Chapter 14

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later on, Bear and Haisley laid in bed and talked

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later on, Bear and Haisley laid in bed and talked. They got to know each other, sharing many laughs along the way. It was very interesting to them both how easy it was to open up.

Bear did find himself leaning for multiple kisses in the time they stayed in the room. He was now addicted, not in a bad way. The thought of being able to kiss her anywhere and anytime made him happy.

Haisley was still very timid and would blush every time he kisses her. Her head would start spinning when his masculine scent surrounded her when she cuddled closer into his chest.

Bear would tell her stories about his brothers. He couldn't stop the many smiles that spread along his face when she would laugh. She was just so contagious. When she laughed, smiled, blushed, sighed, and the way she used her tiny finger to outline his tattoos made his body feel like it was going to explode.

It was something new to them both. They both deserved to have a chance of happiness. Though they know little about each other's pasts, it was still a work in progress.
As Bear and Haisley laid in comfortable silence, a loud banging noise was heard coming from his bedroom door.

"What?!" Bear yells towards the door in an annoyed tone. Typically he didn't care who was knocking but this interrupted his time with her.

"Sorry, Prez. I know you're busy and all but I need to talk to you" the tech guy in his club voice came from behind the door. Bear only sighed before looking down at her. He was met with her hypnotizing eyes.

"I'm sorry, baby girl. It's club business and I have to take care of it." He says in a softer tone, kissing the crown of her head.

Haisley shakes her head. "No. No, I understand. It's okay, Bane." She reassures him, reaching up to place her small hand on his cheek. "I'll be right here" she promises with a smile.

Bane felt pride wash over him. She didn't even completely understand how the MC worked but she still managed to see he had a major role in the MC and had to deal with things.

He bites his lips softly, leaning down to place a deep, breathless against her smooth lips. If his brother hadn't knocked on the door, Bear would have kissed her ten times longer.

"I'm coming, Asshole" he growls once he moves back from the kiss. Haisley giggled at his reaction, making him glare at her playfully.

Bear grabs his shirt and slips it back on. Walking into the bathroom he changes his sweatpants into his regular jeans. He exited the bathroom to see Haisley curled up into the pillow he was just laying on.

She was too cute for her own good. Bear walks over to her, kneeling beside the bed and kisses her cheek. "Rest, Babygirl. You need it." He runs his thick fingers over her curls calming.

Bear noticed she was still a little pale from the situation earlier. A nap and something light to eat will do her some good.

"When I come back up, I'll bring you something to eat," he noticed her cringe at the sound of eating food but nodded anyway. No one enjoyed throwing up so he couldn't blame her.

Haisley's eyes started to grow heavy as he patted her head. She hadn't realized how tired she was, then again getting sick, and having a mental breakdown did take a lot out of some time.

Bear had waited until she was asleep before leaving the room. He made his way downstairs and to the tech room. The man that had banged on his bedroom door was stirring in a chair typing away on one of the many computers in that room.

"What?" He doesn't even bear around the bushes. The tech guys almost shit himself, not realizing his Prez walked into the room.

"Shit, Prez. Almost gave me fucking heart attack." The man in the chair placed his large hand over his heart, making Bear roll his eyes.

"Stop being a pussy and tell me what the hell you found" His voice remained calm yet stern as per usual when he talked to his brothers.

The tech guy rolled his chair smoothly over to the computer closet to Bear and typed in a few things, bringing up a document.

Once they had discussed the document that was dealing with a situation they were currently having with a rival club, bear asked him for a favor.

"I need you to find someone for me. I only know his first name, it's Boyd. It's Haisley's older brother. I need everything you can find on him. Check the cameras near the old diner in town a few nights ago" Bear was filling in the rest of the information, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his large chest.

His tech guy leaned back in his seat, listening closely to everything his Prez was saying. Bear could see the rage in his brother's eyes when he told the story about the diner. His club didn't stand for women or men abuse. It was wrong entirely. They would always fight for those that needed it, especially when I came down to the brothers.

"So if I heard correctly, brother. We have ourselves, a lady Prez" the man smiled cheekily at Bear.

"its a work in progress but I do hope so." he was honest. No need to deny or lie now. He was too far into wanting her to turn back now.

Haisley was completely asleep. Even though she had slept a lot during her time at the compound, it had still felt like she hadn't slept a wink.

Her body was having a hard time adjusting to not working a double shift just about every day along with being able to.sleep long hours and eating bigger meals.

As much hell as she had been through. As many hours she had put in working. The thought of ever having rest or a full meal would have made her laugh, especially the thought of having a sexy biker holding her would have just seemed like nothing but a dream.

Haisley was ready to have a life. A life where she could think about her self once in a while. Where she didn't have to salvage food to live. A place to actually call home but she didn't want to overdue her wants and expectations for the future. Haisley knew very well that one moment things could be going perfect and a minute later everything could be torn apart.

Those thoughts were pushed away as Bear and herself danced around in her dreams happily.

*This chapter will probably need major editing. Don't worry. I'll go back soon and look over everything*

Hope you enjoyed the story so far ☺️

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