Chapter 34

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After Bear told her just about everything that happened they went to see Boyd

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After Bear told her just about everything that happened they went to see Boyd. He had been beaten quite badly and would need a lot of medical attention.

Haisley even sat in the room with him while he was conscious and talked to him like they used to. She mentioned that Bear would help pay for Rehabilitation if he would accept the offer.

Boyd broke down and admitted he was tired of living that way. He wished he had never taken that first pain pill. Haisley and Boyd sat there and cried for hours. He needed to be helped and Bear would do anything to give Haisley that piece of her life back.

She knew he would never be completely the same but she knew he would be her brother again and that was all she needed.

It had been a few weeks since they bright Boyd back and today was the day they were taking him to the rehabilitation center in town. He couldn't have any visitors for the first 6 months, after that time period was up he could have phone calls. Later on, she would visit if he does well with the center.

"I'm going to miss you, Boyd. But I know you need this" she wraps her arms around her frail brother as he did that same to her. It was hard to have her only blood family lever ripped away just when she was getting him back but she knew this was something he needed.

"I'll be out before you know it, little Hais. You take good care of my nephew. I have a lot of making up to do" he smiles down at her weakly before pulling away.

Haisley stepped back and felt Bear wrap his thick arms around her waist and pull her into his chest for comfort. Balake was sitting in the back seat playing with his toys.

"I love you." Boyd turns to look at Haisley with a smile.

"I love you too, Boyd" she held back the tears as she watched her brother walk away from her and into the rehabilitation center.

"He will be home soon. We will have a room ready for him when he gets out" as much as Bear still had a little hatred for Boyd he knew that Haisley needed him.

"Let's get you and baby boy home" bear kisses Haisleys temple before opening her door to get into the truck. He watched a she looked through the Rearview at the center, watching it get further and further away.
The rest of that day they spent time together with Bear brothers. Knuckles even offered to start up the grill outside which everyone agreed to.

Agony had collected some wood and started to make a pit. Everyone else gathered around it while knuckle stood at the grill. This was their family time.

"Balakes birthday is coming up in a few days. I figured since you guys are really our only family, we can celebrate it here?" She asks looking around before smiling up at Bear.

"Of course, baby." He wraps his arm around her lower back and pulls her into his side. "We can have it right out here. Just with us and my brothers." Bear looks up to find his brothers smirking at him.

Bear just rolled his eyes and flicked them off. He knew exactly why they were looking at him that way. They all knew he was 'whipped' and he knew it as well.

That night, everyone sat around the fire pit, told old embarrassing stories about each other that had Haisley laughing so hard. Balake was running around playing with the brothers. It was perfect.

When it Got late, Haisley figured it was time fo put Balake to bed.  Bear agreed a went with her to call it a night. All of his brothers whispered loudly as they walked away from the group. Haisleys face turned beet red as she walked back into the compounds

"Sorry about them, guys will be guys" Bear scratches the back of his neck nervously as he watched her lay the sleeping baby in his bed.

"It's okay, bane" she turned back around to face him with her face still all red. Biting her lip nervously as she walked closer to his form. She slowly reached out and wraps her arms around his torso.

"What is it, baby?" Bear asks as he sees that she wants to ask him something but seems to scared. He lifts his large hand and places it on her soft cheek.

"I love you. You know that right?" She asks with a soft tremble in her voice as she gets closer to him if that was even possible.

Bear clears his throat as the closeness of her body to his. "Of course. -of course baby. I love you too." He leans down and places a soft kiss on her lips letting it linger.

"I. -I want you," Haisley says almost below a whisper as she looks down at the floor shy from her words. She wasn't a virgin but she has never made love before. She knew that having sex with him would always be more than just a simple fuck. It would be expressing the love between each other.

"I want you too, baby girl" Bears voices turned very husky and full of need as he leans down enough to lift her up. Haisley naturally wrapped her arms and legs around him while his hands rested on her butt to support her.

"Then have me" she finally returns her gaze to his and that was all he needed before carrying her off to their room. He kicked the down shut and locked it before walking to the bed. Bear gently lays her on her back before crawling over her small frame.

"You're so damn beautiful" he mutters as his eyes travel the shape of her face and down her gorgeous body. The way she made him feel out of this world. The way their body moves together perfectly and how he was in need of her more and more each time. They shared every bit of themselves to each that very night. That finally had someone to call theirs and never wanted to let them go.

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