Chapter 5

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"Here Prez

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"Here Prez. Take this up to your girl, I'm sure she is starving." Knuckles says coming out of the kitchen with a plate in his hand. He made her something that would be light on her stomach. Doc stopped by the kitchen before leaving and talked to Knuckles about Haisley's weight. He recommended that Knuckles make her food while she stayed at the compound.

   "She isn't my girl!" Bear groans as he takes the plate from Knuckles. Standing from his seat at the bar Bear starts making his way up the stairs, to his room. Arriving at his door, Bear takes a moment to take a deep calming breath before knocking lightly on the door. Entering his room, Bear was met with the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. His breath caught in his throat and if he had not have been gripping the plate tightly, it would have hit the floor and smashed to pieces.


Bear inhaled sharply once he realized he had been staring at a half-naked woman in his bed. The sight before him is of Haisley laying on her stomach with her curls sprawled out onto his pillows. Her head was turned to the side with her beautiful eyes closed. In her sleep she somehow managed to slip out of his shirt, leaving her bare other than the bandages and a pair of boxers.

Bear turned around trying to give her as much privacy as possible in his small room. He kept his eyes up as he blindly searched for the nightstand. Cursing softly as he felt his hand hit the bottles of medicine on the nightstand. Bear froze, making sure the noise didn't wake her. Once Bear was sure she wasn't waking up he took in a deep breath and continued what he was doing.

Once he placed the plate on the nightstand, he kneeled down to pick up the medicine off the floor. As he was placing the last bottle on the nightstand, he heard soft shuffles coming from the bed. Looking over Bear saw Haisley turn onto her good side and fling her arm across the bed to rest against the cool sheets.

Bear stayed frozen in his spot, trying his best to stay quiet enough for her to fall back into a deep sleep before he moved again. If she would wake up and see him kneeling next to her it would surely be an awkward situation that might scare her off.

Once he was sure she would not wake up Bear got back on his feet and backed away from the bed. Soft mumbling could be heard and he couldn't tell what she was saying. All he knew was that she looked so beautiful and peaceful as she slept.

He couldn't resist the urge to push back some curls that had fallen in her face. Once he touched her curls, he could not believe how soft they felt in his calloused hands. As much as his mind was telling him to move away his body had other ideas and he started running his fingers through her hair.

While playing with her hair, Haisley shifted, making Bear retract his hand as if it was on fire. If her waking up with his kneeling beside the bed was going to be awkward then he couldn't imagine her waking while he was playing with her hair. Bear knew he needed to leave and just as he was about to a small soft hand grabbed his.

"Bear?" Haisley asks in a sleepy voice with half-opened eyes. He wasn't even sure if she was fully awake. He prayed she wasn't.

"Ye- Yeah, Haisley. It's me." He cleared his throat, pushing through the awkwardness. His nerves seemed to be getting the best of him at this moment.

Bear realized his hands starting to become calmly as she continued to hold on to him. Bear has killed without blinking before! He has walked into places not even sure he was going to make it back out and not once was he nervous or scared but, holding her hand made him feel nervous. He couldn't believe it. He wasn't sure how or why his body reacted that way, this feeling made him feel weak and vulnerable.

Being in a MC along with being the president meant you couldn't vulnerable or weak. People are out for themselves; anyone would use those things against him and he wasn't going to put himself in that kind of situation. He needed to worry about his brothers, not a woman. An escape is what Bear needed at that moment.

It was usually flying down the open road or simply going downstairs and grabbing a rotter. The thought of even touching one of them made his stomach turn, and that was definitely a new feeling for him. Sighing in relief as he felt her grip loosen up, this gave him the opportunity to leave and he took it. 

Shutting the door quietly, he went down to the bar to grab a bottle and a rotter. He dragged both her and the bottle to a spare room and hoped that this would take his mind off the beauty laying in his bed. It might just make things worse for himself but, that was a risk he was going to take.


Once in the room, Bear open a bottle and downed as much as he could before pushing the rotter onto the bed. The rotter just looked up at him seductively, if that is what you would call it. He felt a sick feeling building up inside, which only lead him to down more of the bottle hoping to ignore t he feeling and get back to the nameless rotter under him.

"Come on big guy." The rotter tries her best to sound sexy by lowing her voice to a whisper, this only makes Bear think she has a chest cold. Bear had to ignore everything she said or did or else he probably would have cringed and pushed her away. As she reached for his buckle Bear, without realizing, slapped her hands away. Looking up at him confused she was about to ask him about it before Bear silenced her by unbuckling his own belt. Bear was too scared to open his mouth the whole time. He might moan Haisley's name while fucking the rotter and that would just ruin the whole thing. But in his mind Bear was screaming her name and only thinking about her, she is the reason he was so worked up.


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