Chapter 8

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Knuckles was really worried for Haisley when she ran off to the bathroom

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Knuckles was really worried for Haisley when she ran off to the bathroom. He pulled his phone out of his pocket dialing Bears number. When Bear finally answered Knuckles knew just by the sound of his voice Bear had been drinking and had a piece of Rotter ass with him. Knuckles was very disappointed in Bear. They all saw how much he cared for her but, he just ​had​ to screw a Rotter.

"Your girl is awake and is currently has her head stuffed in the downstairs bathroom toli-" Knuckles didn't even get to finish his sentence when the line cut out.
Bear was awoken from his slumber by the loud ringing of his phone. He turned over with a loud groan. It took him a few seconds to find it as he was blindly fumbling around the nightstand.

Opening his eyes just enough to see the answer button. "What?.. It's too early for bullshit......" He listened carefully after he finished talking and as soon as he heard Knuckle say her name, he shot out of the bed. He accidentally hit the Rotters head with the pillow as he rummaged around for his clothes.

Once he finds all of his clothes, he quickly throws them on and rushing out of the room downstairs to where Knuckles and Haisley were.

Knuckles was standing in frount of the bathroom room Haisley was in. As soon as Bear got to the door he started to knock on the door hoping she would answer. When Bear didn't get anything in return he began forcefully banging on the door and using his large shoulder to push the door open. He had put so much pressure on the door that it slammed open. They were met with an extremely pale and sweaty Hiasley on the floor with her head in the toliet. Bear noticed she was gripping her injured side and hoped she didn't rip any stitches.

"Haisley. Baby, can you hear me?" He asks as calmly as he could even though he was scared shitless. Bear rushed over when he noticed her body becoming limp and starting to tilt over. He wraps one arm around her waist to pull her body to his. Using his other hand to brush away the soft curls away from her clammy face.

Bear looked around for a washcloth to gently wipe the sweat away before cleaning up her mouth.

"Call Doc. Now." He ordered Knuckles but he had already has his phone out and was already on the phone with Doc.

Bear shifted her around so he could lift her bridal style off the floor and carried her back to his room. On his way there he ordered one of the prospects to get the downstairs bathroom cleaned. He entered his room and laid her down on the bed once again as they waited for Doc.


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