Chapter 26

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Bear had to go back to the office

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Bear had to go back to the office. He kissed Balake and Haisley on the cheek before heading back downstairs to his office.

He had sent a few brothers to out before he called a Lockdown on the compound. The threats have started to become more frequent and he needed to take this time to have everything in the compound and safe.

Bear sat in his office chair, with his glasses sitting low on his nose while reading papers. He had to figure out how the MC's worst enemy was getting all of those pictures of Haisley and him when they went out to stores.

It was worrying how close they were getting. He felt useless. Bear had a little family now and he was barely able to keep them safe.

Bear sighs softly as he tossed his glasses down on his desk and rubbed his temple hoping to ease the stress headache he felt forming.

He had asked a few of his brothers to find some information on Boyd. The system told a lot of information but it doesn't have everything. He wanted to know what had happened to Haisleys family.

Haisley knew her family had a big falling out with a loan shark but they would never tell her what exactly was the reason. They always used the excuse that she was still a kid and shouldn't worry about it.
Balake and Haisley stayed in bed for the rest of the day, other than her going downstairs and getting him something to eat.

Everything was fine until it was late in the afternoon, Balake had fallen asleep from the medicine and Haisley had fallen asleep from the exhaustion. They had slept through the time she was supposed to give him the medicine. She knew she had slept longer than expected when she heard him start to get fussy and her shirt was oddly wet.

Haisley say up quickly and pulled Balake onto her clean side and cradled him. "I'm sorry, bubba. Mama slept too long" she felt terrible.

Of course, his needs came before hers. She takes his onesie off, leaving him in a diaper then grabbing a wipe to clean off his face. This was definitely the hard part for her when it came to parenting. Watching your baby get sick and not being able to do anything other than try and keep medicine in their system. If she could she would take away every illness he had and go through it herself but she knew that was impossible.

"Shhh, it's okay." She settles him down before letting Balake sit up on the bed before changing into her third shirt of the day.

Haisley gave him his medicine, hoping he could keep it down long enough for it to get into his system and work. She was giving him his sippy cup of water every once in a while way to make sure he didn't get dehydrated from all the sweat he was doing from the fever or from getting sick every once in a while

When she pulled on the shirt she picked up Balake. He was burning up. She knew that was the reason he was sleeping so much. A fever can really drain the body, especially for a baby.

Haisley knew holding him against her wasn't the best especially with the fever but that was the only way he would fall asleep when he was cranky. She stood in the coolest part of the room which was underneath the vent.

She stood there with Balake holding onto her while gently swaying and rubbing his back. It would take some time for the medicine to kick in so she continued to sway and comfort him until then. Haisley knew it was going to be a long night.

When Balake had finally fallen back asleep she laid him on top of the bed covers with his head elevated. She walked to the corner of the room and turned the fan on low, making sure it was pointing in the direction of the bed.

Haisley sighs before walking around the room and cleaning up the mess. She made sure all the dirty clothes were put in the hamper and cleaned up any containers she had left.

She figured since Balake was asleep she could do the laundry since most of her clothes were in there from Balakes little accidents.

Haisley grabs the hamper before heading off to the washroom where the washing machine and dryer were. She made sure to leave the door open just Incase Balake needed her again.

She sat the hamper next to the washing machine so that she could go through and pick out the clothes. She was going to wash the clothes and blankets Balake had gotten sick on separately from the others.

Just as she was about to close the lid of the machine she heard loud yelling coming for downstairs. She slammed it shut as rushed over to the room. Some of the brothers were rushing past her to get downstairs. She didn't know what was going on so she locked herself and Balake in Bear's room.

She sat on the edge of the bed staring at the door as if it was going to break down. It went from yelling to shouting, then things shattering. She was worried as much as she wanted to go down and see what was going on she couldn't leave Balake unattended.

Eventually, she started to pace around the room but stopped when she heard the soft whoosh sound of something sliding underneath the door. Looking down she saw a few photo sized squares as if they had been taken by a Polaroid camera and a white envelope with her name signed on the front.

She stalked over closer to the door, swallowing her nerves down. Kneeling down, with shaky hands she reaches out and turned the pictures over.

The first photo was of her Sam walking into a department store. In the photo, Haisley had turned her head just enough so the photo captured her face perfectly. The second one was of her and Balake on the day Sam was working.

The next photo made her stomach turn and her body go weak. It was Sam laying on the ground where Haisley had found her dead but Sams's eyes weren't closed in the picture. She was still alive.

Haisley hadn't realized she had started to cry until her sight went blurry. She felt as if she was reliving the moment of finding Sam but ten times worse. It took a lot of courage and willpower to push through and look at the rest of the photos even though she was terrified at what she would find.

The bedroom door started to shake and the knob started to turn frantically. She was too in shock that she barely could bear the person on the other side calling her name.

Haisley reaches out and flipped another picture over and it was parents. They were sitting on the porch of their old house in the rocking chairs. As much as she wanted to smoke at the memory she remembered some person went out and took photos of the people she loved alive and dead which made her really not wanna flip the next one over but she did anyway. Maybe the picture would tell her what happened to her parents. But why would someone do this?

Bear and Haisley  |T.W #1|Where stories live. Discover now