peter since last year!"

Oh, so she hasn't told Mom. 

Great, I'm stuck. I hate lying to Mom. 

But if Rachel isn't ready to tell anyone, yet, then I'd be dead. No borrowing clothes until probably three more months.

"Oh, uh, I must've heard it wrong then." I shrug, before stuffing my mouth with the remaining food on my plate.

Mom is looking at me in confusion, but I'm already chugging a glass of water then say goodnight, before swiftly disappearing out of the dining room.

I'd rather not be interrogated, thank you very much.

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