Chapter 40

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A year after Bryleigh was born, Bear proposed to Haisley. It was on one of their date night where the kids would stay with the brother for a few hours. Bear had chosen to go to a beach and when the sun was setting his told her to look at how beautiful the sky was while behind her he got on one knee with a little box in his hand.

Of course, she said yes and celebrated all. Night. Long. With that being said she was now pregnant with their third child. Another beautiful little girl.

Balake was now 12 years old. He had just started 7th grade which blew Haisley's mind how fast he was growing. Bryleigh is almost 6 years old. They remember her birth as though it was yesterday.
"Mommy!" Haisleys youngest yells as Balake chased her around the house. They loved to torture each other. Which that is what siblings did.

"Balake, play nice!" She yells from the kitchen. It was family night so she was making her famous pork-chops with homemade mash potatoes.

"Bear! Get your son!" She joked a lot with Bear. When Balake was acting up she always said that. He would just roll his eyes which made her laugh.

"Oh so he's my son when he's tormenting our daughter" he smiles at her sarcastically before moving into the common room to grab Balake.

"Yes, my love. Any other time he's our to share!" She yells as he leaves the room. The sound of him groaning echoes through the room.
After Bear got the kids settled down she fixed up everyone's plates, which was a lot since the brothers were eating with them as well.

"Dinners ready" she calls our whole she sets all their plates on the counter for them to grab. Haismey fixed a plate special for Balake and Bryleigh since they didn't eat much and Bryleigh needed her food cut into pieces still.

Everyone surrounded the counters and snatched the plate they wanted while she managed to squeeze through the crowd with her kid's plates in her hand.

"Balake. Bryleigh. Come on, let's get" Haisley sets their plates down on a table before lifting her daughter up into the chair. She was still a little too short to get in the by herself.

"Thank you, mommy." "Yeah, thanks Mama" Haisleys kids thank her as they dig into their food. The brother had just sat down with their own and started eating. Bear made sure to have a seat open next to him so she could sit.

She walked over to him once she made sure Balake and Bryleigh have everything they needed. When she sat down Bear has already brought her plate over which she was very thankful for.

"How's our next little Boss baby doing?" K-9 asks Bear and Haisley, making small talk.

"She's doing great. She is a little smaller than what Bryleigh was which is why I'm not showing as much" when Bear and Haisley when to their ultrasounds the doctor would always mention how much smaller their second daughter was but it was nothing they should be too concerned about.

"What's her name going to be?" Knuckles jumps into the conversation.

"Maeve Grace," Bear says with a proud smile on his face. He was definitely a man who was made to be a father. As much as he was so timid of taking care of them alone he grew into it very well.

"Do y'all plan on having any more monsters running around this place" Ink acted as though he wasn't a big fan of their kids but when he thought no one was looking he was the biggest teddy bear.

"I don't know. Maybe one more." Haisley shrugs as she turns to look over at Bear who was nodding casually.

"One more! Fuck boys, we are going to have to move out" Myth exclaims dramatically before sipping on his cold beer. Everyone looked at him and flicked him off.

"What! It's just a joke" Myth scoffs with a smirk on his face.

"Do you and Bear not want to move into a house?" Knuckles asks in a serious tone since it was a serious matter.

Haisley just shook her head calmly. "Bear has to be where everyone can reach him and the best place for that is here. There is enough room for us and I'm sure Bear would expand the compound if it was starting to get to small" Bear and Haisley had already discuses that and she understood why he couldn't move. She wasn't mad or upset. He was their President and was very important to their MC which meant he needed to be available at all times.

"You got you a good Women, Bear. Many wouldn't understand the responsibility to this club" Chains smiled at the couple making Bear nod agreeing with him.

"I do. She's is the best thing to happen to me since the MC. I couldn't ask for better." Bear smiles down at her and places a sweet peak on the side of her head. Haisley closed her eyes enjoying his closeness.

The moment soon came to an end when her daughter stumbled over to their table and jumped onto her father's lap. "Daddy, I'm full," she says cutely while snuggling into his large form.

Haisley looked over at Bryleigh's plate and saw she ate most of it so she didn't bother sending her back. She looked up and saw Balake standing up about to walk over to the table. Haisley opened her arms and motioned for him to come closer.

Balake happily walked into her arms. He stood next to her but was attached to her hip while everyone else continued their conversations.

"I love you guys. So so very much" Bear says to his little family as he wraps his arm around his loving wife and pulled closer.

"We love you too, Bane. Thank you...for saving us" Haisley looked up at him with teary eyes, pulling him down to kiss him. Of course, their kids had to be expressive and started to yell about how nasty their parents kissing were. Everyone around them busted out laughing.

This was their beautiful family.

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