Chapter 31

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Haisley left the bathroom door open so she could hear Balake

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Haisley left the bathroom door open so she could hear Balake. She started the bathwater and put some bubbles in it as well. This was something she hadn't done in a long time.

She strips out of her nightclothes, tossing them in the hamper before stepping into the warm water. Sighing softly as she finally got herself comfortable in the tub. She rested her back against the end of the tub and closing her eyes as the water washed over her.

Haisley heard the bedroom door opening. She could feel her heart rate quicken as she reached over for her towel. Basically jumping out of the tub she rushed into the bedroom to see Bear leaning over Balake kissing his cheek.

She was breathing deeply. The only thought that ran through her mind was that person trying to get Balake. Bear hadn't even realized Haisley was standing there until she sighed.

"Baby. What's wrong?" He asks worriedly as he moves from the bed towards Haisley who was only covered in a towel. Bear kept his eyes on her face though it was hard not to look anywhere else.

"I thought....I thought you were" Haisley eyes started to water as she thought about what could happen if she takes her eyes off of Balake even for a few minutes.

"No. No baby. That person can not hurt him or you here" he pulls her into a hug not caring that his shirt was getting soaked. Bear wraps his thick arms around her towel-covered waist.

He knew this scared her and it did him as well. Their baby was in danger which was a parent's worst fear. "Listen. I and a few brother are going on a run tomorrow. We are going to end all this suffering"

Bear could feel her grip tighten around him. He knew he was also someone that person wanted to take out of her life but he swore he would always return back to Her and Balakes even if it took every last fiber of his being to get back.

They were his heart and home now. They were the missing piece of him that he thought he lost forever. He gained the love of his life and a little boy who will be treated as his own and will have a father figure. It may not be the 'perfect' way of going through life but it was their way of going through life and that is all that mattered.

"I can lose you either, bane" her words come out muffled as she buried her face into his chest. She had completely forgotten about the bath or that she was only in a towel.

"I can't promise you the world. I can't promise you that tomorrow will be full of sunshine and rainbow but I can promise that I will protect you and this little baby forever." He moves back so he could look into her beautiful eyes. Placing his hands on the side of her face and pulling her into a soft and sweet kiss.
That day Bear spent that time with his little family. The brothers were gathering their things for their early trip in the morning. Bear had already done his packing before Balake woke up.

Being on lockdown they couldn't go anywhere so Bear had knuckle fix some snacks while he cleans up the bedroom for an indoor picnic. They had a nice day. Playing and laughing crying, just being able to relax together was enough for them.

Bear had gotten up early the next morning, dressed in his usual clothes. Just before he was about to leave her there on his vest and walked over to the bed where his old lady and baby boy were asleep peacefully.

He chuckles as Balake rolled over and basically crawled on top of Haisley. Balake was too cute for his own good, that's why the boys all had a soft spot for him.

Bear sits next to both of them. He brushed Haisleys hair from her face and kisses her forehead. Next, he moved down to kiss Balakes cute little squished cheeks. At that moment he knew he had to come back from the run alive and well.

"I love you both. I'll be back as soon as I can" he whispers to the both of them while rubbing Balakes back sweetly. "Sleep well my loves" he kisses them both one last time, letting both kisses linger longer than the last one.

He moves from the bed and grabbed his keys to the bike before leaving the room quietly. All of his brothers were downstairs waiting for their Press orders.

Bear picked a handful of his brother to go with him while the other stayed at the compound and protected Haisley and Balake just in case things didn't go so well.

Once everyone was at their post, Bear and his other brothers headed outside to their bikes and got ready to head out. He looked up at the window of his room. The curtains were closed but he knew who waited for his arrival behind them.

"Everything will be fine, brother. We have your back" Ink slaps his shoulder reassuringly before he walks over to his own bike and starts it. Bear knew he wasn't alone in this but they still didn't stop the worry that rested in the pit of his stomach as he thought of all the possibilities.

Eventually, he had to gather himself and shut down the negative thought because he knew it wasn't going to help him in the long run. He needs to think positive and clearly in order for everything to happen like he wants it to

"Let's go, Prez" one of his brothers yells over the sound of the bike engines as they straddle the seats. They all nod and start to pull out of the compound. Bear was the last to leave, he watched the window for a few more seconds before speeding off behind the rest of them.

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