Chapter 16

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"Babygirl, you should be in bed" he mutters into her hair as he kisses the top of her head

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"Babygirl, you should be in bed" he
mutters into her hair as he kisses the top of her head.

"I-I know, but I missed you and...I was hungry" she giggled softly at the last part but continued to hold him close. His warmth surrounded her and made her feel safe.

"I'm sorry, I had a lot to take care of" he sets his beer down and wraps both his arms around her, being careful about her side. Lifting her up before moving to his chair. Haisleys straddled his legs once he sat down.

They both sat in silence for a few minutes. She looked down, fumbling with her tiny fingers with a blush forming. His gaze on her was intense, yet comforting.

Bear lifted his large hand, resting it against her warm cheek. He couldn't help but smile when she leaned into his touch, closing her eyes with a soft sigh.

"B-bane. I have something to tell you.." Haisleys pulled back from his touch so she could look at him completely. She remained in his lap comfortably but the nervousness rolled off of her in waves.

Haisley swallowed nervously before speaking. "I....I had a very close friend that was there for me when, you know, all that stuff happened." She inhaled softly, not wanting to cry.

"She had a job...a job that she didn't enjoy but had to do in order to survive. I tried to get her to stop and work with me at the diner but she wouldn't" haisleys eyes filled with tears at all the memories of her friend. Bear rubbed her thigh in a comforting way as she continued.

"One night...Sam came to my apartment. She looked bad. Bruises from head to toe. Her clothes barely covering her." Haisleys tilted her head down as the tears started to roll down her soft cheek.

"The things she had to do for money was-" she cleared her throat "This time it was different. This time she was hurt. I begged her to tell me what happened but she wouldn't. I just put the pieces together just by the aftermath they had left on her."

Haisleys leaned forward and rested her head against his chest for comfort. He sat quietly, letting her grieve and vent as much as she wanted.

"It took a while for her recover but it all started to fall when she found out she was pregnant because of what happened." She grips the bottom of his t-shirt.

"She didn't want to get rid of it and I wasn't going to make her. It's her body and her baby. Even though we could barely manage for ourselves, I promised to help her through is." Bear could feel his shirt starting to get drenched from her tears but he continued I hold her close not caring about his shirt.

"When she finally had the baby. We had to figure out what we were going to do. I worked all day and she worked all night. So we took turns. She watched the baby while I was away and I watched the baby when she was away." She paused for a few minutes while a few sobs lefts her body. Bear held her even closer, comforting her as much as he could.

"It worked until one morning, I was waiting for her to come home before I went to work but she never showed up. I called out of work that day not knowing what was going on nor when she would return. I waited a few more hours, I didn't want to do anything drastic if she was just late but she never did come back home" Haisley closed her eyes and gripped his shirt even tighter.

"I called the police and they told me the person had to be missing for at least 24 hours before I could file a missing person report. I was beyond anger. So I looked for her myself. My friend Addy from the diner offered to watch the baby while I went out and looked for her" Bear was now rocking them both gently and rubbing her back as her sobs and hiccups continued.

"I found...I found her underneath that br-" bear noticed haisleys starting to hyperventilate so he pulled her away from his chest and tried to calm her.

"Baby. Look at. Haisleys look at me!" He has to get her attention before her brain started to really overload itself.

"It's okay, baby girl. I'm here now. Everything is going to be okay. She wouldn't want you to hurt yourself over this. Just breath, baby" Bear places both his large hands in each of her cheeks and slowly pulled her in for a calming kiss. Her breathing started to even out and her body relaxed. When they pulled apart they both were breathing deeply.

Bear pushed away the curls away from her face gently before wiping away the tears from her cheeks. "You were the only person there for her, baby. She would never blame you for any of this. You helped her when no one else would and raised the baby with her. I have a feeling she is everything but mad at you." Bear says in a comforting tone. Haisley had never thought of it that way. She always thought Sam was angry because she didn't help her in the last few minutes of her life.

"Thank you, Bane. For everything" she says in a soft voice as she leaned in to place a kiss on his cheek.

"I would do it a million times over if I had to. I meant what I said, Haisley. I'm here for you and I want to be with you." He rests just hands on her hips with a soft smile on his gorgeous face.

"Bane. I technically have a child. I'm broken. I have so many problems. How could you still want to be with me? My brothers and abusive drug addict, I have no family other than the baby, I work day and night just to feed me and the baby. I'm going to nothing but a burden to the club and especially you-" just as she was about to continue bear speaks in a tone she had never heard before.

"I don't give a damn, Haisley. Your problems are now my problems. Your burdens are now my burden. That child you raise is now a child I'll raise. Don't you understand? I'm already in love with you. You could never be a burden." He sighs, resting his forehead against her and closing his eyes.

"I want you and everything that comes along with you." He places a soft kiss on the top of her nose, making her let out a cute giggle.

"Y-you love me?" She asks dumbfounded after her laughter had settled.

"Out of all of that, that is all you caught" Bear teases while leaning back into his chair.

Haisleys smacks his arms softly and rolled her eyes. "No. Everything is just shocking. We barely know anything about each other yet, are both in love with each other" haisleys just realized she had basically admitted to loving him. Her face turned red as a tomato.

"Oh? So we are both in love with each other, huh?" He leans in dangerously close to her face watching as she squirmed in his lap. She didn't answer, nor because she didn't want to but because her body just wouldn't let her.

"How about this. We'll get to know each other more tonight and tomorrow, me and you will go and get this baby you speak of. How does that sound?" He speaks to her in a loving tone while pulling her into his chest. All she did want nod and her comfortable against him.

He chuckled at her reaction. "Okay, now it's my turn to tell you a when I was little..."

Bear and Haisley  |T.W #1|Where stories live. Discover now