Chapter 6

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Haisley couldn't be sure if she dreamt that she grabbed Bear's hand or if it was real

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Haisley couldn't be sure if she dreamt that she grabbed Bear's hand or if it was real. When she had woken up, she looked around the room and spotted a sandwich sitting on the nightstand. Her stomach growled loudly as the sight of it seeing as she hasn't eaten in a while.

In any other situation, she would have most definitely left the food there untouched but, she hadn't eaten anything as big as a sandwich in at least two days. Her stomach felt as though it was eating itself and although she has grown used to this feeling it still was not pleasant. Reaching over she grabbed the t-shirt that she did not realize until now that she worked it off of her in her sleep. Her cheeks turned bright red at the thought of Bear seeing her half-naked laying in his bed. With embarrassment she also felt something she hasn't felt in a while, a longing for a man.

Though she prayed the embarrassment of her wanting Bear not to leave, she was just too hungry to dwell on that topic anymore. Quickly yet carefully she leaned over to pick up the sandwich. Haisley scarfed down the sandwich so fast she barely chewed. She could feel every bite hit the bottom of her stomach and she mentally thanked the person that made this for her. It was probably one of the best sandwiches she had ever had.

Haisley forced herself to finish everything on the plate, not knowing when she was going to get another meal like this. She knew soon they would kick her out of their compound and would soon be back to sneaking bites of food people didn't eat at work.

She knew dwelling on her problems wasn't going to get her anywhere so, she decided to get up and go downstairs. Once she made sure she was completely covered, she slowly and carefully made her way out of the room. Not even halfway to the door, her waist started to sting and ache. She could take the pain medicine but, they made her sleepy and she was not used to sleeping the day away. Especially in such an extremely comfortable bed that also smelled amazing. It smelled just like him, which only made her want to bask in it longer but, she forced that thought away and focused on getting down the stairs.

Pushing through the pain, she made her way out of the room entirely and down the stairs. It felt like it took her 40 minutes to get to the first level so, she was very relieved when her feet finally landed on the last step.

Looking around, she realized how quiet it was down there. Haisley figured she was left alone in the compound until she heard the sound of a pot being placed on a stove. It startled her enough to pique her curiosity. She started to walk slowly towards the direction of the noise. It lead her around a corner to a beautiful rustic looking kitchen.

A large figure was walking around the kitchen, she knew it wasn't Bear so she stayed quite to make she he wasn't a bad guy. This man was slightly shorter and not as muscular as Bear but, was still large compared to her petite figure.

While still keeping an eye on the new person, Haisley took a look at the room. It was quite basic and slightly messy with the beer bottles on the floor and counters. Her OCD made her want to clean every inch of that place but, she refrained herself since it wasn't her place.

While being distracted by the mess in the kitchen Haisley forgot about the other person in the room. She didn't notice that he had turned around and was now staring at her. Frozen with fear she didn't notice he was talking to her, not wanting to make the stranger angry she just nodded her head to whatever he said.


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