Chapter 13

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Silence. They laid in bears bed, cuddled up. Haisley would look up every few minutes to see if he had fallen asleep but he was looking down at her every time she looked back. No doubt about it, her cheeks were as red as a tomato.

"Haisley. Who was that guy at the diner?" Bear had tried so hard no to dig into her business too much but the wonder was just too much. The man at the diner hurt her back, and why he saw mother her waitresses face was that this wasn't the first time he has visited Haisley.

" older brother" She snuggled in closer to his. Large form. Haisley and Addy were the ones who knew why Boyd was to her.

Boyd was just a few years older than her. When everything went downhill in their house, he was the first to breakdown and leave. We thought he was just mad at the situation and would come back, but that certainly didn't happen. He was gone for weeks. Haisley had tried looking for him but he just disappeared.

When he returned home a few months later, he was a complete mess. Haisley didn't know how to make him better. Boyd ran away and turned to drugs. He had bruises on his inner forearm from the multiple times he had used needles. The paleness and dazed expression that was on his face made her feel as if she had lost him completely. Haisley Figured he had come home to get help. But he wanted the exact opposite of that; he wanted money for his next fix. Seeing him like that. Broke something inside of her. He was always a role model for her.

Haisley told him no and that he could have any money. She had to hide her money so he wouldn't sneak into her room and take it. The next few weeks Boyd has seemed better, almost too better. One day she ran up to her room before he had gotten home and she counted it. She was missing around 300 dollars. Haisley had been saving that money for an apartment.

She yelled at him. Asked why would he take the money from her when he knew how important it was to her. He only shrugged, staring off somewhere else in the room. Haisley knew she had lost her brother forever.

Bear had listened to her explain somewhat about what happened. He knew a big chunk of that story was missing. What happened to make their family fall apart? What made it so bad her older brother ran off and started using?

He laid there trying to control himself from speaking up and saying something she may get offended from. Bear was pissed at the fact her own brother would hurt her that way, and for what? Money!

"I...I miss him, Bane. The old him." Haisley hadn't talked about the situation with her brother for a long time. Honestly, it was just the icing on top of everything else. One by one, she lost everyone to different things.

"You can't help people that don't want to be helped. You tried and that is all that matters." He tightened his grip around her slightly.

"Haisley-" bear starts off but Haisley cuts him off before he can finish.

"No, Bane. I..I can't ask for your help. Or anyone else. That is what got us all in that situation" Haisley lifts herself up to look at him.

"Why not? Huh? Why can't I help you?" Bear was starting to get frustrated with her.

"Bane. Please, you have to understand" she says in a soft voice, looking away from him.

"I can't understand if you don't explain it to me" he pushes himself up, resting his back on the headboard.

"You can't help me. It's too late. What happened is done and over with. It was years ago" she sits up beside him with her legs crossed, holding the blanket to her chest for comfort.

"I can help you, baby girl. It doesn't matter if it happened 40 years ago. Me and my brothers are more capable than you think" Bears tone returned to the soft, confronting one that he used with Haisley.

She turned her head to him slowly. "But Bane,-" Haisley stopped knowing he wasn't going to give up this argument. She liked and hated that about him.

"But what, Haisley? I can tell you've been through some tough things. Everyone here has been through some hard shit, and look at them now. They trusted each other and healed together." Bear sighs softly, sitting up to pull her into his lap. "Let me heal you, Haisley." he groans loudly as he couldn't find the words to express what he wanted to.

Haisley reaches out to gently trace the frustration creases on his forehead. His face relaxed instantly at her touch. They both wondered how both their touch could calm the other. Why the sparks and tingles courses through their bodies when they were close.

Bane mentally said 'fuck it' as he took her beautiful face into his hands and pulled her into a slow and caring kiss. It had taken Haisley a second to respond. He was worried she wasn't to kiss him back until he felt the soft movement from her lips against his.

Haisley's arms found their way around his neck when he moved her to straddle his lap. The kiss went from slow and sweet to hot and needy. If Haisley hadn't pulled away for air it would have gone further than that.

Bear rested his forehead against hers with his eyes closed, breathing heavily. He cursed under his breath and his brain gathered itself. Bear had never been this dazed and hot by a kiss.

"What are you doing to me, baby girl?" he mumbles against her lips as he places a soft peck against them. The soft sound of Haisley giggling at his words filled his ear.

"I could ask the same question" Haisley moved her head down to rest on his shoulder while he continued to hold her close.

"What does this mean for us, Bane?" She asks softly. The last thing she wanted was to lose someone else.

"It means now you have no choice but to accept my help and that I can kiss you whenever I want," he says the last part in a teasing tone as he moves his head down to place a few sweet kisses along her neck.

Haisley would say no but she was finally at her breaking point and he was there to put her back together. She was finally ready to be close to someone again and be cared for.

Bear and Haisley  |T.W #1|Where stories live. Discover now