Chapter 17

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"When I was little, I was put Into foster care around the age of 3

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"When I was little, I was put Into foster care around the age of 3. I don't really remember my family and I didn't look for them when I left." Bear wraps his arms around Haisley securely as she rests his chin on the top of his head.

"I know the stories you bead about foster care are usually bad. Fortunately, I had a few good homes. I was always sent back because of my anger" bear started to move his hand up and down her back softly

"The last family I had was around the age of 10. I knew they were the ones. They knew how to manage me and disciplined me when I needed it. I respected them." Bear sighs letting Haisley know the bad part of the story was up next.

"I was about 17. I was out with my only friends at the time which was Ink and Chains. It was late when I got back home, I had missed curfew so I knew I was going to hear about it the next morning. When I went to unlock the door, it was already open. They never left the door unlocked or open like that. A pit started to form in my stomach, I opened the door slowly. It was dark. No lights were on which was usually around that time but something felt off" bear could feel Haisley wrapped her arms around his torso in a comforting way.

"I shut and locked the door before walking up the staircase-" bear paused and gripped Haisley's waist. She knew he would never hurt her purposely. He was having to relive something terrible. Haisley remained quiet as she placed soft kisses on his chest.

"They had been shot and stabbed. It was a burglar. All her jewelry and expensive items were gone. I was then sent back to the orphanage the next day since I was still underage. The entire time I was there I planned to find the people who took my only family away from me. When I turned 18 that is exactly what I did. I searched for years and years." He groans at the thought of all the stress and pain he had gone through during that time.

"When I had come close to getting revenge I discover the man had died a few years after. He had tried to rob someone else but this time he wasn't able to escape. I found peace in him being gone so I moved back to that town where I met up with Chains and Ink. I bought this place and we built our club" he closes his eyes as he rests his head onto her shoulder. She stayed quiet and let him find comfort in her. She hated that he had to go through that. The fact he had happiness and in one night it was all taken away from him, forever.

"We have each other now, right? Forever?" Haisley finally speaks up after a few minutes. She heard him chuckle softly and nod.

"Forever, baby." His words become softer as he leans forwards. His face shifts between her eyes and her lips. Bear felt her small hands tangle into his hair and pull him the rest of the way, his lips firmly meeting hers.

They got lost in the kiss. The need and love that was shared between them were addictive. Haisley had to pull away or else it would have gone further than what she was ready for.

Bear clears his throat so his voice doesn't embarrassingly creak when he tried to talk. Their kisses always made his body turn to fire and his mind fuzzy.

", tell me about this little person you take care of." Just by that sentence, he saw Haisleys eyes light up with pure happiness.

"He is the cutest baby on Earth! Sam was beautiful so it's in his genes" she chuckles softly as she reaches down to play with one of Bear's hands. She traced the lines on his palm before continuing.

"He has these beautiful soft brown eyes. His smile is so cute with his two tiny teeth at the bottom. His name is Balake." She couldn't help but smile as she thought of the little baby boy.

"He will be one soon. Balake's personality is amazing. He likes other people, smiles and laughs the majority of the time, and loves to imitate people. I can't imagine what that's going to be like when he comes around here" Haisley laughs at the expression Bear had made. He started to worry about it the more he thought about it.

Haisley returned to her quiet self as she continued to trace patterns in his palm. "Baby? What's wrong?" He asks as she goes quiet.

"He calls me Ma or sometimes Mama. I just feel like I've taken that away from Sam. At first, I tried to teach him to call me something other than that but he always stuck with Ma or Mama. Do you think she would be mad because of that?" She asks in a quiet tone, not really wanting to know the answer.

Sam will always be his Momma. Haisley would never tell him any different. He would never let him forget her. She would tell him about her as much as she could.

"Baby girl. You helped her through everything and raised him after her death, I think you're entitled to have a name such as Ma or Mama." Bear stops her tracing by intertwining their fingers together and bringing them up to place a soft kiss on her knuckles.

Haisley nods slowly, still have a hard time accepting ur. Hopefully, in the future, she would be able to.

"I want you to move here, with me," Bear says randomly but was filled with sincerity.

Haisley looks up at him with wide eyes. "Bane. I couldn't possibly. What about Balake? Where would he stay here? What about his baby things at my apartment-" Haisley started to frantically ramble about what was needed.

"Baby. Baby, calm down. I'll handle that. I'll have the brother help set up the room next to mine for him. What I said, I still stand by it. Forever. You just have to let me." He places another kiss on her knuckles then the back of her hand.

Haisleys was about to argue but the look Bane had on his face shut her up. "Okay, Bane" she mumbles softly.

"Tomorrow. We will stop by your apartment and get anything you or Balake will need. Once we bring it back here we will go get Balake from your friends." Bear kisses her forehead gently.

Haisley closed her eyes and enjoyed the sparks she felt from his lips touching her skin. "I'm glad I met you, Bane. You saved me"

Bear smiles slightly. "No, baby. We saved each other."

Bear and Haisley  |T.W #1|Where stories live. Discover now