Ink and Sydney

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The second addition to The Wolves MC

The second addition to The Wolves MC

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Ink is a brother of The Wolves MC.
Sydney is a bartender at a local bar.
Ink and Sydney have been dating for a while.
Though they have a 9 year age gap, they still loved each other.
Ink is 28 and Sydney is 19 years olds.
They told no one about their relationship. It wasn't because of shame but to protect each other.
The MC has enemies and would try to hurt Ink by hurting her and her family didn't approve of dating a biker.
Her family would never accept him not only because he belonged to an MC but because of his skin and age. Ink and Sydney didn't care how their skin didn't match or how far apart in age they were, they only saw true love.

When will their time come? When will they be able to kiss and hug in front of everyone without the fear of the other getting hurt? Or maybe they will have to shove that fear away and not give a damn about what others think or do.

Sneak Peek; Chapter One

Ink just returned from a run that his Prez sent him in the early morning. When he rolled into the compound he parked his bike out front before using his foot to pull out the kickstand.

He headed into the common room and the right up the stairs to the room. Ink went to his closet and grab some clothes, neatly placing them into a black bag.

His Prez didn't have anything for him to do tomorrow. Ink handle most of the papers so it wasn't like he couldn't take his work with him. He just had to be careful and make sure nothing happens to them but the rest of this day and most of tomorrow was for Ink.

He had been working his ass off for the past few months. His prez felt that he deserved some time but he also knew if something were to come up his mini-vacation would be cut short.

Ink walked into his bathroom. It was nice, clean, and modern. He did a lot of the remodeling himself.

He stripped himself of his clothes, nearly folding his vest and laying it in the countertop before getting into the showers. Ink would typically take his time but today was a special day and he needed to leave as so as possible.

Once he was clean he hopped out the shower and dried off. He puts on his swim trunks before he pulls on a pair of old jeans, along with a dark olive green shirt.

The brothers knew Ink went on rides by himself a lot so they didn't really question him when he rushed out of the place.

After he had gotten fully dressed he placed his vest on the edge of the dresser before grabbing his bag and heading out of his room. He wouldn't be back the rest of the night so he made sure he had everything he needed.

Just as he was about to make it out of the door his Prez called out for him. "Ink! You leaving already?" He asks as he leans against the doorframe of his office.

"Yeah. Want to get going before it gets dark" he shrugged as he turned to look his Prez. The black bag was sling over his shoulder lazily.

"Be back before dark tomorrow. We have Chruch early the next day" His prez tells him in a serious tone. Missing church was definitely a no go.

"Bear, leave him alone" Bears old lady walks down the stairs with their adopted son, Balake in her arms. She turned to smile at Ink before heading over to Bear.

"You go out and have some fun, Ink. I'll handle him" she smiles cheekily at the both of them, making Bear roll his eyes.

"Will do shortcake" Ink says, calling her the one nickname Bear hated the most. He could hear him shouting at him as he walked out of the building. It only made him laugh.

Ink pulled the keys out of his back pocket and headed over to his truck. He hops into the truck, tossing his bag into the passenger seat.

It would take him about half an hour to get to where he needed to. Today was very special and he was ready to celebrate it.

He spotted the little road that wasn't really noticeable unless you were looking for it. Ink never took his bike down there, it had to make potholes and rocks. The last thing he needed was for his bike to be busted up.

It had only taken a few minutes for him to reach the part of the road that was made from Satan himself. He spotted truck similar to his but instead of it being dark grey like his it was pitch black. Knowing who it belonged to made him smile.

He pulled his truck right next to it before cutting his engine off. Ink hopped out of the truck and head over to the other side of the black truck, and to his liking the most beautiful was leaning against it with her head back and eyes closed, enjoying the sunlight the pecked through the trees. She wore an olive green bikini that had little gold chains that outlined the edge of her top with light blue shorts.

"It's nice of you to finally show up, I started to think you forgot about me" she opens her eyes and stared at him with her sexy, dark chocolate eyes.

"Never. How could I forget about you?" He asks as he walks in front of her and placed his hands on both sides of her body. Ink pressed his body against her with a small smirk on his face.

"'Mmm. I don't know. Maybe you should still make up for it" she looks up and him with a mischievous glint in her eyes. Her hand moved up and onto the waist of his jeans.

"Maybe I should" his words grew softer as he moved closer to her face. Ink took one hand off the truck and brought it up to her cheek and pulling her the rest of the way to kiss her full, soft lips.

They made out like two teenagers but they were all alone. The lake the parked in front of, he had found it a long time ago on one of his adventures around the town. He had never seen anyone there so he figured no one knew about it. It became his regular thinking spot.

Ink pulls away from the kiss, inhaling to catch his breath but still remained close to her by resting his forehead against hers. The stayed In the posterior until the weren't breathing as hard.

"Happy 1 year anniversary, Sydney," he says lovingly as he moves back so he could see her face fully.

"Happy 1 year, Caven," She says in the same loving tone before pushing herself up with her feet to kiss his cheek.

No one knew about their relationship. It was hard to keep a secret but they wanted to keep each other safe.

Her family would never accept their relationship. He was a Biker and to them, ALL bikers were bad, and to top it off he was white. She never saw color first, it was always personality.

Ink only kept it a secret because he had seen first hand what could happen to old ladies when rivals find out about them. He would never forgive himself if something happened to her.


The Wolves Series

1. Bear and Haisley ✔️
2. Ink and Sydney ✔️
3. Agony and Fawn
4. Coyote and Meadow
5. Chains and Divine
6. Myth and Oceana
7. Manic and Olive
8. Dagger and Hope
9. Crash and Sage
10. Tank and Adalee
11. Knuckles and Willow
12. K-9 and Aurora
13. {The last book will be a surprise}
(All of theses books can be read as a stand-alone)

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