Chapter 12

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Haisley walked out of Bear bathroom and made her way back over to the bed

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Haisley walked out of Bear bathroom and made her way back over to the bed. Sitting down on the edge of the bed sighing before she lifts the shirt up enough to see her bandages. They were both very sore and her waist was bleeding a little. All the mess she has been through since she was brought here really pushed the limits for her stitches. They needed to be changed and the last thing she wanted to do was to bother the men....again.

She runs her fingers gently along the edge of her bandage while staring off at something in his room.

"I'll get the kit," Bear says in a deep husky tone. He had been watching her since she had walked out of his bathroom in his clothes. Sexy didn't even come close to how he saw her. She made his clothes look ten times better on her petite body.

He never understood why guys would always give their significant others their clothes but oh boy did he understand now.

Bear stood up from the couch, stretching his aching muscles from sleeping on the little couch. Groaning softly before walking into the bathroom to grab the kit.

When he returned Haisley was still sitting in the same spot he last saw her. He felt like something was wrong. Something that he didn't know about yet.

He walked over to her, kneeling right between her legs. Setting the kit down on the bed beside her before opening it. Bear grabbed what he needed to clean it with. Slowly he reaches up, his fingers grazing her waist so gently. He saw how her body shivered and he knew it was in a good way. His ego smiled brightly.

"Haisley. Is everything alright?" He asks as he continues to unravel the bandage from around her waist. When she didn't reply he looked up to see her beautiful eyes filling with tears. He cursed internally. Had he asked her the wrong way? Had it said something to upset her?

"Babygirl. Hey. Look at me" the pet name slipped from his lips. It felt so natural and right to call her that. He raised his hand slowly, placing it on the side of her face. Her eyes slowly moved to look at him. Bear could tell she was really at a breaking point even though she wouldn't admit it.

"You're safe here. That punk or anyone else can't hurt you here. Do you hear me?" All Haisley could do was nod as her bottom lip trembled. The tears started to roll down her cheek.

Bear didn't know what to do or how to comfort her. He just listened to his heart. Moving from his kneeling position, pushing the kit somewhere else on the bed. He sits down beside her, pulling her into his large, warm chest. She buried her face into his chest while he stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. He just sat there and let her cry it out. By the time her crying had calmed, his shirt was covered in tear stains, not that he cared. It was better than being covered in her blood.

Haisley hadn't realized she was crying until Bear pulled her away from her thoughts. She never broke down. When he held her close she couldn't help but start sobbing. No one ever held her when she was having a bad day, but he did.

She has to calm herself so she focused her attention on his arm holding her close, him running his fingers through her hair, even the soft kisses he placed on her head. Most importantly she listened to his steady heartbeat. It was so soothing, she could fall asleep to the sound of it.

Bear had noticed that Haisley had begun to close her eyes sleepily. He needed to finish cleaning her stitches. As much needed as it was, he didn't want to move her. The feeling of her so close calmed his beast within.

He would always drown the beast away with beer. That was why he was always calm. Everyone just thought that he was naturally calm and collect but really he was the exact opposite. When he wasn't drinking he was angry all the time. Anger management had worked for a few years but then the best grew more control over him. He only found calmness when drinking. But at that moment with Haisley snuggled into him, he didn't even feel on edge like he typically did when he hadn't drank anything in hours.

Bear sighs softly as he rests his chin on her head. "Let's get you fixed up and then you can lay back down" he only felt her nod against his chest. Carefully he moves back, letting her sit up on her own before moving back down on the floor between her legs. They sat in silence as he cleaned and wrapped her up.

Putting everything neatly in the kits then he takes it back to the bathroom. Bear looks around the sink and grabs a hair tie, pulling his long dirty blonde hair up and away from his face before heading back out. Once again he returned to Haisley staring off in space but now with red, teary eyes. She did move her sitting position to where her knees were folded and pressed into her chest, hugging them close to her.

Bear bites his lip nervously as he walks over to her. "Hey. No more worrying. Just rest" he speaks to her in a soft voice. Never in his entire life had he spork soft or sweet to anyone but she seemed to bring the soft and sweet bear side of him. He couldn't say he hated showing her that side of him that he didn't even know he possessed.

Haisley looks up at him, nodding slowly while removing her knees from her chest. "B-bear? Can you... never mind, forget it" she shakes her head at the thought.

"Wait. Don't do that. Tell me, babygirl" Bear moves even closer to her, stopping her from going anywhere.

"Can...will you lay with me?" She looks down at the floor and mutters so low she wasn't even sure he had heard her. When she heard him moving away she figured he hadn't until the covers on the opposite side were being pulled back. She turns her head to look at him with a surprised face, soon that look changes into a flustered one as he pulls his shirt over his head leaving him in only grey sweatpants.

Bear got into bed and made himself comfortable. He looked over at her with his arms open slightly. Haisley smiles at his gesture and obviously went along with it. She pulled her side of the covers back and laid down on her good side. Haisley didn't even have time to slide closer. His large arms wrapped around her and pulled her close. She didn't even pull away.

A soft giggle came from Haisley. She made herself comfortable. Resting her head on his chest, wanting to hear the sound of his heartbeat while falling asleep.

They laid there in silence until Bear spoke up. "Bane". Haisley turns her head to look at him confused at why he had just randomly said a name.

"My real name. It's Bane. You can call me that, if you would like. No one else calls me that" he did even have to look away from the ceiling to know she was confused.

"Okay...Bane" she tests the names out and honestly she loved it even more than his biker name. It fit his entire persona

Bear's lips curved into a small smile as she said his real name. The way she said it made him miss being called that. He wouldn't let anyone call him that, not even his brothers. But for her, she could call him anything and it would make his heart melt.

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