Same blame, Rach

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The mac and cheese in front of me doesn't look as appealing as it did a few minutes ago.

Not because I've eaten too much of it. 

Not even because of how Miles is practically shoving his mouth with a spoon full of it within every fifteen seconds.

Mom questioned Rachel of Peter, and that ever dramatic sister of mine looked absolutely repulsed at the mention of her ex.

As if he's done anything but worship the ground she's ever walked on. 

Poor guy.

"I broke up with him."
Despite a fleeting glance my way, Mom did a great job acting as if she's never been told of that before.

Thanks for saving my butt from Rachel's wrath, Mom.

"He's annoying."

And that ensued their on-going debate. 

Which still goes on even after Miles is already on his second plate.

A fact that we've all known is that Mom adores Peter very much. 

She once hoped he's the one for Rachel, considering how great the guy is in her eyes.

"Sasha, do you think I'm being dramatic here?" Rachel's head turns to look at me, and now Mom's eyes are on me too.

Oh goodness. I'm not here to be involved.

"See? I'm not!"

I quickly finish my dinner, before getting myself to the couch. 

I absolutely will not be included. 

Especially since I don't get to relax at home before 8 except on Sundays.

This is a Sunday, and that means I'll make sure I enjoy every second of it.

"You don't watch cartoons anymore?" I ask once I see Miles is heading upstairs after finishing his dinner.
"They're being too loud. I won't be able to hear a thing." He shrugs, then walks away.

I draw a sigh, glancing at them. 

Oh, well. I can have the TV all to myself tonight.

Turns out it doesn't matter even if I have the volume on twenty. 

I still can't watch my movie.

Because once they quiet down a bit, Mom scolds me for having the TV on too loud. 

But once they have another go again, I can't hear anything.

The cycle goes on and on until I give up, then trudged upstairs after turning the TV off.

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