Not Trying To Be The One

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It's been a few weeks since Jo's disappearance when I see someone eerily familiar like him.

I'm outside of the McDonald's where he used to work, waiting for my friends to come for our hang out that afternoon. We don't really know where to go - we just decide to spend that national holiday together. We haven't hang out as often as we did because of the final year's tests and projects.

Sitting at one of the wooden benches at the area, I absentmindedly scan the place.

My eyes land on him right after I see a family exiting the McDonald's. His back is against me, but I'd be a fool to not recognize him immediately.

Getting off the seat, my feet soon follow him until I'm a few meters away from the suspected figure. He's all alone and his eyes are fixated on the McDonald's door, seemingly waiting for someone.


He turns around and I have to try so hard not to bombard him with my questions. He looks surprised to see me there, as if he's already forgotten it's the same place we met because of that silly dare.


"Where have you been?"

He looks different. He acts differently, I can see it clearly. It's in the way he adverts his gaze from mine, the way he fidgets as if he's got something to hide. And slowly but surely, I feel my fear creeping in.

Did I miss something?

"I've told you, haven't I?"

"You have, but..." I pause, deciding I'd ask that later, "You didn't get my texts?"

"My phone broke," maybe I'm not doing a good job in masking my emotions because then he adds guiltily, "I'm sorry I couldn't reply."

I gulp down my confusion, forcing a smile instead, "How's the new city?"

"It's alright." Jo nods, but in his every replies, it lacks his usual excitement and sincerity.

"How's your Mom and Harry?"

"They're okay." 

Is this really happening?

A few weeks and he suddenly has changed this drastically? What happened?

I almost mention his letter when a girl our age suddenly grabs him by his arm, glancing at me for a second before smiling at Jo.

"Come on. I've got our fries."

I meet Jo's uncomfortable look and he excuses himself with no smile whatsoever. 

"Jo!" I grab him by his arm and only then I realize he's not wearing his black jacket anymore. My heart sinks even deeper at the realization. He always wears his black jacket. Is he really Jo?

He turns around, telling the obviously annoyed girl to wait for a minute before releasing himself from her hold. Then he comes back to me.

"Your letter..." I gulp, trying to swallow my ego for once and be the first to try and clear the situation, "Did you mean it?"

He can't bring himself to answer. He glances back at the girl then back at me.

And I feel myself sinking deeper each second just by standing here.

"You won't understand."

"I will if you'll explain."

"My Mom fell sick and couldn't work for the job. I step in for her. I-"

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