Chapter 2

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Haisley continued to work her tables once she served the men their food

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Haisley continued to work her tables once she served the men their food. She checks in on them every once in a while, as any waitress should. Every time she walked by or checked in on them, the man with dark green eyes would catch her attention, the heat of his gaze would bore into her skin. As she waited on her other tables, she stole glances over at the booth full of men. Haisley wondered how much longer they would be taking up that booth. She didn't know how much more she could take of tension in the air. All the men had already finished their food, but continued to sit and talk.

Once she knew she couldn't avoid heading back over in that direction again, Haisley slowly made her way over to them.
"You gentlemen done? The diner technically closed five minutes ago." She asks in a soft voice while gesturing to the empty diner, void of customers and the cook.

"We're done here, little lady. If you don't mind our wonderful friend here would like to wait to leave to make sure you get safely to your car." Ink says as he grabs Bears shoulder with a firm grip, a knowing smile on this face.

Bear's eyes widened at Ink words. One moment they were talking about the club business, then Ink pulls that out of his ass. The other guys look at their prez with smirks on their faces, knowing this would be too good to pass up.

"Ink!" Bear barks his name in a warning tone, keeping his eyes away from Haisley as Ink continued to embarrass him.

"He was also wondering-" Ink was cut off by the slamming noise caused by the front door of the diner as a sickly looking man entered. He was tall yet not as muscular as any of the bikers, he had light brown curls and green eyes that were surrounded by redness. Thankfully, they were the only people still in the diner. Everyone's heads snap towards the door. Fear clear on both of the girl's faces, but each girl was scared for completely different reasons.

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