Tore Masterpiece

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When I already have an idea in the back of my head, I'd most often blurt it out - no matter how hard I try not to.

That sunny afternoon, Jo is leaning on the wall of the ice cream shop, his eyes skimming through the book I've brought him. I convinced him to start reading a book since he doesn't seem to like them so much. An irony when you've known how his brother and his love for book is.

He's probably flipped through the pages until around the middle of 'The Murder on The Orient Express', when I call out for his attention.

"Where are you going?"


"I mean when high school is over," I cast my eyes somewhere else, trying to ignore my embarrassment, "Have you sent your application?"

His gaze drops onto the pavement for a while. Jo chuckles, but he's doing it as if to cover his reluctance to cover the topic.

"I don't even know whether I'll go to uni or not."

My gaze lands on his as soon as I hear his response. I don't dare to express my surprise, though.


"You've applied?" 

I nod in response and he smiles a little.

"Why don't you apply for a scholarship?"

He drags a long sigh, "My grades aren't that great."

"You're smart," I rise a brow, "I know you are."

"When you don't have that much time to study like everyone else, that only helps a bit," he shrugs, "My grades aren't extraordinary enough to get a scholarship."

"But why not just try? A smart guy like you... The university will get it, don't you think so?"

"Get what? I can't tell them my grades aren't good enough because I have to work all the time. It doesn't work that way."

Jo narrows his eyes, his voice getting a bit louder with each word.

Who wouldn't be sad if their circumstances won't allow them to do what they want to?

What will I say to that, though?

I'm lucky enough I can study, even if I'm not as smart as he is. But even if I don't go to the same school as he does, I know he can be those geniuses with straight A's though they're also busy in organizations.

Life's not fair.

I look back at Jo, who's burying himself in the book. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's not your fault I can't go to university." 

"It's my fault if I upset you, though."

The side of his lips tugs up into a lopsided smile, "Don't feel bad. I don't mind with you running your mouth all day."

I can only roll my eyes at his retort.

"What I meant to say was, you can learn some more one way or another. It doesn't have to be in uni."

"I get it," he continues, "You don't seem very nervous for someone who's submitted their application, though."

"My acting is pretty good, then." I smirk.

"I'm sure you'll get accepted."

I look at him, realizing how a bit of sadness peeks into his whole expression.

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