Chapter 7

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Knuckles was weaving around the kitchen trying to figure out what he was going to fix for Haisley while she stayed at the compound

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Knuckles was weaving around the kitchen trying to figure out what he was going to fix for Haisley while she stayed at the compound. He was looking through the refrigerator when he heard the soft sound of feet geting closer to the kitchen. He turned around and was surprised to see Haisley, wearing a plain t-shirt and boxers that were rolled up, standing in the door way looking around the kitchen.

"Evening, Haisley." Knuckled says with a wide smile on his face while wiping his hand on the little towel he had tossed over his broad shoulders.

"Are you hungry? I was just coming up with a food plan for you while you stay here with me and my brothers."

Haisley didn't reply verbally, he only received a small nod. She padded her way over a stool at the countertop, while watching Knuckles every move. It didn't bother him since some of his brothers responded the same way when they first met. He wasn't even sure she knew she had answered him. She had a distant look in her eyes, like she was somewhere else mentally.

"Is there anything specific you would like? A sandwich, or maybe just some toast?" As he was listing off the food that she may want to eat he realized how pale and greenish she had become in the face. Knowing the pain and medication could cause her to become nauseous he tried to help her.

"Oh lord. Um, If you're feeling ill the bathroom is right around that corner." Before Knuckles could finish the sentence she was already up from the stool and stumbling her way to the bathroom.

Thankfully, she had made it just in time to release the contents of her stomach. If she hadn't been holding her side she may have pulled her stitches out from the force of her stomach contracting to push the contents out.

Haisley had her head buried in the toilet with her knees on the cold tile floor when a loud knock echoed into the bathroom. All she could do was groan, too tired to even think about moving.

Haisley's vision started to blur, and her hearing starting to fade in and out. From the corner of her eyes she could see the door shake violently and she bearly herd the yelling of a name. Right before her body passed out with exhaustion the bathroom door burst open. She could feel her body shutting down quickly as something large and warm wrapped around her waist gently and something cool brushed her hair away from her face before everything went dark and silent.


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