Chapter 27

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Bear had rushed upstairs when he had finally calmed the commotion downstairs

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Bear had rushed upstairs when he had finally calmed the commotion downstairs. When he went to open the door to his room it was locked. He knocked but got no answer. When he started to bang harder and still nothing he knew something was wrong.

He started to yell Haisleys name while turning the knob and using his shoulder to try and push the door open. Not long after a few of his brothers came upstairs to see what Bear was yelling about.

"I can't get in and no one is answering. Something isn't right" he tells them as he backs up far enough to lift his leg up and kick at the door. It had only taken a few kicks to knock it down and when he did it wasn't the sight he was expecting to see. Balake was sitting up on the bed but looking down at the floor.

Bear followed his gaze and sat Haisley laying down on the floor next to small photos. He walked over to Balake and carried him over to K-9. "Take him downstairs, I'll be down to get him" he orders before he rushed over to Haisley and kneeled beside her.

He had seen Haisley in many states; sad, upset, worried, stressed, on the verge of a breakdown but never in the state she was in now. "Hais. Haisley!" Bear cradles her face with his hands and turns her head so she was facing him.

"Prez, you may wanna read this" Bear turns to look at Ink who was holding an open letter in his hands. The look on Inks's face worried him even more.

It had registered to him that she was completely surrounded by pictures. They never took pictures, at least not in the form they were in on the floor. "What are these?" He asks himself before picking them up.

Just looking at one picture made it very clear as to why Haisley looked at though she had seen a ghost. The pictures had almost made his stomach turn, and Bear had seen a lot of cruel shit in his lifetime.

"Get doc!" He yells to Chains as he takes his face back into his hands.
When Doc has arrived Bear had elevated Haisleys feet. She still hadn't responded to anyone and that worried Bear tremendously. Bear had explained to him who he found Haisley.

Doc noticed how pale and clammy she looked and, her breathing was still rigged like it was trying to even itself out. Piecing everything together he knew she had hyperventilated and by what Beat had told him it was due to seeing the photos and the letter. Bear still hadn't looked at the picture. He was too scared at what he would see, if it had done that to Haisley he couldn't imagine how bad they were.

"She was laying by some photos and Ink found a letter. I only saw one of the pictures and it...." he couldn't even finish the sentence. All he could think about was the photo of Haisleys best friend on the ground beaten and somewhat alive.

"It's okay, son. You don't have to finish. Let's get her into bed" Doc pats Bear on the back when he came back up from kneeling beside Haisley, letting Bear pick her up bridal style and carry her to the bed.

"I do know, whatever was in those pictures and letter sent her into a severe panic attack, to the point she started hyperventilating and fainted. It will be a few hours until she's awake but even then it's going to be touch and go. We don't know how she is going to be when she wakes up." He says honestly, everyone was different when they woke up from it so he couldn't tell him exactly how she was going to react. He didn't know if she was going to be full of angry or quiet and not talking.

"When she wakes up, see how she reacts. If she's confused and dazed that's normal but it is possible her body used an unconscious defense mechanism. Her body could potentially unconsciously repressed her memories of what happened before she passed out." Bear listens to Doc as he positions Haisley so she would get better blood flow to her brain. He had dealt with a lot of people passing out so he knew how to care for them.

"What am I supposed to do it she remembers? What if she flips her shit and has a breakdown?" He asks sincerely worried about her when she wakes up. Bear didn't know how he would be able to manage taking care of a sick Balake, the MC which was going through a lot, and Haisley having a mental breakdown. All he could do was try his best.

"You have your brothers here to help, I'm here as well. K-9 seems to really love that kid so I have no doubt he would watch him for a while if need be, especially if it had anything to do with Haisley." Doc tells her honestly hoping to help the scared man. He knew Bear had no idea how to take care of people especially in the way Balake and Haisley needed him to. Bear already took care of Balake like he was his own son and treated Haisley like a true queen, he just doubted his ability when it came to caring for the people he loves.

"Thanks, doc. I'll let you know how it goes when she wakes up" Bear walks over to Doc and shakes his hand before walking downstairs for Balake. He didn't know how long she would be out and he didn't want Balake seeing her in that position so he asked if K-9 would watch him until he had things with Haisley settled.

All his brother told him they would help with Balake until Haisley was going okay. Even Agony offers which blew Bear's mind since he wasn't big on being around kids.

Bear thanked all his brothers and agreed on having a big family BBQ when everything was better. He finished up talking before heading back upstairs to his room and walked over to the couch where the pictures and letter laid in front of him on the coffee table.

Taking a deep breath before taking a look at what put Haisley in the position she was in now. The pictures broke his heart into millions of pieces but the letter is what made his body burst into flames. All he could think was how in the hell did they get into the compound and give the photos to Haisley? Was the commotion downstairs a distraction for them to taunt her with things that still killed her inside? Whatever it was, he was going to find out and end her torturing.

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