Chapter 20

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Bear had talked to the boys when he had gone downstairs that morning while Haisley was showering

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Bear had talked to the boys when he had gone downstairs that morning while Haisley was showering. He asks Ink and Chains to gather a few prospects to clean out the room next to his. The night Haisley and Bear had talked about their past and Balake, he had waited until she had fallen asleep to get on his computer to order some new items for the baby.

Before he bought anything he did some research on what a 9-month-old baby would need. He bought a new crib, sippy cups, a few stuffed animals, some rubber fork, and spoon set to eat with, even some new toys.

Bear figured he would spoil both of them with anything and everything they wanted. The only thing left was getting stuff from the store, such as food, drink,  diapers, wipes, etc.

"Hey, baby. Do you want to stop by the store and get him some food and stuff? We don't have anything he would really eat at the compound" he asks with one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding hers gently.

Haisley nodded as she glances up at the mirror to look at Balake. "Sure. I think he's about to wake up anyway so we can take him in and shop together" she takes her eyes off the mirror and looks over at Bear.

Before Bear could say anything he was interrupted by the sound of Balake starting to cry softly.

Haisley gently releases Bear's hand and reach back to Balake. "It's okay, bubba. You're okay" Haisley reassures him as she runs her fingers through his light brown hair. His soft cry turns into little sniffles.

Bear and Haisley  |T.W #1|Where stories live. Discover now