Chapter 29

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It had been weeks since the incident and Haisley was taking it hard

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It had been weeks since the incident and Haisley was taking it hard. When she had finally woken up, she was panicking. Bear asked K-9 to watch Balake while he tried to calm Haisley. She was hysterical but who could blame her. She basically just found out that she had been stalked all her life and they were taking out her family one by one.

He remembers it like it was yesterday, it was definitely something that was unforgettable.


Bear and Balake were sitting on the floor playing with some toys when Haisley started to cry in her sleep and call out for Bear and Balake. Balake was trying to get over to her but Bear wasn't sure what was going on and didn't want to risk him accidentally getting hurt.

"Play with this big boy" Bear hands Balake his favorite his toy before walking over to the bed. Haisley was covered in sweat and was shaking.

"Baby. Baby! Wake up" Bear gently shakes her until she sits up from her laying position, sobbing.  Haisley was looking around frantically like she had lost something.

"Haisley. What are you looking for?" he asks as he follows her gaze, as soon as she looks at him she reaches out and takes his face in her hand.

"your okay." she whispered more to herself rather than to Bear.

"yes, baby girl. I'm here." Bear pulls Haisley into his lap, holding her trembling form. She had started to calm down especially when she saw Balake sitting on his mat playing with toys.

"T-the pictures. Sam...M-momma and dad-" Haisley grips Bears shirt tightly, burying her face into his chest. It was like the pictures were burned into her memory.

"I know." He holds her close, letting her cry and sob as much as she needed to. He knew what it felt like to lose people you love but to have something like that would have broken him into pieces.

"B-Balake...." Haisley was trying her best to talk but every time she attempted to talk about it, she broke down more and more.

"Baby. I need you to breathe. You're going to pass out again. Listen to me" he pulls her away from his chest so he could look at her face clearly.

"Shit!" He curses loudly when he notices her face starting to go pale, her palms started to get sweating, breathing becoming even more labored, and she started to hold onto her chest.


Now they were sitting down in his office, her on his lap. Bear refused that Haisley be left alone and she refused to be left with prospects so one thing lead to another and she was sitting on his lap in his office while he worked

Bear and his brothers have been back and forth between church and finding him. They had only come up with dead ends. Whoever it was hadn't made any other move on Haisley but they could be because they were still on lockdown.

"Bane" Haisley speaks very softly while Bear reads through some papers his brother had brought him a few hours ago.

"Yes, honey." He lays the papers down on his desk and turns his head to look down at her. She had looked so sickly and fragile since she woke up that day. Haisley was literally worrying herself to death, but she still manages to put a smile on her face for Balake.

"I'm sorry." She fidgets with the ends of his vests. He hated seeing her that way but Doc said it was a way of her body trying to cope with everything. She started to eat less, talk less, she talked softer, she didn't smile as much or laugh.

"What are you saying sorry for?" Bear was very confused as to why she was apologizing. He brushes away her stray hairs before lifting her head up by her chin softly.

"Because I have been...there for you all recently. I know I've been very distant in ways and quiet. "Haisleys shifts her gaze away from his, ashamed of her actions in the past few weeks.

"Never apologize for grieving and worrying about the people you love." Bear moves his head to where her gaze shifted. He wanted her to know he was completely sincere about what he was telling her.

"But I haven't been the best Mama or Old lady. I've been down and crying most of it." She knew she needed to grow a backbone and help but all she could think about was seeing Sam under the bridge and her mom and dad tied up, nearly beaten to death.

"You will always be the best Mama and Old Lady. Even though you are grieving you still get up in the morning and play with that little monster" he chuckles at the thought of Balake. That little boy was definitely a morning boy and always had a shit ton of energy.

"As for being an Old Lady, you love me every day. Even when I'm a dick and all grumpy. You understand when I have to deal with the Club and always set me back on track when I lose myself sometimes. That is all I ask." He places a soft kiss on her forehead.

"How do you do that?" Haisley asks him while sitting up a little straighter in his arms with a soft smile on her face.

"How do I do what baby? Look so handsome? I guess I was just born that way" His reply was so casual it made Haisley laugh. It was the first time she had laughed truly since that day.

"No silly. Make it all better, even in the darkest times of our lives" She says once she finally sobers up from her laughter.

"I don't know. I've never been able to do that well until I met you. When I comfort you it comes so naturally, like my soul knows how to mend yours" he speaks honestly. Never had Bear been good with helping people emotionally but with her. That's how he knows she was meant for him, they could mend only each other in ways others can not help them.

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