Chapter 32

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Bear and his brother rode for a few hours

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Bear and his brother rode for a few hours. They had finally reached the town where the stalker was hiding out. They were all ready to end all of this tournament.

They turned their bikes off before they reached the place so that the stalker didn't hear them and runoff. Unfortunately, they had to push their heavy ass bikes closer to the warehouse but they manage. They made sure they were hidden well enough before gathering around and getting their weapons ready.

They all had their own weapons which they felt comfortable with. Knuckles obviously like to use his fist but he carried a gun. Dagger likes to use knives which he cared with him always along with a gun. Agony and Manic didn't care what they used as long as it inflicted pain.

"You ready, Prez?" Inks asks as he loads his gun and places it in the band of his jeans just like the other did.

"Fuck yeah" Bear hadn't taken his eyes off of the warehouse since they arrived. He wanted that fucker to suffer just like they had made his lover did.

A lot of his brother used to be in the military so being stealth-like wasn't a problem. They all studied the blueprints of that warehouse so they knew it like the back of their hands.

Bear gave them all sections of the house to scope out. They were all paired just in case something happened. Bear was with Ink and they had to scope out the front of the warehouse.

They would use hand signals to let each other know if an area was clear or which direction they needed to move. They even had earpieces so they could communicate with the others.

When they had finally made it into the rotten building, it was dark and dusty. It looked as though it was an old office place before it was abandoned.

It was very silent. Too silent for Bear liking. When Ink spotted a hallway, they started their way down it being very quiet and checking every corner they could see.

As they were walking Bear noticed one room with light shine through the small corners of it. Bear tapped Inks' shoulder and motioned towards the door. He earned a nod before moving close to it.

Bear was standing at an angle in front of the door while Ink stood next to it against the wall. Ink reached over and grabbed the door nob. He let it swing open before Bear rushes in with his gun up.

No one was in there but the sight made his head spin. There had to of been hundreds of pictures of Haisley tacked to the walls of that office. This person was truly obsessed with Haisley.

"What the fuck is this?" Ink asks as he walks in after him, closing the door behind them. He couldn't believe the sight either. This person had pictures from when Haisley was back at her family home, having a picnic with her family.

"This is some crazy shit" Ink walks closer to the walls and examines a few of the photos. All of them were taken from a distance. Just as they were about to dig through stuff they heard knuckles through the earpiece telling them to come to the basement. They found someone.

"We will come back after we finish this shit" Bear was beyond pissed. He old lady had been stalked for years and never knew anything about it. This was just sickening to him.

Ink and Bear quickly and quietly left the office and easily found their way to the basement. They opened the door to see his brothers standing around a badly beaten body.

"Who is it?" Bear asks as he walks even closer and to his surprise it was Boyd. He could see him breathing so he knew it was alive but barely. Boyd was unconscious so he wasn't any use to them.

"Fuck. Knuckles, Dagger. Take him back to the compound. He needs medical attention. We can handle the rest" he orders his brothers and as much as they wanted to disagree it was a person's life on the line.

Once they had made it out of their safely Bear and the rest of his brother continued their search for the stalker. It had felt like hours searching for the stalker but one of his brothers said they heard Haisleys voice coming from a room upstairs.

Bear knew she was at the compound so he was very confused as to why his brother heard her voice. They all headed up the stairs and followed the sweet sound of his old ladies voice.

The door where the voice was coming from was creaked open a little. All of his brothers gathered around the door before Ink slams into open with full force. The sight they got was definitely not something they were expecting.

It was a messy hair blond lady. She had an old TV connected to a VCR box and on the screen was Haisley walking around what looked like a mall. "Isn't she beautiful. She is so elegant, sweet, smart. No one deserves her" the lady's voices sound like broken glass. They knew she hadn't really talked in a while.

Agony stormed in a ripped the VCR from the TV making the women stand from her chair. They know had a full view of her. She was clean but looked as though she hadn't slept for days on end. Her hands were trembling terribly, while her gaze bounced from each brother.

They could all see the crazy in her eyes. "Why did you do that?! Now I can't watch my Angel!" The lady yells at Agony as she runs her hand over the black screen of the TV. She then moved back and grabbed the closet sharp object and darted directly towards Agong.

Thankfully his reflex kicked in and he moved before she could stab him. "Why are you killing her family?" Bear asks as he grabs the arm of the lady and snatched the object from her hand.

"Because She's mine"

Bear and Haisley  |T.W #1|Where stories live. Discover now