Chapter 33

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Eventually, they had to strap the lady in a chair

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Eventually, they had to strap the lady in a chair. She kept charging at all the brothers. Hell, she even tried to bite Agony when he was holding her in the seat so Chains could tie her up.

They spent an hour trying to get the women to talk. They only got her to tell them her name which was Savanna Miller. Ink walked out of the room a few minutes after to contact their tech guy to find any shit on her.

Every time they asked a question about why she killed a certain person or took the pictures it was always the same answer. "Because she is mine"

As much as Bear wanted to destroy that woman he knew she wasn't mentally stable. He figured the best thing he could do was call up Bryan and he can handle her.

They waited an hour for Bryan to finally show up. He got out of his nice state-owned car and headed into the building. Bear filled him in on what he needed to know and lead him into the room.

The lady was just sitting in the chair talking and muttering to herself. Sometimes they would catch her smiling and laughing at air which kind of freaked them out a little.

"She tried to bite Agony and she's constantly talking to herself" Bear crossing his arms over his chest as Bryan walks over to the lady.

Bryan knees down beside her and looks for any signs of drug use. He found a new needle marking on her forearm. "I'd say meth." He holds a little flashlight to her eyes to check her pupils.

"Her eyes are dilated. Seems to have lost a lot of weight. Her eyes are dark from lack of sleep. Auditory hallucination. Paranoia. Twitching. Rotting teeth" he named off the obvious signs of the use.

"What can you do for her? She's also had my old lady's brother in a basement beaten. She had sent pictures of dead family members, we are sure she has killed them" he wanted justice from her family no matter the cost.

"I'll take her in. I can see what can be arranged. She will have to be detoxed from the meth before she is sent to prison. Too much of a liability." Bryan walks behind her and placed the cuffs over the ties. Once they were secure he takes out his pocket knife and cuts them off of her.

"I need proof of it, though I know you wouldn't lie." Bear scoffs but knew that is what the court needed in order to charge her correctly.

"Go back downstairs. There is an office, you'll find all the fucking proof you need" his voice turns cold as he thinks about it. She made duplicates of the pictures she sent Haisley along with pictures of Haisley.

"She's mine. Only mine. You can't have her" the lady spits at Bear making him clench his jaw tightly. Bear didn't say anything since he didn't want to disturber anymore than she already was.

Agony and Chains helped Bryan take her out of the building. Bear watched the entire time. He felt Ink slap his shoulder firmly as they both watched.

"It's over, brother." Ink pats his shoulder one more time before following them out the door. Bear stayed back and made his way to the office filled with pictures.

He could hear Bryan's car startup but that didn't stop Bear from tearing all the pictures off the walls with anger. After a while, he could feel his brothers standing at the door watching him take his anger out in the room.

Bear even ripped up every duplicate photo he found. He needed to let the anger he had out since he wasn't able to on the stalker. By the time he was calm enough to leave he was sitting on the floor sweating and breathing deeply.

"Get back to the compound, brother. We will take care of this place and gather the photos needed for Bryan" Chains held his hand out to let Bear grab it and lift himself off of the floor.

"Go home to your lady" Bear didn't need to be told anymore. He headed downstairs and start his bike. He flew back home. What took them a few hours took them an hour and a half to get back home. He needed to be with them.

As soon as he pulled into a lot of the compound he hopped off his bike and headed straight into his room where he knew they would be. He found Haisley sitting on the couch in his room watching a movie, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket.

She hadn't been expected to see him or for him to barge over a kiss her senseless. Haisley took a few seconds to respond but as soon as she did she found herself relaxing in his arms.

"Wait..bane" she pulls away from the kiss breathing heavily while resting her hands on his chest holding him back from diving in for another kiss.

"We took care of her. She's going to prison. She can't hurt you, Balake, or me anymore" he confirms for her making her smile while tears filled her eyes.

"What..what's about Boyd? Did she ever get to him?" She asks worriedly for her brother.

Bear sighs knowing their kissing sessions would be put off for a little while. "She did. He's at Docs. We found him and I had two of my brothers bring him back. I haven't heard any updates" Bear sits down beside her.

"I hope he's okay." She sighs as she snuggles in close to his warm form. "Now we can move on with us." She turns her head to look up at him and smiles sweetly.

Bear couldn't help but nod and grin as well. "Of course, baby. We can do anything you want to. We can move on with us and be happy and worry-free" he places his hand on her cheeks, using the pad of his thumb the caress her cheek down softly.

"We can be a happy family now?" She asks with soft eyes as she stares into his with hope and love.

Bear nods and pulls her into a gentle kiss. "Yes, baby girl. A happy family."

Bear and Haisley  |T.W #1|Where stories live. Discover now