Chapter 4

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Doc had finally finished removing the shards of glass and was now working on stitching up any wounds that were too big to heal on their own

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Doc had finally finished removing the shards of glass and was now working on stitching up any wounds that were too big to heal on their own. His stitches were precise and neat when he finished. Doc then placed ointment over the smaller wounds before wrapping up her side and forearm.

   "I'll leave you some fresh gauzes and wraps along with the ointment and pain medication. If you need anything, you have my number." Bear thanked Doc while not getting up from hi laying position right next to Haisley. Doc set the materials he mentioned on the nightstand once he had packed and moved the bowl of dirty water from the room.

   "Thanks, Doc. I owe you one." Bear reached out with his free hand to give the doctor a handshake.

"No, Son. Just take care of this young woman and we'll call it even." Doc smiles sweetly at the both of them before quietly exiting the room. Bear shook his head at Doc, then processed to look down at an exhausted-looking Haisley.

   "I-I have to go. Thank you for everything, Mr...." Haisley says as she tries to keep her eyes open and sit up in Bears comfy bed, but she finds herself being pulled back down onto Bear's chest whimpering at the pain that shot through her side.

   "Bear. just call me Bear and you're not going anywhere expect to sleep. You need to rest and a lot of medical attention that we can give you." Bear said with a stern look on his face, knowing that she was going to be a hand full.

   "No. No, thank you, Bear. I'll be just fine. I can take care of myself." Being her stubborn self, she wasn't going to accept help. The last time someone she knew asked for help, her family ended up losing everything. She wasn't willing to have that happen again, no matter how nice the biker seemed, not even the fact that she already trusted him enough to lay in the same bed with him will change her mind.

   "You have no way to get home. I brought you here in my brother's truck." Sighing softly as he removed his large arms from around her and sat on the edge on the bed, trying to give her space to breath.

   "Just stop being so stubborn and take the goddamn help!" Bear exclaims as the frustration began to build inside him. He was already battling with himself internally about how this waitress made his heart skip a beat and his head spin when he smelt the sweet scent of mangos coming from her beautiful curls.

Haisley flinched slightly at he raised his voice, but deep down she had this feeling that that outburst wasn't beaus of anything she did to him.

Watching her flitch to something he did, Bear muttered underneath his breath before standing up from the bed abruptly and storming out the bedroom. Slamming the door behind him, Bear found his way downstairs and over to the bar to order a few beers. His brothers watched him from afar, wondering what made the most level-headed, calm person they ever knew get this angry.

   "That damn waitress is working my last nerve." Bear spits out as he sips his beer. Each brother around the bar had a knowing smirk on their faces when they caught on to what was going on with Bear.

   "Brother, I think this woman already has you wrapped around her little finger." Bears brother K-9 says, making everyone in the bar laugh. Bear could hear each member mutter the one word he thought would never be mentioned in regards to him "Whipped". While everyone around him was making whipping noises, Bear was getting more and more upset.

   "Go to hell! I am not whipped, nor am I wrapped around her finger. She is hardheaded as a mule and won't take any damn help even if it was forced down her throat," Bear screams as he slams his beer bottle down on the bar, rendering the whole room quite.


   Haisley watched the door for a few minutes after it was slammed shut waiting to see if it would open again. She felt bad for making him angry, and that was something she never felt when she turned down an offer for help. Groaning loudly as she runs the hand on her good side down her face. Reaching behind her head to latch onto her ponytail holder, pulling it out of her hair. Haisley lets her tight curls fall around her. She closed her eyes, enjoying the release of the tension caused by having her hair pulled up for a long amount of time. 

      After running her hand through her hair a few times, she opens her eyes to look down at her bandaged waist and forearm.

Haisley decided she might as well clean up while he is gone. Though it was longer and more painful then she thought, she still got up from the large yet comfortable bed, being extremely careful of her wounds. She could feel beads of sweat forming on her forehead at the amount of effort it took to get up from the bed.

Looking around the room for the shirt and boxers he had given her to change into from her own ripped blood-stained clothes.

Walking into Bear's bathroom Haisley admired the simple beauty of it. The shower was covered in pretty blue tiles with a big glass door and a powerful looking shower head hanging from the ceiling. Haisley will dream about that shower, but she knew better to get fresh stitches wet plus with how exhausted she was she might fall asleep standing up. A bitch bath would have to do. It had taken her 15 minutes to even find the washcloths.

Once Haisley had stripped from the rest of her clothes and washed off her body, she tried her best to wash her hair. That only ended in a mess all around the sink, but she did as best as she could with one hand.

Attempting to towel dry her hair she then slipped on Bear's large white shirt and black boxers. The struggle was real. At this point, she was too tired to even attempt to do anything else, so she dragged her sleepy body back to the bed. She refused to take any pain medications unless it was starting to become unbearable, and that was just her being completely stubborn. She wouldn't need it because as soon as she got under the covers and her head hit the pillow her eyes fluttered shut and darkness took over.


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