Head on My Shoulder

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Familiar voices fill the hallway near Rachel's room.

I was only gone for a few minutes for some coffee since the adults asked for some. 

They've been accompanying Mom for a few days now and to be honest, they've been helping us a lot. 

Uncle Terry always visits after work, Aunt Poppy takes turns with Mom to watch over Rachel, and Grandma has been taking care of Miles and I. The other relatives visit regularly bringing food, snacks, and even flowers to wish Rachel quick recovery.

"Sasha? Sasha! Oh, there you are."

Mom is standing outside of the door, surrounded by a few people. I curiously pick up my pace, walking rather quickly towards the group.

"Your friends have been waiting for you!"

They turn around - Bryan, Lex, and Rosa - and they throw a smile.

"Why are you here?"

"We want to check on you, silly." Lex chuckles before Bryan turns to Mom.

"And to wish Rachel a speedy recovery, of course."

"Oh, how sweet of you all." Mom grins, before turning to me, "Look! They even bring us some donuts!"

"Ah..." I nod, still trying to process the fact that my pals are here. They're supposed to have some quizzes tomorrow, aren't they? Lex with her Chemistry, Rosa with her History, and Bryan isn't usually allowed to go out on weekday nights!

A few moments later, Mom finally heads in with the coffee and snacks to join the others. As soon as the door closes behind her, I quiz them.

"Aren't you supposed to have quizzes tomorrow?"

"Yeah, but we figure you need some support here."

"Mhm. You've been acting quite unusual lately. We just want you to know that we're here for you."

"Really?" I look around, grinning at the fact that they even bother to come all the way to the hospital.

"Ah, except me." Bryan pipes in, "I'm just here because they dragged me to come along."

I give his arm a light punch, and he retaliates with a laugh, "Kidding, kidding."

The four of us end up sitting on the park bench after I bought them some drinks. The park in the middle of the hospital provides a relaxing atmosphere in contrast with the stuffy hospital air. And at night, it becomes better with the breeze.

"... she said I can stay here on the weekends. I figure I can help her out a bit."

"The weekends? Aren't you supposed to work?" Rosa chirps. The girl knows how much I love the job, even when I have a Math quiz on Monday. 

"Yeah. I'm gonna tell Linda about the whole thing. Hopefully, she'd understand."

The three of them have asked me about what happened to Rachel a few times. But it was only tonight I finally have the chance to tell them all about it.

They go home at 8.30 and I soon come back to Rachel's room.

The doctor is hopeful. Rachel's wound is finally closing up very well. 

The news makes me go to sleep better that night. For the first time that week, I can finally fall asleep at ease.

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